Social Networking: A powerful tool

Have you noticed how our world is different and how it has completely changed to adapt itself? Over the last few years, a new world was introduced to our society: Social Networking. While some people see it as a dangerous weapon, which it can in the wrong hands, I see it as a helpful and very useful tool. What does social networking mean to you? If you think it’s only Facebook, then maybe it's time to expand your definition and idea, so you have an idea of how powerful Social Network can be.

Our world has had to adapt itself so it was able to catch up with this rapid new social level.

Many of them allow people to make changes on a personal as well as global level, but we need to use and make it right. Introducing technology. How did it all start? Ten years ago the Internet hadn’t had its big invasion, as it was still the beginning of this new world, there wasn’t much investment in it (usually social networks then failed).

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Fast-forwarding a few years and the world was open handed to a new concept of the Internet; social networking.

Thanks to the development of technology and the demand increase, MySpace,Facebook,Linkedln (later on Twitter) were all created and launched to our screens in 2003 -2004. Every day they became more and more popular and shared worldwide. People were becoming the web, which meant that they were sharing their opinions and information’s online, making Social Network develop its name.

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With this, Social Network was helping the world grow, as it is now, and turn into this amazing “instrument”.

This growth is shown through what we do and what we can do with Social Network (an example would be how a video can change the world, showing us how the Social Network can pass it around through all countries, like KONY 2012). Moreover, Social Network connects people worldwide and allows people to meet in a different way. Have you ever thought how amazing it is when you talking to someone who is on the other side o the world in just instants? It’s surreal that with these new ways you can talk to people and meet new people from wherever and whenever. Your range of friends is unlimited! Read why education is the most powerful weapon

You can enter dating sites, you can travel with people from other parts of the world and still keep in contact through facebook, and the list goes on and on. Also, you can share more information with your own friends and keep them updated on what you are up to. Some may say it can be dangerous to share information and put up pictures on facebook and other Social Network sites, however, you can keep yourself from this danger by managing you security details and putting only what you want to show, letting yourself socialize in a private way. The most recent update in this world is within the mobile use.

Since I have owned a phone, which allows me to search around Social Networks sites, I have definitely used it more and I can say that each day it’s easier to connect with people permitting me, and others, to expand our horizons! Furthermore, Social Network has had a huge impact on companies, schools, employment, musicians and individuals (workers and sellers) helping them through advertisement and sell their products. As statistics show, Facebook has estimated 750,000,000 monthly visitors and Twitter estimated 250,000,000 monthly visitors, which must help immensely in the market.

A new way of advertising was introduced to the market and has helped many through various different ways. Companies are now using Social Networks, such as Facebook, to advertise their products which has increased immensely on there selling in past years. Also, some teachers use Social Network, such as edmodo and gmail, as a communication tool to help with the learning of students. It can be used for questions, quizzes, homework’s and a way to clear out doughts. How could it be better?

Recent trends indicate that 47% of American adults use social networks and it has shown that social network services provide opportunities within professional education, curriculum education, and learning. Musicians are also an important section to discuss as they have contributed in a great way. Through the velocity that news spread around in Social Networking more and more musicians were able to show their talent and get a job out of it, thanks to you users of the social world. A worldwide example would be Justin Bieber, I am sure you all have heard of him.

Lastly, your use in Social Network can be more helpful than you think. If people have an idea that can help the world or people in anyway, it becomes so much easier to spread the word, such as the 12year old girl’s speech in rio+10. Also, It Gets Better and Trevor’s Project are a major influence on both teenagers and Adults who suffer from bullying and depression. Social Network interacts hugely and in these times is a massive help, such as allowing these teenagers to talk to each other and try to help each other, saving lives. The impact on people is inspiring and impressive.

In addition, you can take social actions, through volunteering, donating and more all over the world. Social network only helps but don’t forget you are the one to make it work. In conclusion, if we allow Social Network into our lives, we have a very powerful tool in our hands. While some may say it’s scary, I fight for it and I believe it has had a major help in our world and has helped in various ways. With this I can say that Social Network is used worldwide and immensely, meaning it has a very powerful effect on people and is powerfully used.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Social Networking: A powerful tool. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

Social Networking: A powerful tool essay
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