Obvious Theme Jealousy in Tragedy “Othello”

Categories: Othello

In the TragedyOthello” written by William Shakespeare, Jealousy is a very obvious theme shown throughout the story. It takes a toll on a lot of relationships and causes many people to turn on each other. Iago one of the obvious Antagonist, is very manipulative. He takes his own agony and distress by the envy of others, to make other characters in the story feel the same way as him. Jealousy can be a very destructive. Iago’s actions show this throughout the play, and it is very obvious that it controls his judgement.

Iago is very jealous of Othello for a variety of different reasons.

Othello has not yet promoted Iago to lieutenant so he decides to try and kill him. First he convinces Rodrigo to help him because he is in love with Desdemona, Othello’s wife. Iago makes a promise that he could help Rodrigo get with Desdemona. He is able to convince Othello that his wife is having an affair with another character, Cassio.

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Not only does this cause problems in their relationship, it also gives Othello the desire to kill Cassio. In this scene, Shakespere is showing that when a person is jealous, it causes them to hurt others and become destructive. In the beginning of the play, Iago is Jealous of Othello and tells Rodrigo “I hate the Moor, And it is thought abroad, that 'twixt my sheets 'Has done my office. I know not if't be true, But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, Will do as if for surety” (1.3. 55)

Iago hears rumors that his wife emilia might have had an affair with Othello.

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Even though he isn’t sure the rumors are true he still tries to complicate Othello’s life. This builds up the hatred and deceitfulness that Iago has within him. Even though he has no evidence that the rumor about his wife and Emilia are true, he still wants Othello’s reputation to be ruined. Iago tells Rodrigo “ I have told thee often, and I re-tell thee again and again, I hate the moor. My cause is hearted: thine has no less reason. Let us be conjunctive in our revenge against him.” ( 1.3.53) Iago tells Rodrigo this to manipulate him. He wants to cause more anger and confusion. Iago sees Rodrigo’s Jealousy towards Othello. Othello is marrying Desdemona, and he uses the opportunity for his trap.

Through Iz1ago’s Jealousy and evil nature, Shakespeare is showing that Iago does not want happiness for anyone and so he uses people for his own selfish reasons. Finally, Iago uses Cassio and Desdemona to make Othello suspect that Desdemona is cheating on him. Iago thinks to himself, “ If I can fasten but one cup upon him, with that which he hath drunk to-night already, as full of quarrel and offence as my young mistress’ dog.” (2.3.85) He then gets Cassio drunk hoping he’ll get into trouble with Othello. This shows that Iago is so jealous of Cassio that he’s willing to do anything to make him look suspicious and untrustworthy. It also proves that Jealousy can lead people to lose their judgement.

Othello is one of the many victims of Iago’s cruelty, all because Iago never learns to control his Jealousy. Iago ends up being one of his own biggest enemies and kills people because of it. Shakespeare shows that Jealousy can not only destroy not only others' lives, but can lead to your own self destruction. It blurs people’s vision and disrupts their thinking. Shakespeare shows his audience that Jealousy is a strong emotion and tends to come when a person like Iago feels like they deserve better or becomes too possessive.

Updated: Apr 19, 2023
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Obvious Theme Jealousy in Tragedy “Othello”. (2020, Sep 08). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/obvious-theme-jealousy-in-tragedy-othello-essay

Obvious Theme Jealousy in Tragedy “Othello” essay
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