Pros and Cons of Computers in Kindergarten

Advantages and disadvantages of Computers in Kindergarten

Research Essay Assignment

Pros and cons of using computer systems in kindergarten class
Having computer systems in kindergarten classrooms might improve the level of instruction and can address long-lasting success in schools. The masters and cons of utilizing technology in the classroom develop a stalemate that can avoid technology from being utilized more extensively in the classroom. Whether we utilize innovation with children-- and if so, how-are vital issues facing early youth educators and moms and dads.

The questions about when children ought to begin utilizing computers; developmentally appropriate computer system activities in preschool, kindergarten, and early primary class; benefits of computer usage; combination of computer systems into classrooms; and teacher training. As children get in kindergarten and the primary grades, it is essential that they continue to have access to a computer system center with a library of developmentally appropriate software application.

Fun and academic computer activities allow kindergarteners to mingle enhance classmate relations; learn about modern interaction and problem-solving skills.

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Children require chances to make options about some of their computer experiences. In addition, kindergarten or primary-grade instructors will desire to utilize the computer for more directed activities that match their learning objectives. For instance, to improve language skills and using the design template supplied in Starfall or similar software application. Kids could likewise operate in small groups utilizing software such as Scholastic's Magic School Bus Checks Out the Rain forest to compare 2 of the seven ecozones in the program. Utilizing software such as Edmark's Kids' Desk: Web Safe, other little groups can investigate these two ecozones on Web websites picked by the teacher.

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The groups then combine to share their discoveries and compose a report on the ecozones, showing each with images drawn by members of the group or downloaded from the Web sites.

Through exploring computer experiences, these children build memory skills, learn how to seek out information, use knowledge until they have a clear understanding from multiple sources, and integrate their knowledge of how each ecosystem functions. In the process, they learn to delegate responsibility, interact with others, solve problems, and cooperate to reach a goal. Kindergarten children have a positive outlook and an accepting nature. They take pride in their new reading and counting skills and love to converse and share ideas. They are eager to behave well; they are trusting; and they don’t question authority. Kids at this age may be capable at using computers, i.e. following commands, using the mouse, and playing computer games (Jaeger, 2010). In order to understand the pros and cons of computers in the kindergarten classroom, we need to take a look at some of the pros and cons and the goals related to of reading the children’s achievement. Pros: By incorporating technology into lessons, students will become more engaged in and excited about the subject at hand. Lessons that would normally be tedious can be much more engaging with virtual field trips and streaming videos. Cons: Finding the right materials online to integrate into a lesson is not always easy.

This means teachers may spend a lot more time planning lessons and become overwhelmed and frustrated. Pros: Computers allow students to learn through exploring the internet and doing research. The act of looking up information and researching papers with such an extensive resource can keep students engaged in a project and learning. Cons: Some students will explore beyond the bounds and parameters of the project and become distracted by other activities that they find on the internet. Pros: In special needs classrooms, each student is able to go at his or her own pace with the help of technology. This allows the students get individual instruction directly from the computer, which allows the teacher to accomplish more while feeling less stretched.

Special needs students who are handicapped can also make use of assistive technology, which can allow them to communicate better. Cons: Special needs technology can be very expensive and take an inordinate amount of money to acquire and operate. Research has shown that children who use computers with supporting activities that reinforce the major objectives of the programs have significantly greater developmental gains when compared to children without computer experiences in similar classrooms-gains in intelligence, nonverbal skills, structural knowledge, long-term memory, manual dexterity, verbal skills, problem solving, abstraction, and conceptual skills (Haugland, 1992).

The benefits of providing computers to kindergarten and primary-grade children vary depending upon the kind of computer experiences offered and how frequently children have access to computers. The potential gains for kindergarten and primary children are tremendous, including improved motor skills, enhanced mathematical thinking, increased creativity, higher scores on tests of critical thinking and problem solving. In addition, computers enhance children's self-concept, and children demonstrate increasing levels of spoken communication and cooperation. Children share leadership roles more frequently and develop positive attitudes toward learning.

In conclusion, early childhood programs serve diverse populations and have different schedules, curriculums, staffing patterns, resources, and so on. Goals for computer use and the steps that schools take to integrate computers into their classrooms may be completely different but equally successful. A viable beginning is for teachers, administrators, and parents to share magazine, journal, and newspaper articles they have seen regarding children using computers. The understanding of computers in the kindergarten classroom is accompanied by both a personal and professional commitment to early success for all children.


1. Jaeger, V. (2010). Parenting Resources Guide. Niagara Region Public Health 2. KidSource Online. Computers and Young Children. Retrieved from 3. S.W. Haugland. The effect of computer software on preschool children’s developmental gains. Journal of Computing in Childhood Education, 1992.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Pros and Cons of Computers in Kindergarten. (2016, Apr 11). Retrieved from

Pros and Cons of Computers in Kindergarten essay
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