How Coronavirus Affected College Students

Categories: HealthMental Health

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, the educational landscape has undergone profound transformations, ushering in a new era of challenges for individuals and institutions worldwide. The academic sphere, once bustling with in-person interactions, found itself compelled to embrace virtual classrooms and hybrid models as the norm. Residential campuses, once vibrant hubs of learning and socialization, were abruptly deserted by students forced to navigate the complexities of remote education.

This paradigm shift not only disrupted the conventional modes of learning but also cast a pervasive shadow over the holistic well-being of college students.

The exodus from campus life, mandated by continuous lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, became a breeding ground for anxiety, loneliness, and a pervasive sense of uncertainty. The very fabric of academic and social support networks on campuses was strained, exacerbating the financial insecurity experienced by a majority of learners.

As the pandemic unfolded, a harsh reality emerged, laying bare the deepening disparities in enrollment and completion rates, particularly impacting minority students.

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Opportunities for educational advancement dwindled, further widening the existing gaps and perpetuating systemic inequalities.

This paper delves into the multifaceted impact of the pandemic on the lives of college students. Beyond the immediate academic disruptions, it explores the far-reaching consequences on mental health and financial stability, shedding light on the intricate web of challenges that have become integral to the contemporary collegiate experience in the wake of unprecedented global events.

The swift and widespread outbreak of the coronavirus has cast a shadow over the academic landscape of colleges and universities, posing a significant threat to the progress of students.

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Governments around the world implemented stringent containment measures to curb the transmission of the virus, leading to a series of disruptive actions such as movement restrictions, isolations for those from hotspot areas, school closures, and the enforcement of physical distancing measures (Gostin and Wiley 2138). As a result, institutions were compelled to transition to online instruction, an adjustment that proved challenging due to the lack of virtual learning infrastructure in many places.

The pandemic-induced closures have particularly impacted the realm of learning and academic achievement. Online classrooms, facilitated through platforms like Zoom, emerged as a seemingly effective alternative to traditional in-person learning, but the reality presented numerous obstacles. Limited access, high costs, inflexibility, and challenges in adapting pedagogical methods created hurdles in the successful implementation of virtual learning (Pokhrel and Chhetri 136). In regions with inadequate digital infrastructure, students faced the additional challenge of unstable connectivity and a lack of essential digital devices, rendering learning virtually impossible.

These challenges have left an indelible mark on the student learning experience, with academic performance predicted to decline due to insufficient contact hours with instructors during the struggle to grasp essential concepts (Sintema 6). The shift to virtual assessments introduces a new layer of complexity, potentially leading to errors and uncertainties that may disadvantage students with limited computer skills. Moreover, the frustration and anxiety stemming from lost livelihoods, coupled with increased absenteeism, have further contributed to lower educational attainment among vulnerable student populations (Sintema 7). The lockdowns, therefore, have significantly disrupted the learning opportunities and experiences of a considerable number of students.

The cancellation of examinations also emerged as a detrimental consequence, impacting students' academic achievements and progression. Unprecedented closures disrupted the traditional methods and schedules for exams, including nationally recognized assessments like the SAT in U.S. universities (Pokhrel and Chhetri 137). The transition to new learning environments and assessment approaches created a fertile ground for plagiarism, with opportunistic online tutors potentially taking exams on behalf of students without detection (Sintema 4). This illicit practice poses a threat to academic quality standards and the expertise required in various industries.

The reshuffling and, in some cases, abandonment of entry tests have cast a long shadow on enrollment rates, triggering a ripple effect on the educational landscape. The abrupt alterations to admission dates have led to a palpable reduction in the influx of new students into colleges. According to research by Pokhrel and Chhetri, the national college enrollment rates for high school graduates aged 18-20 witnessed a 7% decline in 2020 compared to the previous year, with prospective students citing exorbitant costs and geographical constraints as the primary reasons for deferring admissions.

The impact has been particularly pronounced in community colleges, where enrollment has plummeted, accompanied by a notable decline in the representation of low-income students. The retention rates for learners shouldering caregiving responsibilities have also remained consistently low. Aristovnik et al. uncovered a myriad of challenges faced by student caregivers, ranging from financial constraints to heightened stress and restricted access to food during the pandemic. These caregivers, often juggling the demands of academic pursuits and familial obligations, found themselves compelled to prioritize urgent family needs over their educational aspirations.

The toll on low-income households and students of color has been profound, with some choosing to drop out or forgo enrollment altogether. The data from 2020 reveals a stark decline in enrollment, particularly affecting Hispanic students (18%) and both African American females (26%) and males (35%), compared to their white counterparts (17%) (Aristovnik et al. 8). These statistics underscore the harsh reality that the pandemic has disproportionately hindered access to higher education, exacerbating existing disparities in the educational journey of diverse student populations.

