School Organization

The school organization is the arrangement of the school in a group of people that work together to accomplish group goals. The organization refers to the form of the enterprise or institution and the arrangement of the human and material resources functioning in a manner to achieve the objectives of the enterprise. It represents two or more than two people respectively specializing in functions of each perform, working together towards a common goal as governed by formal rules of behaviour.

The administration is concerned with the determination of corporate policy and the overall coordination of production, distribution and finance.

The management is referring to the execution of policy within the limits which are established by administration and the employment of the organization. According to Sheldon, “Organization is the formation of an effective machine; management, of an effective executive; administration of an effective direction. Administration defines the goal; management strives towards it. Organization is the machine of management in its achievement of the ends determined by administration.

” The school organization is very important to present the issue that affect the school as a whole such as the drawing up syllabus for the teachers, the locations of the rooms and the organized schedule.

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How a school is organized is a matter for the staff to specify, and a school’s organization should reflect the teacher’s commitment to the success of all students. Every aspect of the instructional program will convey the goals and values of the teachers towards students and their learning.

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A school aiming to improve the student performance must develop a reasoned approach.

The high learning level of students is determined by the way of study of the students. They can choose which styles they want weather by teams or houses. If they comfortable by teams, the teacher will divide them into several groups and they will have their own peer. For those who prefer the house’s style, the teacher will cooperate with the parents to make sure that the student’s achievement increase, but the house’s style is more challenging due to the parents need to spend more time with their children. The wise deployment of the space for the students is very crucial that lead to a safe and positive environment.

For example, an art class should be wider as the students need their own space to create a creative project. Furthermore, it is easy for the students to walk and if it is safe, the students will feel secure to walk alone. Based on the research done, small schools yield better result than the big one. This suggests that, the teachers at the large school can improved their teaching style by dividing their students in subunit. The numbers of the class should be increase as it helps student to understand more about the topics and the teachers can concentrate on their students within the group.

The schedule should be more organized as it is the main factors that lead to the student’s achievement. As for me, the long hour learning is not very good as the students and the teachers need to have rest. The long hour learning session will lead to less focusing of the students. Then, as a result, they cannot answer the question test. The main characteristic of these approaches is that they organize instructional time into longer blocks than the traditional pattern, thus allowing teachers and students greater flexibility in how they use their time.

With longer blocks of time, students can embark on projects that would be difficult to complete in only several hours. Teachers accustomed to relying on lecturing find that they need to vary their approach under block scheduling, enabling students to engage in deeper and more sustained exploration of content. There are several implications of different levels of school. The levels of school can be classified into three which are the elementary school, middle school and high school. The elementary school is an institution where children receive the first stage of academic learning known as elementary or primary education.

At this point, the students are very innocent and just accept all the knowledge that has been given by the teachers. They did not think critically and just on the surface of the chapter. This organization is very crucial so that the students will not be shocked to learn and they can understand easily. Elementary school-age kids benefit from regularly hearing about persistence. So, teach them different ways to talk about problem solving such as, “I won’t quit,” and “I can do it,” and “It is always the hardest at the first, but it will get easier.

” Borba also suggest that we need to maintain the families overall attitude by always support each other. That will not just build a positive thinking in the student’s mind but also tighten the bond of family relationship. Finally, we can tell the stories either from our own life or we can ask the school librarian to recommend books about the characters who manage to succeed despite the obstacles. The second level is middle school. The middle school is defines as the period in student’s life that take place after elementary school and before high school.

The school organization takes places in order to shape the students attitude so that they are not easily influenced by any bad things. Students at this period in their lives experience rapid physical, emotion and intellectual growth, matched in scope only by the first three years of life; they are experiencing fast and sometimes confusing changes. Middle schools therefore, must provide both stability and stimulation, respecting the student age-related concerns. The students tend to try new things in their life.

So, maybe with the additional class for the some problematic students would be better so that they will use their time wisely. Furthermore, the school also can organise a sport day once a month, so that the students will have a healthy life style. Their brain can have a good process thinking and the heart beat fast to pump the blood. The third level is high school is an institution that provides a secondary education. Scheduling is the main aspect of school organization at the high school level. The students need to manage their time wisely so that they can have a successful result as the high school is more challenging.

Many high schools have by now use the form of block scheduling, in which students need to attend three to four classes rather than seven to nine. Block scheduling is advantageous because it provides longer instructional time and more opportunities for engaged learning. Block scheduling tends to improve the school climate with fewer discipline problems and greater students commitment to the work. In a nutshell, a school organization is very crucial as it enhances the students learning. The school organizational pattern improves the efficiency and qualification of work of the students and teachers.

http://tweenparenting. about. com/od/educationissues/f/DefofMiddleSchool. htm (jennifer o’donnel http://www. greatschools. org/improvement/volunteering/19-easy-ways-to-help. gs http://www. greatschools. org/students/academic-skills/2430-teaching-persistence-3rd-through-5th-grade. gs http://www. ascd. org/publications/books/102109/chapters/School-Organization. aspx http://edchat. blogspot. com/2011/01/scope-and-importance-of-school. html http://www. scribd. com/doc/30705481/School-Organization-and-Classroom-Mamagement.

