Oprah Winfrey A Philanthropist English Literature Essay

Categories: English Language

As a future college pupil, my ends and aims are to larn all that I can to acquire to where I want to be, take every advantage that is presented to me, and have faith. I believe, my ends and aims will take me far, and acquire me into the college of my pick. My attending would take topographic point at The University of Memphis, my freshers twelvemonth in college. Bing that I am a graduating junior, I would wish to go to The University of Memphis to one, stay near to place.

I know that college is supposed to be a fun experience, but I am a strong truster in acquiring first-class classs. To do that go on, I will necessitate all the aid I can acquire to stay focussed. I would, most significantly, like to go to The University of Memphis because of the outstanding medical plan. I have a strong involvement in chemical science, and because of my involvement I would love to major in Pre-Med.

Besides, my high school experience has been great so far.

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I have accomplished rather a spot these three old ages in high school. I am now captain of the cheerleading squad. I have been a portion of the cheer squad for three old ages, and it has taught me how to follow before taking, and being a crisp leader. Another great achievement of mine includes the hours I spent with St. Jude patients. They are the most fun and exciting kids. Even though they are traveling through so much hurting, they try populating their lives to the fullest.

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Others can larn so much from them and from them I have learned to be thankful, to be low, and to ne'er take life for granted. My most of import achievement was deriving the secretarial place as a senior category officer. This place allows me to be organized, precise, and professional in everything I do.

Although my past and future seem clear, I have besides come across a few narrative clouds. My 9th grade twelvemonth was non a great twelvemonth at all. My grandma passed off, and I was devastated. The tragic incident caused me to be absent from school a few yearss. My most of import classs were besides dropping, but I am glad I was able to pick myself up and stop the one-fourth with a 4.0. I know from that it would non be difficult doing The University of Memphis a 2nd place. I am more that certain that I will do an exceeding pupil. I am difficult working, determined, and dedicated. I stick with anything and everything I set my head to carry through.

Annotated Bibliography

Bryson, Donna. `` First pupils graduate from Winfrey 's South American school. '' ( 5 January

2012 ) ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.nathanielturner.com/oprahandbadsamaritans.htm.This Article is about a new beginning for the immature ladies of South America. Oprah Winfrey provided a one time and a life clip experience for this immature ladies. She opened a school that provides shelter, nutrient, and a first-class instruction. She got them out of ran down place, and bad vicinities. It besides talked about the outlooks on the immature ladies.

Kimberly Margaret. `` Oprah and Bad Samaritans. `` ( 5 January 2012 )

hypertext transfer protocol: //www.nathanielturner.com/oprahandbadsamaritans.htm. This Article is speaking about how media promotion can acquire to people. A adult male risked his life by salvaging a alien, and in the same hebdomad Oprah was constructing her school in South African, but Oprah got recognized for being a Good Samaritan. It besides talked about why Oprah Winfrey donated her clip and money to the immature ladies of South African.

Mohler, Albert. `` The Church of Oprah Winfrey-A New American Religion? ''

hypertext transfer protocol: //www.thewordfm.com/blogs/mohler/1365625/print/ This article talks about the success of Oprah Winfrey. It talks about a author who covers spiritual and religious narratives, and her involvement in Oprah. How the author believes that Oprah is a major American spiritual leader. It besides talks about how adult females praise her and look up to her because of her success.

MSN Movies. `` Oprah Winfrey: Biography. ''

hypertext transfer protocol: //movies.msn.com/celebtities/celebrity-biography/oprah-winfrey/ . This article talks about Oprah up conveying. How she rose from poorness, disturbing and spiritual childhood with her female parent. To a rigorous and stable life with her male parent, which was the counsel she needed to alter her life around. She shortly became a parttime wireless newsman and so subsequently on to be the first black adult female to be an ground tackle at Nashville WTV-TV.After that she went on to host a Chicago forenoon talk show, she had uncertainties about the show but this show turned her into the 3rd adult female in the American amusement.

New York Times. `` Oprah Winfrey. ''

hypertext transfer protocol: //topic.nytimes.com/top/refrence/timestopics/people/w/Oprah_Winfrey/index.html. This article talks about how Oprah made her grade as the first black adult females to look on the Forbes ' billionaire list. It talks about the many awards she received. It besides talks about her being successful in her talk show. How she moves up, and how she took over the telecasting cyberspace work. She made it her ain.

Peoples Magazine. `` Celebrity Central: Oprah Winfrey. ''

hypertext transfer protocol: //www.people.com/people/oprah_winfrey/biography/0, ,,00.html. This article summarizes Oprah 's life in a timeline. It talks about everything from get downing to stoping. It provides a better incite on her life. It provides you with more inside informations than other article. It besides provides more information about her current success.


Subject: Oprah Winfrey has reached the kingdom of success

Thesis Question: How have become Oprah Winfrey a altruist, pedagogue, and a member of forbs?

Introduction: Oprah Winfrey. The name is one of the most recognizable names in the universe.

