The primary purpose of this research was to improve the multiplication skills of Grade IV pupils of Kanggahan Elementary School through the use of different drill cards. The respondents of the study were 30 selected Grade IV pupils School who got the lowest score in the Pretest in M2 Window Drill Cards and had low mastery skills in multiplication facts. The study made used of descriptive comparative research design. The salient findings of the study showed: First, through Project DRILLS, the selected pupils were able to improve their multiplication skills as shown by the result of posttest: Mean-; 24.

73 SD-4.8 and MPS -82.43. Before conducting the program, the pupils' mean score in the pre- test was 9.52, SD-5.86 with a mean percentage score of 31.73. Second, the pupils' mean score had significantly improved by 50.70 after conducting the intervention program which proves that Project DRILLS was very effective. Based from these results, the proponents recommend that 1) To continuously implement PROJECT DRILLS as a channel to improve numeracy skills of the pupils and resolve mathematics difficulties of the pupils in any grade level.

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2) Teachers need to be equipped with appropriate instructional materials that had been proven successful. 3) Routine instruction should be given to develop mastery of the four fundamental operations in math. 4) Standard Operating Procedure Manual should be prepared for a more organize and systematic implementation of the program.

Keywords: intervention program, pretest-posttest, numeracy skills, routine instruction


The completion of this undertakings could not have been possible without the participation and assistance of grade four teachers and pupils.

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Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.

Foremost to Dr. Diana G. Liveta, our school principal, for her support and guidance in putting all these ideas into concrete.

Above all, to the Great Almighty, the author of knowledge and wisdom for His countless love.


Basic multiplication facts are considered to be the foundation for further advancement in mathematics. Mastery of basic multiplication facts will enable the pupils to focus on more difficult tasks such as problem solving and others and without the ability to recall facts from memory, the higher-order processing in problem solving will be hindered.

As a mathematics teacher, the researcher noticed that many of the pupils especially in grade six class are having a hard time in answering questions involving multiplication skills . They find difficulty in solving multiplication of decimals, fraction, and finding the area because of having difficulties in multiplication. It revealed that the least learned competencies had something to do with multiplication.

Marzano's research (2010) on learning to multiply and teaching multiplication facts, found out that the reasons why pupils failed to master multiplication basic facts are because the pupils have insufficient practice and perceived that the task seems so daunting. Pupils take a defeatist attitude through previous lack of schooling success or the size of the task (100 facts). He suggested that teacher should encourage pupils and provide plenty of practice.

Based on the study conducted by Sibenik (2010), she cited that multiplication can be taught to students in creative and enjoyable ways. As a teacher, it is important to know that multiplication concepts are taught in ways that students can successfully grasp the understandings and build on previous knowledge as well as gain new knowledge. Students should be given the opportunity to work in small groups as they learn the multiplication skill through their interaction with one another. There are numerous drills and strategies available to teach these subjects to the students. In terms of developing the proper skills to work through the problems, it is essential that the students are given as much practice time as possible to work through the questions.

According to Baroody, Bajwa and Eiland (2009), instant recall of basic math facts involves learning the facts in a constructive and meaningful manner. They concluded one should be able to make connections between the math expression and its response. Cognitive Ability and Anxiety Memorizing and understanding basic multiplication facts is essential to a student's continued growth in math.

In fact, Caron (2007) affirmed that when automaticity is developed with math facts, it frees up working memory, allowing students to perform more advanced problem-solving tasks.

Baroody et al. (2009) supported Caron's claim that memorizing basic facts is imperative for future success with advanced math courses. Students are not taught basic math facts and are not given the opportunity to practice repeatedly over a long period of time; therefore, they may face obstacles when it comes to building fluency and automaticity.

Pupil's mastery in basic multiplication fact is one of the biggest problems in the school and mostly the main factor why Math is considered as a very difficult subject.

As for this reason, the researcher will conduct this action research to test the effectiveness of Project DRILLS to improve the multiplication skills of Grade Four pupils of Kanggahan Elementary School using drill cards. It is also the grade level where the National Achievement Test in Mathematics is given.

The researcher believes that grade four pupils should know how to multiply. They should have a deeper understanding and comprehension of the multiplication process to perform more advances problem-solving tasks. Proper training and repetitive practice must occur to ensure a pupil's success in building fluency and automaticity with math facts. Having a solid understanding of multiplication is an essential skill that will help them to understand these mathematical concepts more easily.


This Action Research will be beneficial to the teachers to improve instruction resulting to higher academic performance of the Grade 4 pupils in Mathematics using drill cards.

The Utilization of Project DRILLS will be included in classroom instruction every Monday- Wednesday and Friday using M-1 and M-2 Window drill cards and on Tuesday and Thursday, flashcards will be utilized to develop routines to the grade four pupils most especially to the learners with low mastery skills in multiplication facts.

This research will provide grade four teachers with an idea of the most effective method of practicing multiplication facts for students.


The main purpose of this action research was to improve the multiplication skills of grade four pupils in Kanggahan Elementary School.

Specifically, this action research aimed to answer the following questions:

The main purpose of this action research was to improve the multiplication skills of grade four pupils of Kanggahan Elementary School.

Specifically, this action research aimed to answer the following questions:

What is the performance of the grade four pupils in multiplication skills before the conduct of Project DRILLS?

What is the performance of the pupils in multiplication skills after Project DRILLS?

Is there a difference between the pretest and posttest result?


Scope and Limitation

This action research dealt with the improvement of the pupils' multiplication skills in grade four this SY 2019-2020.

The respondents of the study were the Grade IV pupils of Kanggahan Elementary School who got the lowest score in the Pretest in M-2 Window Drill Cards which were given by the researcher before the conduct of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

After permission was granted by the School Principal, the researcher together with the teacher adviser of grade four pupils administered the pretest to all grade four pupils. The grade section who got the lowest score in the pretest were the respondents of the study.

The researcher made a conference with the parents about the study to ask permission and inform them about the mechanics of the study.

The respondents were exposed on the M-1 and M-2 Window drill cards and flashcards as an intervention in improving their multiplication skills. This intervention was used as a 1 to 3-minute drill during the math class.

Posttest was administered after the study was conducted. Their scores were tallied and interpreted by the researcher to determine whether there is a significant difference on their mean score in the pretest and posttest.

Data Analysis Plan

Statistically, the problems of the study were answered by the following data gathered by the researcher.

Level of academic performance of the pupils based on the pre-test and post test results.

Paired t-Test was used to know the significant difference between the Pre-Test and Post-Test Results.

M-2 Window Drill Cards were used in this study to determine the score of the respondents in the pretest and posttest.


  1. Project DRILLS is an effective intervention program based from the result of the pretest and posttest.
  2. Difficulties on the numeracy skills can be resolve using appropriate intervention, instructional materials and dedicated teachers.
  3. Teachers need to be equipped with materials that have been proven to be successful.
  4. School should allocate budget for the creation of modules and other instructional materials for math.


  1. National Education Testing and Research Center(NETRC). (November 5, 2015).
  2. Booth, Lange, Koedinger, & Newton, 2013. Procedural Fluency. ( retrieved November 5, 2015).
  3. XtraMath. (2009-2014). Help kids master basic math facts. Retrieved from Worksheets. (n.d.). com/Multiplication/Advanced_Times_Tables_Drill.html


  1. Everyday Mathematics (2002). Ohio:SRA/McGraw-Hill.


  1. Mauro, D., LeFevre, J., & Morris, J. (2003). Effects of problem format on division and multiplication performance: Division facts are mediated via multiplication-based representations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 29(2), 163-170.
Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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