Othello Gullible

Categories: Othello

A character analysis of William Shakespeare's "Othello".

William Shakespeare have written many plays. His most tragic play is Othello. Othello is also the name of the main character in the play, he is quite hard to understand. In order to have a better understanding of Othello's character, examining his changes throughout the play, flaws and why he is considered a tragic hero will give the reader an insight of his overall personality. Othello changes many times throughout the course of the play.

At the beginning of the play Othello trusts Desdemona with everything, but throughout the play he loses confident in her because he listens to Iago's suggestions about her. "'Cassio, my lord? No, sure, I cannot think it That he would sneak away so guilty like, Seeing you come.'" (Shakespeare 105). He shows disrespect to Desdemona in front of other people. "'Devil' he strikes her 'I have not deserved this.'" (141). Othello changes even more dramatically because of the poison suggestions that Iago has given him.

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He goes out of control and eventually kills Desdemona thinking that she has did something wrong. Othello has many tragic flaws. He is a really gullible person, for example he was tricked by Iago; thinking that Desdemona was really having an affair with Cassio. " ` Did he confess it?'" (134). He trusts Iago too much and totally relies on Iago therefore making him really vulnerable to Iago's evilish schemes. Othello's gullibility causes him to be jealous. He let's his jealousy take over, he looses control of himself and acts on his jealous emotions, he let's his jealousy clutter his mind and good judgment.

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"`Damn her, lewd minx! O, damn her, damn her! Come go with me part. I will withdraw To furnish me with some swift means of death. For the fair devil. Now are the my lieutenant'" (122). Othello's other flaw is his anger. Othello acts upon his anger and therefore ends up doing the things he regrets afterwards. "`It is too late.' `O Lord, O Lord, Lord!' he smothers her"(168). Therefore by examining those points Othello has many tragic flaws in him. Othello is considered a tragic hero because he fights for the people in Venice in Cyprus. "'The Turk with a most mighty preparation makes for Cyprus. Othello, the fortitude of the place is best known to you....'' (70). He is looked upon as a hero by the Duke of Venice. The Duke praises Othello for his abilities and accomplishments. He is considered to be tragic because he has fallen in to the trap of Iago. Also Othello ends up killing Desdemona and then commits suicide for the wrongful slaying of his wife. "`... I took by th'throat the circumcised dog And smote him thus.' He stabs himself" (180). The moor kills himself because he takes responsibility for what he did, which makes him the tragic hero. Othello is considered the most tragic Shakespeare play. Othello is a character of many possibilities. His character is quite intriguing, the changes he goes through, the flaws among him and why he is considered a tragic hero gives us a detailed explanation of Othello as an overall person.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Othello Gullible. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/othello-2-4-new-essay

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