Summary of Spiderman Far From Home

Categories: Superheroes

In this entry, I will give a brief summary of Spiderman Far From Home from my perspective. However, before you read this, keep in mind that this may have spoilers. So, make sure you've watched or know about the movie, before jumping in. Spiderman Far From Home, is based on Spiderman's school trip around Europe. So, in order to make the story easier to follow along, I broke it up into three parts based on the places his class trip visited: Venice, Italy, Prague, the Czech Republic, and London, England.

At the first location, Peter bought a gift for Michelle Jones, the girl he likes, but he wasn't able to give it to her because a monster attack on the city. A monster smashed into the city, and Peter quickly tried to save his friends, but he failed miserably.

However, a weird superhero nobody had seen before, saved everyone. Later in that part of the movie, we can see that Spiderman and the unknown superhero, Mysterio, get together and agree on fighting the monsters together.

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During the second part, which happened at Prague, the Czech Republic, Spiderman and Mysterio team up against another monster. Later in that part, Spiderman and Michelle Jones discover that Mysterio is actually a bad guy by looking at a projector Michelle found during the battle against the monster. Spiderman tries to tell warn Nick Fury, but Mysterio stops him. During the third part, which happens when Spiderman's classmates arrive at London, Mysterio tries to kill Spiderman, but he ends up dying.

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We later see how Spiderman is able to give Michelle Jones her present. Spiderman was super happy until, a video on the news told everybody that he had killed Mysterio on purpose and also showed his real identity to everyone.

In this entry, I will explain the parts from Spiderman Far From Home, that made me laugh the hardest. In reality, there were tons of parts that made me laugh, but I think that the three I chose were the funniest. The first scene, occurred after everybody got off the plane in Venice, Italy. Meanwhile Peter had the worst time of his life on the plane ride, his friend, Ned, had the best time of his life. Because Peter's friend, Ned, had sat the whole plane ride next to Betty Brant, Ned and Beatty actually ended up becoming a pretty happy couple. What made me laugh so hard, was when Peter found out about their relationship. The second scene, which made made me burst into laughter, occurred during the monster attack in Venice, Italy. Peter attempted to save his friends from the monster several times, but failed miserably. Each time he was about to attack the monster, a giant bell hit him. It was so funny to see the unrealistic amount of times he was hit by the giant bell. The last scene, occurred at Peter's hotel room. Peter and Nick Fury were talking about super secret stuff, and they didn't want anybody to listen or interrupt them. However, that didn't go so well, as multiple people opened the door to the room and interrupted them. The reason this was super funny to me was because I had never seen Nick Fury so enraged before.

Although I do think Spiderman Far From Home was really successful in many aspects, it does contain stuff that I did not like. In this section, I will explain the characteristics that I think made the film both good and bad. The way Peter and M.J. acted was one of the main reasons I loved this movie so much. Not only did I like how the actors acted, but I also think their performances brought more feeling and humor to the movie. The second characteristic that gave this movie an extra bonus, was Mysterio. I've always read about Mysterio in my comics, but I had never seen him in an actual movie. I think the actor does an excellent job acting as the villain. As I mentioned above, Spiderman Far From Home is really good for many reasons, but it also had stuff that I did not like. In my opinion, I think that other movies Spiderman has played in, had a lot more action than this one. Take Infinity War for example. If I were to compare how much action there was between Spiderman Far From Home and Infinity War, you would notice a big difference. The second characteristic that I didn't like about this movie, was how slow it was! Not only was it kind of annoying, but it also affected the amount of action in the movie. Because it started really slow, they had to cram all the action onto the end of the movie.

In this entry, I will state my final thoughts about the film, Spiderman Far From Home. From all Spiderman movies Marvel has produced, I have to say this one is my favorite. I believe the creators made a huge improvement over Spiderman Homecoming. I also believe the creators put forth a lot of effort in making this film. Not only did they come up with an awesome plot, but they also added an epic twist to the story using the super villain, Mysterio. I liked that they grabbed the friendly neighborhood Spiderman, and used him for a much bigger purpose. I was really surprised to see how Spiderman Far From Home increased the level of humor dramatically over Spiderman Homecoming. I have to admit, I did laugh a lot with Spiderman Homecoming, but not nearly as much as I did with this one.

Although this film did have stuff that disappointed me, considering everything else, I believe the results came out mostly positive. I have to say, the film was pretty slow and lacked a lot of action. However, Peter, Michelle Jones, and Mysterio gave this movie an extra bonus. Spiderman Far From Home is superior to Spiderman Homecoming, but they both go really well together. If I would rate this movie from one to five, I would definitely go with a four out of five or even higher. And remember, if your one of the people who never watched this film, it's never too late to watch it.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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