The surge in financial and food insecurity among learners during the pandemic has prompted many to defer their college plans or, in some cases, discontinue their education altogether. This uptick in deferrals introduces the concerning possibility that these students may struggle to complete their academic programs within the expected timeframe. The root cause of these financial challenges lies in the widespread job losses triggered by the pandemic's far-reaching effects across various sectors of the economy.

Startling statistics from the Department of Education reveal that 43% of college students were employed full-time, and 80% worked part-time before the pandemic. However, the disruptive economic impact of the pandemic led to a significant loss of employment for these students, severely affecting their ability to finance or continue their educational pursuits. In 2020, institutions of higher learning nationwide had to dismiss approximately 650,000 employees, a considerable portion of whom were students (Department of Education). The cancellation of on-campus jobs further exacerbated their financial woes, impairing their capacity to cover the costs of college education.

The ripple effect of pandemic-induced job losses has amplified financial concerns and insecurities among students. The economic strains created by lost opportunities have not only affected their livelihoods but also impacted their ability to repay educational loans, as highlighted by McCoy et al. This financial strain has been particularly severe among low-income groups in the United States. Minority students, including those from Black and Hispanic families, faced formidable challenges in accessing basic necessities such as food, shelter, and the internet for online learning (Sintema 6). The pandemic's disproportionate impact on minority students has not only hindered their ability to meet essential needs but has also impeded their transition to distance learning due to limited access to digital devices and the internet. This vulnerability, in turn, has adversely affected their capacity to complete coursework, resulting in suboptimal academic outcomes.

The financial constraints stemming from the pandemic have significantly exacerbated food insecurity, particularly in campuses where low-income students predominate. The research by Aristovnik et al. reveals a stark reality, indicating that while over 35 million people in the U.S. experienced food insecurity in 2019, this number doubled in the aftermath of the pandemic. Accessing sufficient and nutritious food became a pervasive challenge for households across the nation, with university students being among the most adversely affected due to persistent and unaddressed nutritional needs.

Despite the existence of the Supplemental Assistance Program to cover this vulnerable population, the Department of Education notes an impending termination of the program, leaving many financially distressed college students with fewer options for securing food. The crisis has disproportionately impacted racial minorities, with an estimated 38% of students in two-year programs experiencing food insecurity in the past month, up from 30% before the pandemic (Baker-Smith et al. 51). Alarmingly, 75% of Native American and 70% of African American students struggled to meet their dietary needs during the pandemic, compared to 53% of their White counterparts. The closure of campuses compounded the issue, as the absence of food assistance further heightened the vulnerability of students, particularly those facing unemployment in the 18-24 age group (Department of Education 62).

The intertwining challenges of financial, housing, and food insecurities, coupled with heightened anxiety, have cast a long shadow over student achievement during the pandemic. McCoy et al. assert that food-insecure learners are likely to experience poor grades due to irregular class attendance and are more susceptible to both physical and psychological health issues stemming from depression and the consumption of cheaper, less nutritious food options. The risk of obesity among food-insecure students further impacts their self-esteem and overall educational outcomes (Department of Education). Without robust federal responses, the persistence of financial and food insecurities threatens to impede success in college for a considerable number of students.

The far-reaching consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing containment measures have been inextricably linked to a surge in poor mental health outcomes. In the United States, the lockdowns saw a staggering 1000% increase in individuals seeking help for anxiety-related disorders (Gijzen et al. 9), underscoring the profound impact on mental well-being. The pandemic-induced disruptions, characterized by job losses and social isolation, have been associated with a notable rise in death by suicide and substance abuse, with socially and economically disadvantaged groups bearing the brunt (Browning et al. 8). Among these vulnerable groups, college students have emerged as a population predisposed to significant mental health challenges during these unprecedented times.

The closure of colleges worldwide, compelling students to return home or transition to online learning, has triggered a cascade of mental health concerns among this demographic. The abrupt changes have fueled heightened anxiety and uncertainty surrounding educational success, career prospects, and the loss of crucial socialization opportunities (Aristovnik et al. 16). As a consequence, students have grappled with psychological problems, substance abuse, and, at times, even suicidal ideation, necessitating professional services often accessed through dedicated hotlines. The prevailing anxiety and stress among students have been intricately linked to factors such as social isolation, loneliness, boredom, and the adoption of sedentary lifestyles (Huckins et al. 13). Moreover, lockdowns have curtailed opportunities for interpersonal interactions and physical activity, contributing to the rise of eating disorders, including increased binge drinking during this period.

