Nothing is more painful in the world than a lonely heart It

"Nothing is more painful in the world than a lonely heart." It is an alarming fact that 1 in 5 Malaysian adolescents are having depression. Making things worse, patients are always referred to a psychiatrist and the phenomenon of prescribing drugs to even mild patients without any form of therapy worries me. Personally, I believe that suppressing mental illnesses with drugs will not cure the patients and yet there is a high probability of misdiagnosis. Rosenhan was not wrong - psychiatrists are prone to make type 2 errors by calling a healthy person sick.

The effectiveness of drugs is once again questioned in "How Psychology Has Helped Me" when Liu Xuan did not find zoloft helpful in improving his depression. Believing in the omnipotence of language and effective communication, I was driven to become a psychologist who treats sufferers without medication.

My interest in psychology was piqued when I watched a psychoanalyst analysing and predicting the guests' mind correctly in a reality show. His ability to determine the liars by reading their microexpressions amazed me.

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Reading up "The Power of Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy has given me more insight into the influence of the subconscious mind in daily life. I was truly intrigued by the complexity of our mind and would like to further explore the subconscious mind.

Mathematics in A-levels helps me in analysing and interpreting data from psychological research. Besides that, Biology has taught me how the body works as interrelated with the mind. Knowing that the happy hormones serotonin and endorphins will be released during physical activity, I understand how exercising can improve our mental health.

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I also realised that our brain activity is much affected by our word choices in which the frontal lobe will be stimulated when positive words are being used while the amygdala is stimulated by negative words.

As Head Girl, I had to deal with students from different family backgrounds. Dealing with aggressive and rebellious students, I developed strong communication skills with different people. Curious about the reason for their aggression, I found that those with disciplinary problems were usually from broken families. As the co-founder of a non-profit organisation which provides personalised home tuition to children living in urban poverty, I had the opportunity to observe the impoverished environment. Witnessing their struggles in acquiring knowledge, I felt that eradication of education inequality is in dire need. Furthermore, volunteering in a daycare centre of special needs children exposed me to diseases like cerebral palsy and Down syndrome. As a delegate in a social policy summit in my college themed 'Gender Equity and Inequality', I was able to speak up for women's rights and gender inequality in healthcare, education and the workplace.

Performing outstandingly in academics and extracurricular activities, I was honoured with the Principal Award in my secondary school. My excellence in academics was proven when I obtained Distinction for the National Chemistry Quiz and the bronze award in the National Kangaroo Mathematics Competition. Participating in these competitions widened my horizons of knowledge beyond textbooks. Being one of the top 20 scorers in SPM examinations had secured me the national scholarship for my undergraduate studies. By participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award, I have learnt the significance of teamwork and time management while managing tight schedules.

During my spare time, I love playing badminton and practising muay thai. Doing things that I am passionate about helps maintain a balanced lifestyle. I aspire to continue my exploration of the human mind and behaviour by pursuing psychology in university. I am confident that the skills acquired from my experiences will better prepare myself for future challenges. By lending my ears and giving warmth to the needy, I wish to heal a lonely heart through words and actions.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Nothing is more painful in the world than a lonely heart It essay
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