Teenager Relationship in Blackberries in June

Categories: RelationshipTeenager

“Blackberries in June” by Ron Rash is a short story about a young couple that takes place in Seneca, South Carolina. Matt and Jamie are a couple who have been together since high school and they live in a house on the lake. Matt and Jamie’s lake house is something that they have worked hard for to get, and bought it all on their own. During the course of their teenage years, they had to make many sacrifices and hard decisions to get to the point they are now.

Some issues have been occurring with their family life for the past few years and now more than ever, they have to decide whether to keep pursuing their dreams or help the family out. In the story there are several values brought up and each character presents a new topic. A value Linda thinks is important is not quite important to Matt. Each character thinks something different is of most importance in their lives.

Matt and Jamie are the couple in the story who have worked hard to be successful.

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Their house on the lake was bought a few years ago while they were still young. This house however needed a lot of fixing up. These two characters value their house, money and most importantly each other. Matt and Jamie constantly are working on their lake house; some members of their family are not supportive but some others are. Matt and Jamie have been planning their life together as a couple ever since they were in high school and made goals for themselves to make their dreams happen.

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Matt reminds Jamie after bad visit to her grandmother’s house that this is what they have always dreamed of.

Updated: Feb 20, 2023
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Teenager Relationship in Blackberries in June. (2016, May 24). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/teenager-relationship-in-blackberries-in-june-essay

Teenager Relationship in Blackberries in June essay
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