Schools as Organisations

For little ones, early years education is vital as it allows parents and teachers to record their progress. There are many types of childcare to ensure this is possible. Such as nurseries and pre-schools. The best thing is these organisations provide free childcare, this is important because it means no child will go without. In September 2010, the hours of free entitlement were increased. This works as an advantage to both the parents and children in many ways. All children aged 3-4 years old in England have been granted free places in preschool settings since 2004.

The National Curriculum is a must for all schools which are state funded. However, it will vary according to the different key stages. Key stages 1-2 includes education in a more simple form. Key stages 3-4 encourage children to enlighten their level of understanding and broaden their horizons.

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There are schools that are:
State-funded – a school whose budget comes from the public sector Independent- a school that is independent in its finance and government Community schools- a school controlled by the local council, and not defined by religion or business Voluntary (controlled and aided)- a school where a foundation/trust has a formal influence in the management Foundation/Trust schools- a state-funded school in which the governing body has a greater say in the management Special needs Schools- a school that caters for less able children Home-schools- home -tutoring

Free schools- a school set up by the community according to their needs

Each and every independent school must register with the DFE (department for education) under the Education Act 2002. Before a school begins to function and starts to admit pupils, applications of it being a new school must be made.

Upon completion of GCSE exams, sweet 16 year olds are faced with many choices. Post 16 and 17: Depending on their GCSE results, they can decide to continue in full time education such as A.S and A Levels in either sixth form or at another local college, they may enrol as an apprentice, start a short course that is of interest to them and which will qualify them with an NVQ or a diploma or some may find a job or go into training.

Post 18: Higher education will begin with a three-year bachelors degree. Postgraduate degrees such as a masters degree and doctorates may be pursued. Job opportunities will be available at any stage.

The governing body’s purpose is to work with the school. Governors do not get involved in the day to day running of the school unless something very important requires their attention. Governing bodies work as a team and are there to direct and keep to the target of the School.

The governing body’s main role is to help boost standards of achievement. They are accountable for the performance of the school so therefore they will overlook and review regularly. It is vital that they carry out their jobs effectively in the interest of pupils, staff and also how the school is portrayed to the parents and the community.

The senior management team also known as the SMT usually consists of the head teacher and the deputy head. They may make changes but they must generally ensure that the school is running smoothly on a day-to-day basis and it is doing its utmost for the children that attend.

The special educational needs co-ordinators (SENCO) have a number of varied duties that they are responsible for. Ensuring interaction with parents and other professionals. Also making sure that the necessary information that is required about every child with SEN is gathered, recorded and updated.

The SENCO takes charge in further assessment of a child’s exact strengths and weaknesses. Together with co-workers, they plan and discuss arrangements for future support for the child and continuously overlooking and later
reviewing the motions in progress.

The main focus of classroom teachers is on the planning, preparing and teaching to acquire particular student results. Additional duties and responsibilities to the school programme are given to the teacher as he or she acquires increased experience.

An important role is played by the school support staff with the likes of social workers, family liaison officers, guidance counsellors, school psychologists amongst many other support staff in the building, to ensure that the setting and surrounding the children are learning in, is both emotionally and physically safe.

There are many external agencies that play various roles in school settings to help advance education and allow pupils to feel comfortable where they are learning. Some of these external roles are played by, OFSTED professionals, NHS and Health services, Healthcare professionals and educational psychologists.

- OFSTED professionals come and inspect the arrangements of safeguarding and care within the setting. They make sure that the school is accommodating a healthy and safe environment for the children to learn in and are following the national curriculum. They also ensure that all the staff are advanced and are up to date with the current training.

- The NHS and Health services support and supply schools with knowledge and information about medical viruses and outbreaks such as measles.
- Healthcare professionals such as speech and language therapists work with individual children with developmental needs.
- During education, young people can experience problems, to help, educational psychologists are available. They approach the problem in different ways either by carrying out additional research or tailored advice. They also help with problematic behaviour and stress management.

The ethos, missions, aims and values of a school should be implemented by
the staff as well as the students. An optimistic and positive environment must be portrayed as soon as someone walks in the school. Respect, kindness and equality must be upheld. Every school has a mission, in my former school (Biddenham Upper School) the motto is ‘Success for all’ this is the core and main purpose of the school. The ethos of a school should be evident upon entering the school, a friendly, vibrant atmosphere will contribute to the ethos of a particular school. The aims of a school are set out in the prospectus and are a collaboration between what the head, parents and community wants to achieve. In Biddenham the headteacher emphasises that it is a school which values everyone highly. The values in a school are centred around respect for others as well as yourself. in the U.K. laws and codes of practice affect work in schools. These laws support the well being of individual children. They are codes of practice that ensure protection, safety and effective working practices. For eg;

Education Act 2011 - makes prearrangements for childcare and education, training and apprenticeships
UN Convention on the rights of the child 1989; This act is based on the rights such as survival and development of each and every child worldwide as agreed and promised by their government.

