Nepal Trail Tinjure Milke Jaljale

Categories: NepalSnow Leopard


Tinjure Milke Jaljale(TMJ) Trail lies in eastern development region covering Taplejung, Tehrathum and Sankhuwasabha districts. Its area is 585.26km2. It is also called "The capital of Rhododendron" where we can find 28 species of rhododendron. It is between Tamor and Arun river having altitude range between 1500-4700 meter above the sea level. We can find middle Mountain-High Himalaya as a major geophysical character in this trail. TMJ is in between two protected area i.e. Makalu Barun National park and kanchanjunga conservation area.

TMJ consist 62 community forest, 46 in Tehrathum district, 13 in Sankhuwasabha district as well as 3 in Taplejung district.

Geography and Climatic Condition

TMJ area covers mid-mountain to high Himalayan region with the temperature from -5?C-22?C range. It is located between 27?6'57" to 27?30'28"N and87?38'14"E and represent global eco-regions including Eastern Himalaya Alpine grasslands, shrubs and broad leaf Forest. Rainfall pattern varies with the climatic zones and slope of the area with an average rainfall of 1650mm.

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Monsoon starts in early June and ends at mid-september.


TMJ is the home for 326 species of flora including 9 endangered species, 29species of mammal, 151 species of bird, 25 species of insect, 8 species of fish, 6 species of fish and 3 species of amphibian including protected flora and fauna. It is also rich in various species of rhododendron where 28 species of rhododendron species are found out of 32 species found in Himalayan region of Nepal. Endangered mammals such as snow leopard, leopard cat, clouded leopard, Himalayan musk deer etc. can be found in this region.

Society and Culture

We can find Sherpa, Tamang, Rai, Brahmin/Chhetri in this area with their diverse traditions, culture, language and religious practices.

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They do animal husbandry, farming and trade for their source of living. However, the indigenous people especially young active generation go for foreign employment. Different kind of festival are celebrated with their different ethnicity and religion. Major festivals are Udhauli/Uvauli of Rai and Limbu community, Lhosar of Sherpa and Tamang, Dashain and Tihar of Brahmin/Chhetris etc.

Major Tourist Destination

As TMJ is considered as the capital of rhododendron, it can be considered as the best place for researcher to study about the different varieties of rhododendron as well the scenery lover also can enjoy the nature with the fresh smell of rhododendron. There are many tourist attractions which can easily attract tourist towards the destination. Jaljala pokhari, Sabha Pokhari, Panchapokhari, Gufa Pokhari, Tinjure, Chauki, Sanghu, Gorja, Siddakali, Koping, tinjure, Myanchhyam hill and cave etc are the major tourist destination of TMJ trail.

Major issues of TMJ trail

The lack of clear boundary declaration and demarcation of government-owned community forests and of the entire TMJ region as a whole has left the region vulnerable to development activities. The government and local community still hasn't declared which area for the trail path and roadway, which as a result creates a bad impact for the trekkers as well as flora and fauna. Without proper research, road construction is being done without knowing about which way to make the roadway and trekking trail which as a result, the endangered species are decreasing day by day. Poaching of endangered Chinese pangolin for meat and medicines is another problem in TMJ area. The endangered Red panda, Alpine musk deer, Himalayan black bear are most directly traceable to habitat fragmentation from rural road proliferation.

Updated: Aug 17, 2020
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Nepal Trail Tinjure Milke Jaljale essay
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