Personal Reflection

What is personal reflection? Everyone should have the special ability to monitor their thoughts and feelings, to be self-aware and to focus. The personal development of each one of us is related to the process of reflection and is very necessary.

Reflection can develop, which is good from an intellectual and personal point of view because by reflection any individual can evaluate what he is doing at one point and can help go towards the desired direction in life.

Since I was a child, I was looking around me to find the best models in life that I can follow, and I've realized that communication is one of the most important aspects in life.

After I finished high school and before I came to UK, I started a cosmetic course in Romania, which I wanted to study very much at that time, but after the first year of study I gave up because I was no longer dealing with the work and the school and felt that I did not know as many things as my colleagues and I lost my self-confidence at that moment.

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It is important to be open to change and leave your comfort zone.

My real problem at that time was fear, fear about the implications that can appear on self-esteem and personal image.

If I could overcome fear and see what simple denial actually means, without interpreting it, things would become much simpler and clear for me.

When I decided to come to the UK for a better life, I was quite happy because I always liked to be independent even though the fear was pushing me again.

I have always been passionate about management and especially human resources because I always liked to manage the people who contribute individually and as a team to the professional goals and I always imagined that I would own a company and I really like interacting with people and help them in every situation and learn from everyone something that would help me in my personal development as well.

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I also had a passion for psychology at that time.

After two years of working in warehouses in UK, I had the opportunity to work in a pawnbroking shop where I got to learn a lot of things that helped me to develop a lot personally. After one year, I was promoted Deputy Manager.

My job now is to prepare, organize and motivate the team to deliver proactive, personalized customer service, in order to achieve the store's financial goals. I am driving the store performance against key targets, so that the store achieves its financial goals, update and deliver personalized training for each colleague, so that the whole team is fully confident in their roles and multi-skilled across all store products. I am quite happy with what I am doing at the moment and I decided to enrol at University of Bedfordshire and study Human Resource Management just so that in the future I can grow more and get to learn more about management and human resources.

Sometimes it is difficult to find the right words or phrases to describe yourself. Often it is much easier for other people to recognize the abilities that characterize you.

What are the ways in which we can develop our reflection?


Communication is very important to those around you, it is good to know what other people think from another point of view. You must try to understand why they have a certain opinion, to understand why they see things differently. An overview of the event will help you a lot, your mind will become more flexible, and in the future, you will probably make more efficient and relevant decisions.

It is good to be an open and sociable person who communicates with others. This way you can easily verify your opinion about certain situations or about other people, finding out how your beliefs are, true or false, listening to the opinions of others.

In my case I was always afraid to try new things, thinking that I will fail, and I always had a lack of self-confidence.

Be Serious With What You Really Want

Fear of failure is not the only reason you tell yourself: "It's not the time now."

When the purpose is clearly set and you agree with the amount of energy you need to invest in achieving the goal, then things seem clearer and you will become an arrow that reaches its target.

Identify Necessary Resources

If you have established what you want and you know for sure what the necessary steps are, now is the time to determine the resources you need to achieve your goal.

What is the personal development plan?

  • awareness of the skills you hold so far
  • identifying the skills needed to achieve the desired goal
  • understanding of what is desired and how to achieve the proposed purpose
  • developing a personal brand strategy

Examples of skills:

  • teamwork
  • communication
  • problem-solving
  • numeracy skills
  • information technology
  • knowledge of the business field

Obstacles in the personal development plan:

  • the complexity of the plan
  • perfectionism
  • success (even if you have reached your goal, do not give up)

What is my current stage?

  • I communicate well with others
  • I have a positive thinking

What are my weaknesses?

  • lack of confidence my own strengths
  • lack of initiative
  • sometimes I become overwhelmed with stress when there is a lot of work

What do I want to achieve?

  • developing self-confidence and courage
  • to learn how to temper myself
  • avoiding being overwhelmed by stress

What do I want to improve?

  • to be able to speak confidently about what I think
  • to focus on finding a solution to the stress situation rather than to lose my temper

What are my short-term goals?

I will finish reading a book about self-confidence and apply it the principles found in this book.

My self-confidence

The level of confidence in ourselves can be observed in different ways: in our behaviour, in the way we talk and how we communicate with others.

Self-esteem comes from positive thinking. When you give yourself enough value, you reach for higher goals because having self-confidence, in your own strength makes you mobilize exactly the resources you need to overcome obstacles and go to the desired direction.

When you don't give yourself enough value you become weaker.

Talking in public (emotions and the art of speech)

I have always had a fear of speaking in public and this is one of the things I want to face during university.

At the base of public speaking are usually one or more of them the following fears:

  • fear of what others may think
  • fear of not having enough materials
  • fear of questions asked from the public
  • fear not to lose focus

How I plan to face my fears:

  • try not to think about performance
  • imagine having a simple conversation

Based on the Belbin Test I am a team worker which I think also suits me in reality and my learning style seems to be auditory.

Characteristics of the auditory style:

  • learn by listening to conversations or presentations
  • talk to myself (thinking)
  • I am slightly distracted by noise
  • I like to learn aloud
  • I am a better storyteller than a writer
  • remembers names, but forgets faces

Strategies for developing learning styles:

  • identify the learning style
  • participates in self-awareness exercises
  • build your confidence and do not be discouraged in the face of obstacles


As demonstrated, to be successful in any business, there must be a well-defined purpose that you aspire to. There must be a clear plan for achieving the proposed goal.

Personal development It is something that most of us do every day without realizing we develop ourselves.

The plan of action drawn up must be followed daily. If you want success (no matter what that would mean for you) the first step is the thing to do is to know where you are going, how you plan to travel when you want to reach your destination. The purpose must be formulated in clear language.

If you can gain more self-confidence, the others will be encouraged in their turn, to trust in you, so you will become one stronger person with greater potential for success.


  • Cuncic, A., 2019. The Healthiest Approach to Self-Improvement. [Online]
  • By The Mind Tools Content Team, 2019. Building Self-Confidence. [Online]
  • Peale, N. V., 1952. The Power Of Positive Thinking. 1st ed. s.l.:Cedar Books.
Updated: May 20, 2021
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Personal Reflection. (2019, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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