Most spectacular studying about IV episode of Star Wars

Categories: Star WarsStudying

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… These words are the most recognizable for people of all ages. Our parents, in 1977, were waiting for the premiere of the Star Wars episode with a huge desire. Even now this film didn’t lose its popularity and value in contrast to lots of others today’s films. It is hard to imagine but, when the film appeared on the screens of cinemas almost 40 years ago, critics were talking about its closure failure and inadequacy.

However, the film gained huge popularity and broke all the limits of human’s minds. Let’s find out why it still happens now, in a very modern 21st century.

Firstly, the Star Wars presented itself as the film of New Age, as the boundless fantasy world with sophisticated machines and technologies. Ok, don’t judge, in 1977 it seemed like that, and even now some cinema productions can’t make at least the same high-quality picture.

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But the big attention of mine was turned to a quantity of ‘eternal themes’ in a film. George Lucas (stage manager, producer and the author of the idea) contrasted and successfully joined fiction with the reality. I mean, the war between good and evil, the problem of children and their parents, humans, and robots, how to become Someone from and with nothing. But first primary things.

Well, good and evil. Can some topic be more ‘overrode’? No, this one has no opponents. But how efficiently crew and actors showed us it? Where else did we know about the Empire, the Death Star, all those Jedi knights and their students who were studying how to find the secret way of the Jedi? It was, and it is a brand new genre of science-fiction films.

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What about the problem between children and parents (mentors)? I mean, the betrayal, the situation of how the Darth Vader became the one. How people easily lead themselves the way they want to, not counting with desires and lives of others. All these things are popular in society now more than ever before. Also, the New Hope strongly pronounced us how powerless people are without robots and techniques. In addition to that C-3PO and R2D2 is that sight for sore eyes which is needed in such kind of blockbusters. They are fun, helpful and just cool.
Secondly, when we’re talking about becoming Someone, we have to remember about young Luke Skywalker. How did this boy live in a poor God-forsaken desert with his aunt and uncle, and how did he understand that his destiny is more than he has ever thought about – he was born to become a powerful Jedi Knight, a man who would save all the Galaxy from the dark conqueror. By the way, such topic as the myth of the hero’s destiny is a quite old thing, too. It’s like a burden which a person should carry wants he or not. Here where the main conflict appears: the one between the brave but outgunned Rebel Alliance and the strong Galactic Empire which serves as the background to the battle inside Luke’s soul: should he stay true to the noble but difficult way of the Jedi, or give up to his anger and desire for revenge and go to the dark side of the Force?

Thirdly, we cannot keep silent about all other heroes of the Star Wars episode. Guys without who film would be not like that. Obi Wan Kenobi – who was like a Godfather for Luke, his protector and mentor, princess Leia, who was that needed inspiration for fighters, Han Solo and Chui, that strength and positiveness which was necessary for watchers of the film.

Being for us now as a very old film, having funny special effects, from time to time, this movie will always remain its uniqueness, popularity, sincerity, and ingenuousness. The film Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope is a good start for each searcher, for the person who has questions and is searching for the answers, because, as it was mentioned before, main problems of the film will stay essential and inescapable for lots and lots years after us. We highly recommend you to watch this masterpiece.


  • “Plot.” IMDb,, .
  • “A Padawan's Analysis of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.” Grand Blog Tarkin, 25 Nov. 2012, .
  • Kuntzman, Gersh. “Here Are the Plot Summaries for All the 'Star Wars' Movies.” NY Daily News, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, 3 Dec. 2015, .

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Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Most spectacular studying about IV episode of Star Wars essay
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