Several factors contribute to the heightened vulnerability of college students to poor mental health outcomes during the pandemic. Comorbid conditions, as identified by Browning et al., stand out as a significant risk factor for psychological disorders in this population. The reduced preparedness for disasters among young adults places them at greater susceptibility to the pandemic's mental health impacts compared to older demographics. The age group of 18 to 24 years, comprising college students, tends to exhibit heightened anxiety concerning academic success, career trajectories, and the ability to finance education (Aristovnik et al. 11). The level of exposure to pandemic-related stories is disproportionately high among college students compared to older individuals. Heavy usage of social media platforms, where coronavirus-related information was pervasive, exposed young adults to risk-elevating content, further fueling their anxiety (Browning et al. 12).

The psychological ramifications of the pandemic were further compounded by limited outdoor time, as lockdowns and travel restrictions curtailed opportunities for outdoor recreation. Browning et al. established that increased screen time due to stay-at-home orders had a detrimental impact on students' mental health. Outdoor activities, known for their protective effect against stressors, were significantly reduced due to the prohibition of social gatherings and interactions during the pandemic, further diminishing recreational opportunities that contribute to psychosocial well-being.

The global economic crisis triggered by the pandemic, affecting vulnerable groups such as low-income individuals and those with disabilities, has added another layer to the mental health challenges. Lockdowns and movement restrictions, implemented to curb the spread of COVID-19, led to unemployment and loneliness, contributing to poor psychological outcomes, particularly among adolescents (Ellis et al.). These public health interventions also became barriers to accessing mental healthcare for individuals in need.

The prevalence of depression and anxiety in the U.S. adult population surged to 40% from the pre-pandemic rate of 10%, highlighting the severity of the mental health crisis (Panchal et al. para. 6). Economic and social disruptions triggered by the pandemic were identified as major contributors to this exponential increase. Insomnia, unhealthy eating habits, binge drinking, and drug abuse witnessed a significant uptick among adolescents as coping mechanisms for anxiety (Panchal et al. para. 17). College-age individuals (18-24 years old) were particularly affected, with an estimated 56% struggling with depression and anxiety syndromes, more than twice as likely to engage in substance abuse and suicidal ideation compared to older adults (Department of Education). The pandemic, therefore, exacerbated the risk factors for poor psychological health among adolescents, emphasizing the urgent need for comprehensive mental health support.

The challenges faced by college-age individuals during the pandemic, exacerbated by unique stressors, have given rise to an alarming increase in substance use disorders within this demographic. The vulnerable phase of puberty, coupled with the heightened anxiety and boredom experienced by those aged between 18 and 24 years, prompted many young individuals to turn to substance use as a coping mechanism (Aristovnik et al. 12). On-campus job cuts further intensified the distress, disrupting students' livelihoods and social lives, contributing to depression, and ultimately leading to a surge in substance abuse, including binge drinking and the use of narcotics and sedatives.

The pandemic-induced disruption affected different demographics in varying ways, with young people facing a notably higher risk of substance use disorders than their older counterparts (Dumas et al. 360). College closures and movement restrictions fueled anxiety, making students vulnerable to solitary drug abuse, a trend particularly pronounced among those with caregiving responsibilities. Approximately 27% of young individuals juggling parental roles experienced chronic depressive symptoms, significantly increasing their likelihood of engaging in binge drinking, primarily due to employment loss (Dumas et al. 361). Disrupted social lives and lifestyle changes following lockdowns and stay-at-home orders further contributed to the escalation of substance use.

Two key factors explain the heightened levels of drug use among college students during the pandemic. Firstly, stay-at-home orders exacerbated depression and anxiety, subjecting students to increased parental supervision. Simultaneously, isolation from friends and boredom heightened their vulnerability to solitary drug use as a coping mechanism for the upheaval in their social and academic lives (Panchal et al. para. 12). Secondly, the rapid shift to online learning and the closure of campuses limited extracurricular opportunities, which traditionally have protective psychological effects (Browning et al. 15). With idle students vulnerable to illicit drug use in the confines of their homes, the lack of alternative outlets exacerbated the issue.

Interestingly, some research suggests that the pandemic had a paradoxical protective effect on illicit drug use. Chaffee et al. note that the banning of social events reduced opportunities for engaging in risky practices such as substance use. The lockdowns minimized peer interactions, increased parental supervision, and limited students' involvement in drug abuse. Additionally, travel restrictions made access to illicit drugs difficult, potentially contributing to a decline in substance use among students (Chaffee et al. 5). This underscores the importance of parental involvement in cessation programs as a critical element in curbing drug abuse among college students.

Comparative analyses between pre-pandemic and post-pandemic prevalence of substance use provide insights into the protective effect of the pandemic. A cross-sectional study of Canadian students reported a decline in e-cigarette and marijuana consumption during the pandemic (Dumas et al. 359). Moreover, binge drinking among these students decreased, and some even reported quitting smoking. These findings suggest that increased parental supervision and reduced peer interaction during the pandemic may have had a positive impact on substance use among college students.

