Scientific Exploration at the CBSE Science Exhibition

The two days Regional Level CBSE Science Exhibition with the theme "Science & Technology for Challenges in Life" was hosted by Essar International School on 16-17th August. The event saw young enthusiastic participants from different parts of Gujarat and Rajasthan putting up 72 participatory exhibits comprising of innovative working models and investigation based projects.

The programme was inaugurated by Col. Kannan, a dignitory of Essar Management. He was very impressed by the presentations and congratulated the participants.

The exhibits by the different schools were indeed eye openers on various topics related to Green Energy, Innovation in Transport , Communication, Agriculture, Technology, Bio- diversity, Community Health , Environment & Mathematical Modeling.

With an endeavor to promote scientific attitude among budding young students, this exhibition was one of its kind.

As the host team, Essar School students participated only for the spirit of participation, sharing and learning and not in the competitive section. In the Valedictory Function organized on 17th August, the eminent judges comprising of Dr.

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R. Krishnamurthy (Director and Professor – Bhagwan Mahavir College), Dr V. Kumar ( A Research Scientist and Head of Cotton at Main Cotton Research station at Navsari Agricultural University). Prof. Niteen Patel (Head of Electronics and Communication Department, SVNIT) and Dr. R. A Christian (Associate Professor and Dean-Faculty Welfare, SVNIT) gave their judgement after inspecting each project on their own merit. The best 15 schools were selected and now they will compete at the National Level. All the participants were presented with certificates and momentos. The students of the host school also portrayed rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan and Gujarat enacted a Nukkad Natak on
water conservation for the audience.

The judges applauded the students for their novel ideas which would help the world to become a much better place to live in.

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Mrs. Sunita Matoo, Principal, Essar International School, thanked all the participating teams for making this event a success and appreciated their novel projects. She also summed up the true essence of this exhibition by saying ‘science gives us tools of immense power and as with any other form of power, the misuse is always a possibility. It therefore, becomes incumbent on us to become judicious and use these wonders with utmost care’.

Students from many schools of Navsari, Bharuch and Surat had come to view the projects which in turn proved to be a learning experience for them.

Click here for Photographs and Movie.

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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Scientific Exploration at the CBSE Science Exhibition. (2016, Apr 06). Retrieved from

Scientific Exploration at the CBSE Science Exhibition essay
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