Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Ethics

Crucial thinking and ethics tend to work together and are both utilized on an everyday basis in our decision-making process. Our personal ethics will play a part in our crucial thinking and its actions. Part of the vital believing procedure is to evaluate all of the information we have gleaned. Principles will instantly place themselves into that process. As we evaluate the info, our ethics will figure out which info is precise and which info finest fits our Ethical Lens Stock.

This relationship will cause a creation that is within the scope of our principles.

Comprehending the Relationship

To completely comprehend the relationship in between important thinking and ethics we must comprehend vital thinking and its steps, our Ethical Lens Inventory, how principles influences our decisions and how principles applies to our professional and social obligations.

Crucial Thinking

Important thinking is taking in all of the facts offered to you and examining those realities to reach a concise choice. There are 6 steps in the crucial thinking procedure.

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The initial step is remembering. Remembering is the base for the follow on five actions. Remembering is the capability to recall essential information and facts on the details you have reviewed. The second step is understanding. Understanding is the capability for you to take what you kept in mind and put it in your words. The 3rd step is applying. Applying is the ability take the info and produce an item or result. The 4th action is examining. Evaluating is the capability to break down your idea into parts.

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The fifth step is examining. Examining is taking the info you have and score its truthfulness and usefulness. The sixth action is creating. Producing is the culmination of all the previous steps to produce a outcome.

Ethical Lens Inventory

My Ethical Lens Inventory is Rights and Responsibility. I use my reasoning skill to determine my duties as well as the universal rules that each person should follow. My blind spot is the belief that motives justify methods. In this way, I tend not to use emotion but rather stay emotionally detached when applying ethics. People around me tend to think of me as callous and emotionless when making an ethical decision. Sometimes this can frighten or upset them, even though this is not my intention. Once people around me begin to understand my ethical lens inventory, they tend to respect me more and stop being frightened or upset.

How My Personal Ethics Influence My Decision Making

My personal ethics influences every decision I make. My personal ethics were acquired throughout my life and have become a part of who I am. They were instilled upon me through mentors, friends, loved ones and life experiences. None were forced upon me, and I made the conscious decision through these actions to choose what best suited me. Because of this, more often than not when making a decision my personal ethics are automatically inserted just as if I had taken a breath. My personal ethics helps me when making a decision by providing a guideline to the outcome of the decision, however this is not always the case. There are certain times and situations where I will consciously "bend" my personal ethics. However I bend them they remain within reason.

How Ethics Apply to Professional and Societal Responsibilities Ethics means a great deal when we apply them to our professional and personal life. When people see the decisions we make and how we conduct ourselves they form opinions about us. This opinion can lead them to believe we are a good co-worker, boss, friend or lover. With poor ethics this can have an opposite effect. There are people who do not have good ethics, or choose to ignore them, who may try to influence our ethics. Being true to your ethics will only strengthen your resolve. Applying ethics in your professional life can lead you to be successful. The same can be true when applying ethics to your societal life. Consistency plays a significant role in this. You must remain consistent when applying your ethics. Failure to do so will lead some to think you do not have a good ethical standard.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Ethics. (2016, Sep 19). Retrieved from

Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Ethics essay
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