Smoking Should Be Banned

Categories: HealthSmoking

In this essay I am writing to persuade you to accept my opinion that smoking is an addictive drug which should be banned. Smoking is the act of inhaling and exhaling tobacco smoke through a cigarette or cigar. The drug has hundreds of disadvantages and no advantages for its many users around the world. Some of these disadvantages include the fact that it does irreversible damage to your health, it kills many people who don’t even smoke and it costs a lot of money to do.

It is for these very significant reasons that I think smoking must be made illegal worldwide. It is without a doubt that smoking is detrimental to your health.

This is evident the fact that smoking kills over 6 million people every single year. This is more deaths than AIDS, car crashes, alcohol, drug abuse, fires, suicides and murders combined. A few of the thousands of deadly diseases caused by smoking are various types of cancers, cardiovascular diseases and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

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Some of the 200 chemicals which make each cigarette so lethal are Cadmium used in batteries, methane found in sewer gas, nicotine used in insecticide, arsenic found in poison, methanol used in rocket fuel and finally Butane which is found in lighter fluid.

It makes no sense that something this damaging to one’s health should be legal anywhere in the world. Smoking does not only affect smokers, it affects everyone around them as well. 6 hundred thousand non-smokers die each after inhaling someone else’s second hand tobacco smoke, found on streets, in homes and at parks.

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Statistics show that unwanted second hand tobacco smoke unfairly caused 28% of all children deaths in 2004. I truly believe all people should have the right to a healthy, safe and second hand smoke free environment.

Cigarette packet prices may be increasing but this is by no means bringing down sales or making addicted smokers any richer. It is estimated that the average smoker spends up to five thousand dollars every year on smoking not including the thousands of dollars spent on operations such heart operations and the other medical needs of many smokers. This kind of money could be better spent on things like family holidays, taxes and bills, a cheap car or starting a small business.

If smoking where made illegal it would encourage people to spend money on much more useful and important things. Smoking painfully kills over six million addicted smokers every single year. Smoking unfairly murders thousands of non-smokers due to its deadly second hand smoke. Finally smoking costs the average smoker over five thousand dollars per year which could be spent on many much more essential things like family and health. It is for these reasons that smoking should be officially banned worldwide just like all other addictive and deadly drugs.

Why Government Should Ban Tobacco

Its 9 centimetres long, covered in thin white paper, has 599 ingredients to it and eliminates roughly 47,000 individuals in Canada alone, cigarettes. In today's society cigarette use has become popular, because of reasons such as media influence, peer pressure, and/or stress. But individuals are getting affected and pushed into the wrong thing and utilizing the false treatment for their health conditions, what they're in fact doing is digging their own tomb, well at least that's what 4.93 million Canadians are doing to their selves. Every year the Canadian Federal government is passing numerous laws to the general public to safeguard the individuals of the nation. But one law that the Canadian government has yet to hand down might be the law that could save the most lives, that law is prohibiting the production of cigarettes to the Canadian public. I strongly feel that the Canadian Federal government must ban cigarettes because of the fact that it's hazardous to the economy, to the Canadian individuals, and the environment.

Firstly the federal government ought to illegalize production of cigarettes due to the fact that it's hazardous to individuals who smoke and the ones around them. Every cigarette has an addictive drug called nicotine in them, nicotine is among the most powerful drugs known to male, and it reaches the brain faster than drugs that enter the body intravenously. Cigarettes consist of an enormous quantity of chemicals and poisons such as formaldehyde, ammonia, and/or arsenic. These chemicals in a cigarette can trigger; cancer, lung disease, and heart problems. Not just are smokers harming themselves however their likewise harming the people around them, who choose not to smoke, it's unfair to the non-smokers that despite the fact that they prevent cigarettes they're still damaged by the harmful negative effects that cigarettes carry. Used smoke is the smoke that rises from a cigarette into the air, and when we breathe air around a smoker the smoke enters into our body.

What people don’t understand is that the smoke that there’s more than meets the eye in the cigarette smoke, inside that smoke is over 4000 chemicals in that smoke, and once we breathe the air, over 4000 chemicals enter our body and cause harm. A prime example are unborn babies they are the biggest culprits to getting second hand smoke from their mothers, when a mother smokes during her pregnancy it causes defects to the child. According to the American Lung Association smoking during pregnancy causes 20-30 percent of all low-birth weight babies, it also accounts for 14% of preterm deliveries, and 10 percent of all infant deaths. People think that second hand smoke is a myth, and that it does nothing, but second hand smoke kills 3470 people from just heart diseases, and 347 die from lung cancer.

It’s time that the government takes action and protects the people of their country from cigarettes, and it’s not fair that people’s lives are jeopardized because of other people’s actions. Due to all the harm that cigarettes are causing to the public, the government now is forced to spend more money on health care to help revive the patients that suffer from cigarette related diseases. Government and people argue that cigarettes shouldn’t be banned because of the tax money cigarettes bring in to the government. But these people aren’t looking at the big picture, and don’t realise that the health care treatments that are required for smokers is costing the government just as much, 4.4 billion dollars to be exact. If the government banned the usage of cigarettes this money could be used towards better purposes that would benefit the Canadian population as a whole. Another aspect of how smokers affect the economy is in the work environment. It’s argued that employers spend more money on smokers than non-smokers.

Statistics show that smokers do not attend work often, and are lazy at their jobs, this is the side effects of cigarettes, the harmful ingredients in the cigarette causes the human body to be more tired and out of breath faster than the non-smoker, and this could be fatal for a company if the employees aren’t working to their best level. Also a smoker receives more health insurance than a non-smoker does because of the health threat they are. Individuals can save their own money if they stop buying cigarettes. On average a pack of cigarettes cost $9.50 and if you smoked one pack once a week that’d mean that you spend $38 a month on cigarettes in 50 years the grand total for the expenses of the cigarettes would be $22,800; so instead of using $22,800 to kill yourself rather you could spend it towards a new car, or a down payment on a house. Last but not least cigarettes are effecting the environment negatively.

Today if you walk around almost anywhere you see cigarette filters all over the floors, at first they look harmful but people don’t realize the fact that they’re destroying our earth. The cigarette filters are a non-biodegradable material which means that they won’t just go away they’ll just pile up on the ground, and essentially will become a pile of litter. Also they are a huge threat to wild life, because the chemicals that are present in the filters will be lethal to an animal when they eat it assuming it was food. The great amount of carbon monoxide that cigarettes release is polluting our air and if cigarettes were banned by the Canadian government that’d mean 4.93 million Canadians wouldn’t be polluting our earth anymore, rather they’d be sustaining our land. Therefore the government should be banning cigarettes because it’s harmful to our earth.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Smoking Should Be Banned. (2016, Sep 12). Retrieved from

Smoking Should Be Banned essay
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