Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer

Categories: AgriculturePlants

The Effects of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer to the Growth of Mongo, Tomato, and Bell Pepper Seeds

Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal, and monitoring of waste materials. Waste materials that are organic in nature, such as plant material, food scraps, and paper products, can be recycled using biological composting and digestion processes to decompose the organic matter. The resulting organic material is then recycled as mulch or compost for agricultural or landscaping purposes. The intention of biological processing in waste management is to control and accelerate the natural process of decomposition of organic matter.

The cost of fertilizer is one of the most important expenses for many farmers and gardeners.

Adding fertilizer to soil will substitute for the nutrients that are consumed by plants or that are washed away by rain. To have a cost effective and competitive product, farmers have to decide which fertilizer is best for them. The components of organic fertilizer to the plants are potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen.

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These components can be found in seed meal, bone meal, and kelp meal. Organic fertilizer provides beneficial organic matter that can improve the soils, water, and nutrient holding capacity also it creates an environment that encourage beneficial soil organisms such as earthworms.

This can take longer to breakdown and release nutrients reducing the loss of nutrients to leaching. The use of organic is positive from the perspective of a recycling economy, a critical component of soil fertility and productivity. The components of commercial fertilizers contain a chemical mixture known nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

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Nitrogen increases the size of the plant and help it grows faster. Phosphorus helps roots and stems. Potassium increases plants overall health. Fertilizers can be purchased in quick release or slow release varieties.

The advantage of quick release fertilizers is that they are readily available and you can see growth results very quickly. Commercial fertilizers can have a positive effect on the plant’s health by helping to withstand plant diseases and insect infection, producing a healthier plant. The chemical compounds in commercial fertilizers enhance the soil by providing nutrients that are lacking.

Making an investigatory project about which fertilizer is best for growing plants and making organic fertilizer from biodegradable materials will be a great help to lessen and minimize our waste problem. It will help to save our Mother Earth because we all know that this garbage are being burned in order to decompose it and burning trashes can deplete our ozone layer. Moreover, if organic fertilizer is best for growing plants, we will be able to thrift our money instead of buying chemical fertilizer in the market. This project is quite important because we can share knowledge to the farmers on what kind of fertilizer can be used in order to have greater production of agricultural plants and crops because we already compare an organic fertilizer with an inorganic fertilizer to see which one is best for the growth of the plants.



  • 20 pcs of mongo seeds
  • 20 pcs of tomato seeds
  • 20 pcs of bell pepper seeds
  • 6 flowerpots
  • 1 garden shovel
  • 1 spraying bottle
  • 1 watering can
  • 1 cup of chemical fertilizer
  • Peels of fruits (from 9 pcs bananas, 8 pcs of apples, 8 pcs of oranges)
  • A little amount of onion peels and onion strings


  1. The researchers prepared all the materials needed in germinating seeds. A fertile soil was taken from the backyard garden.
  2. Peels of fruits were obtained from the 9 pcs of bananas, 8 pcs of apples and 8 pcs of oranges to make an organic fertilizer. A little amount of onion peels and onion strings were added to the mixture of organic fertilizers.
  3. After making an organic fertilizer, a solution of chemical fertilizer was prepared. 1 spoon of chemical powder was put in the spraying bottle which is half-filled of water.
  4. The garden shovel was used in putting soil in the six (6) flowerpots. Three (3) flowerpots for each set. Set A is for the plants with organic fertilizer and the other three (3) flowerpots are for the set B which is for the plants with chemical fertilizer.
  5. Set A was prepared. Half of flowerpots were filled with soil, and then a mixture of organic fertilizer was added to the soil. It was done alternately until the flowerpots were full. Afterwards, Set B was also prepared. The flowerpots were filled with soil and then chemical fertilizer was added to the soil.
  6. After preparing Set A and Set B, the seeds were planted. Twenty pieces of mongo, tomato and bell pepper seeds were planted in each flowerpot in Set A. Same technique was done in Set B.
  7. The planted seeds in Set A were watered by the use of watering can while planted seeds in Set B were also watered by the watering can and also sprayed with a chemical fertilizer placed in the spraying bottle.
  8. Afterwards, the flowerpots were put in the place where it can absorbs sunlight and free from destruction by the animals like cats and dogs.
  9. Every morning and afternoon, the plants were watered and once a week, chemical fertilizer is sprayed to the soil in Set B. 10. The plants are monitored weekly if it grew well and every change was recorded.


In set A, the mongo plants were 15 cm long in week 1 and 28 cm long in week 2. Within two weeks, it only grew 13 cm long. In Set B, the mongo plants in week 1 were only 11 cm and in week 2, it was already 24 cm. It also grew only 13 cm long within the two weeks.

The tomato plants in Set A, grew 4.5 cm in week 1 and 9.5 cm in week 2. It grew only 5 cm long from its height in the first week until the last week. While in Set B, the tomato grew 4 cm long in week 1 and 8 cm long in week 2. From week 1 up to week 2, it only grew 4 cm long. The bell pepper in Set A, reached the height of 0.3 cm during its first week and 1 cm long in week 2. In Set B, it is also 0.3 cm long and 1 cm in week 2. They have the same length in both sets of 0.7 cm from week 1 to week 2.



Based on the results, the researchers concluded that organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer can have the same effects for some plants. They also concluded that people can’t tell whether the organic fertilizer is more useful than chemical. They also concluded that the height of the plants which organic fertilizer were used, have no or less differences to the effects in plants which chemical fertilizer were used. The researchers also concluded that the plants in Set A were healthier than those in Set B. Base on the research, organic fertilizer is advisable to use by the farmers and agriculturists because it has no harmful effects to the plants.


The researchers would like to recommend other students to make another study related to this topic using other variables. They also recommend other people to separate the biodegradable to non-biodegradable. And use the biodegradable materials to make organic fertilizer that will be a great help to lessen the garbage in the world. They also recommend practicing making compost pit in their backyard because it is eco-friendly and it is more effective and cheaper to use than using inorganic fertilizer.


Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer. (2016, Apr 10). Retrieved from

Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer essay
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