Where was Oprahs get downing?

She was originally named Orpah after a Biblical character, but changed to Oprah because people had problem articulating her name.

`` In her traumatic first major Television occupation in Baltimore, the station foremans wanted her to alter her hair, lips, nose, and merely about everything else '' ( Sellers,2002 )

`` Her indorsement of the presidential command of Sen. Barack Obama seems to hold alienated some of the middle-aged white adult females who make up the majority of her Television audience -- many of whom support Sen. Hillary Clinton '' ( Wyatt, 2008 ) .

If I wanted a glamourous individual, I 'd hold hired person else. '' ( Sellers, 2002 ) Within a month Oprah was crushing Donahue in the evaluations.


Oprah Winfrey, the name is one of the most recognizable names in the universe. The imperium she has built is possibly even more celebrated. Oprah Winfrey is an American media baron who has unprecedented success industries including web telecasting, print, movie, and overseas telegram telecasting. Born in Mississippi from low beginnings, she has been featured on the Forbes wealthiest list legion times and has amassed over $ 1 billion dollars personal net worth in her life-time. From a selling position she is a dream. She has shown to be able to act upon purchaser behaviour in a term coined, `` The Oprah Effect, '' Oprah Winfrey owes much of her success to her singular ability to get the better of challenges, efficaciously pull offing her concerns and trade name, skilled ability to take others, and the positive impact she has had on the society. The sarcasm of holding one of the most recognizable names in the universe is that it was non supposed to be the name the universe knows today. She was originally named Orpah after a Biblical character, but changed to Oprah because people had problem articulating her name. '' However, Oprah turned out to possess a natural gift of chitchat at an early age. Her grandma taught her how to read as a immature miss, and she earned the moniker, `` The Preacher. '' After a few adversities turning up, Oprah overcame the odds to go to college at Tennessee State University and began work at the local wireless station WVOL. Acerate leaf to state she was a natural. She finally became the first black intelligence ground tackle at Nashville 's WLAC-TV and so moved on to host WJZ-TV in Baltimore. This caught the attending of local executives who thought Winfrey would be perfect to host a talk show at WJZ called Peoples Are Talking. This was her first venture into the talk show circuit, and she was a hit. She relocated to Chicago in 1983 to host WLS-TV, fighting forenoon show AM Chicago, and within a few months, she had overtaken Phil Donahue ( the reigning King of Talk ) as the most watched talk show in Chicago. In 1986 the show got syndicated, was renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show and the remainder is literally, history.

Body 1

Oprah Winfrey went on to hold a mega-successful talk show with its ain HARPO studio ( Oprah spelled backwards ) , an overpoweringly popular book nine, a hit magazine, and started her ain overseas telegram intelligence channel, but her accomplishment in concern proved so to hold its challenges. Social favoritism, challengers, and trade name liability are a few of the tests Winfrey has had to face. In her early calling there were non many telecasting hosts who looked like Oprah. `` In her traumatic first major Television occupation in Baltimore, the station foremans wanted her to alter her hair, lips, nose, and merely about everything else '' ( Sellers,2002 ) . There were few adult females hosting their ain shows and surely non any African American adult females. One issue that complicated this affair was besides her weight. `` Then she said, 'You know I 'm fleshy. ' I said, 'So am I. I do n't desire you to alter your visual aspect. If I wanted a glamourous individual, I 'd hold hired person else. '' ( Sellers, 2002 ) Within a month Oprah was crushing Donahue in the evaluations. With success comes competition, and this presented another challenge. In the mid-1990 's after challengers like Jerry Springer and Ricki Lake were happening success and churning out shows that tended to have force, sexual subjects, and over the top play, Winfrey decided to alter the format of her show and travel towards a `` alter your life-TV '' attack. This move proved to be a smart concern determination because it offered viewing audiences a distinguishable alternate to everything else offered in the universe of talk shows. Another challenge to her concern and her trade name has been the liability of being herself. Her concerns are so centered on Oprah being Oprah. If she does things that viewing audiences ( or industries ) do n't hold with, it could be fatal. In 2008, she faced some recoil from fans who did n't hold with her public indorsement of so presidential-candidate Barack Obama. `` Her indorsement of the presidential command of Sen. Barack Obama seems to hold alienated some of the middle-aged white adult females who make up the majority of her Television audience -- many of whom support Sen. Hillary Clinton '' ( Wyatt, 2008 ) . And in 1998 a group of Texas cattle ranchers sued Oprah after she ( on-air ) expressed concerns about eating beef because of mad-cow disease. Gross saless of beef plunged and they argued that because Winfrey was so influential her remarks ruined their industry. These are merely a few illustrations of challenges Winfrey has had ( and to an extent, presently ) to face in concern.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Oprah Winfrey A Philanthropist English Literature Essay. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/oprah-winfrey-a-philanthropist-english-literature-new-essay

Oprah Winfrey A Philanthropist English Literature Essay essay
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