Data Protection Act 2003; ensures the confidentiality of personal data of all employees and children. It must not be misused by anyone for personal gain.Information and data that are gathered may only be used if the Act allows it.

- Disability Discrimination Act 2006; introduced to prevent and cease all discrimination against people with disabilities, racial discrimination and sexism.
- The Children's Act 2004; introduced and implemented only in the United Kingdom to help local authorities and other organizations, in the best interests of children. It also aids in the best possible management of child-related crimes and crimes against children.

-Every Child Matters – government initiative launched in 2003
Other acts: Education and Inspection Act 2008, Childcare Act 2006, Special Educational Needs Code of Practise 2012, Human Rights Act 2004, Freedom of Information Act 2005, Equality Act 2010, School Standards and Framework Act 1998,

The previous legislations i have mentioned affect how schools work for the best interest of the children. For eg. due to the data protection act, schools can are required to keep all information secure and it can only be used according to what was originally agreed. Another eg. Is the disability discrimination act 1995 which will lead to disabled children not being discriminated against and which has also led to a rise in disabled children attending mainstream schools.

The Health and Safety executives (HSE) are U.K government bodies that ensure proper health and safety in the workforce as well as advice on health and safety issues and providing information on legislation. Their aim is to make sure that the educational professionals are prepared and are at hand when and if an emergency arises or a health and safety matter needs to be dealt with promptly. The HSE makes visits to schools for inspections to assess whether the school is appropriately providing suitable surroundings and grounds for the children to learn in.

School specific regulatory bodies such as OFSTED carry out inspections of educational facilities. This is done to prove that these facilities are meeting the laws and codes of practice in accordance to the legislation of the U.K. The individual OFSTED representatives will make their way around the entire school, gathering visual evidence as well as talking to students and teachers. After collecting all the information they require, the inspectors will then conclude and make a formal report, which will state the outcome of their opinion of the school. If the school doesn’t perform well, changes need to be made.

To protect the children and young people, policies and procedures are vital in a school setting. These are not only for children and young people but also for the adults that are working with them. It is mandatory for all
staff to have the knowledge of where the policies can be found in the school and become acquainted with them.

An anti bullying policy relates to staff, it will outline what a particular school will do to deter bullying, it entails how the school will discuss, monitor and deal with bullying. All parents/carers should receive this policy when their child enrols at the school. A pupil welfare policy will include a discipline policy: which will show that the school encourages positive behaviour which in turn provides opportunities for children to learn and nurture themselves. Teaching and learning policies will include curriculum policies, an early years policy, special educational needs policy, planning and assessment policy and marking policy. Equality, diversity and inclusion policy is set in place to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, abilities or disabilities, race or religious beliefs have equal access to the school and its curriculum as well as being treated equally. Parental engagement policies: parents and families play an important role in getting children to materialise their full potential into reality by helping them in their learning/developing within their own homes. By forming a link with the child’s school, parents can help to reinforce lessons that are learned at school.

The staff must familiarise themselves with the duties that they have committed themselves to. The school’s management team need to make sure that these policies are constantly overlooked and renewed. To keep a track on them they must be dated and updated, before being reviewed and approved by the governing body when it is drawn up for the final stage.

The local government sets the National Curriculum which is one of the most crucial work they carry out, amongst many other works such as staying safe and being healthy, gaining an economic well-being and making a positive contribution. As authoritative figures, they also provide research into programmes, to enhance education for children and young people as well as providing resources for education professionals.

The Local government have a range of duties to cover for schools in their own
area. The Local Education Authority (LEA) has the responsibility for encouraging community endurance, behaviour management, the advancement of school policies, the training and practice of staff and growth and special educational needs (SEN). When there are changes in the education policy, the LEA must notify the schools in their area and provide the training needed. The local authorities must verify their aims, visions and limits.

Policies regarding children, young people and their families must be in order and regularly updated in accordance to the law. The Every Child Matters structure has been applied for the development of schools. Schools must have their own policies set and must meet the standards of the national requirements. It is also obligatory to follow the LEA guidelines. If there are innovative ideas to help improve the national curriculum or policies then they are experimented with; some schools will be selected at random to put these new ideas to test. If it results in a positive outcome, then it will result in a new or improved policy.

There are many different organisations that work with children and young people, they work together and discuss their knowledge and experiences. After all the information is gathered they decide the most effective method to boost the learning experiences of children and young people. Links with Social Services will be established if the school stumbles upon information about any pupil or if it becomes a necessity to obtain further information. Children’s services work around the structure of Every Child Matters situations e.g. health, education, childcare, early years and Social services. Youth services work with children who are 14 years of age and above. There are many types of National Health services such as physiotherapists, speech and language therapist and occupational therapists who work in the secondary educational facilities. The NHS regularly promote health education and routine procedures.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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