The impact of the coronavirus on the social and emotional dimensions of individuals' lives has been profound, manifesting both positive and negative effects. On a positive note, the pandemic presented students with unique opportunities to strengthen familial bonds. Stay-at-home orders necessitated prolonged periods spent indoors with parents and siblings, fostering deeper connections and enhancing relationships (Aristovnik et al. 2). Social and religious holidays were celebrated under lockdowns, creating moments for collective prayers, reunions, and bonding between students and their families.

However, the pandemic also brought forth significant negative repercussions on the social and emotional well-being of students. Unemployment among college students led to increased concerns about being perceived as burdens on parents or guardians, adding a layer of stress and anxiety to their emotional state (Department of Education). The pervasive feelings of loneliness and social isolation during lockdowns contributed to a range of negative emotional states, including anger and frustration. In families with elderly relatives, students found themselves shouldering caregiving roles as an obligation, leading to additional emotional strain (Browning et al. 11). Those caring for relatives infected with the virus were particularly vulnerable to poor emotional outcomes. The looming fear of potentially infecting elderly family members with the deadly virus also weighed heavily on the minds of college students, amplifying their emotional distress.

In essence, while the pandemic has provided opportunities for enhanced familial connections, it has also unveiled a myriad of challenges and emotional burdens for students, making it a complex and multifaceted experience.

The global impact of the coronavirus, marked by a surge in morbidity and mortality, has left an indelible mark on individuals, prompting a profound transformation in their perspectives on life and death (Browning et al. 2). The profound negative effects, including the loss of loved ones and the associated pain and grief, have compelled students to reassess their priorities. The experience of caring for critically ill relatives, some of whom succumbed to the virus, has instilled in young people a heightened appreciation for life and family bonds (Department of Education 16). The despair stemming from the complications and fatalities associated with the virus has driven many to seek solace and spiritual intervention.

The imposition of stay-at-home orders and the shift to online learning have reshaped the physical movements and priorities of individuals. The increased reliance on digital devices for remote work and study has prompted a reevaluation of how young people connect and entertain themselves, with traditional physical meetings transitioning into virtual spaces (Department of Education 40). These changes have not only facilitated new opportunities for online connections but have also intensified the need for solidarity, positively impacting the societal facet of students' lives. The global community has experienced enhanced connectedness in the face of the hardships brought about by the pandemic.

Moreover, the pandemic has had a significant impact on the environmental aspect of individuals' lives. Public health guidelines advocating for hand hygiene and the sterilization of living spaces to mitigate community transmission of the virus have led to widespread sanitation campaigns in public areas with high infection rates, such as markets, schools, and offices (Browning et al. 4). Media messages emphasizing the importance of maintaining a hygienic environment, wearing masks, and practicing social distancing have become more prevalent. Consequently, students have been influenced to prioritize a clean environment, contributing to the collective effort to curb virus transmissions.

In summary, while the coronavirus has brought about significant challenges and losses, it has also prompted a reevaluation of priorities, fostering a greater appreciation for life and family bonds, strengthening societal connections, and contributing to a heightened awareness of the importance of maintaining a clean and hygienic environment.

The aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak witnessed a rapid transition to remote learning, with colleges adopting videoconferencing applications such as Zoom, Discussion Boards, and Google Teams as essential tools for instructional purposes (Department of Education). The design of online classes aimed to replicate physical classrooms as closely as possible, with the primary goals being to enhance student engagement, access to learning materials, and interaction with instructors. However, the virtual environment, despite efforts to emulate traditional classrooms, fell short in reproducing the crucial social dynamics present in physical settings (Brown para. 2). The peer interactions and student-instructor engagements vital for effective mentorship were inevitably impacted by this transition.

Virtual classrooms often lacked the social presence that students experienced in physical settings. Moreover, the limitations of online study extended to the instructors' ability to assess students' preparedness and provide essential resources and support for those facing challenges (Brown para. 6). As a result, the virtual learning environment, while providing certain advantages, did not offer the optimal learning experiences associated with traditional classrooms. Nevertheless, as noted by Sintema, the various communication channels introduced during the pandemic facilitated positive interactions between students and teachers, presenting enhanced online contact and collaboration as a key advantage of virtual classrooms.

The deployment of various technologies aimed to support interactions and ensure quality learning experiences. Videoconferencing applications became the primary means, rather than mere supplementary tools, for distance learning throughout the lockdown period (Department of Education). These applications incorporated features that facilitated peer collaboration and sought to replicate classroom conditions as closely as possible. In this context, virtual study enhanced social interactions in ways that physical learning did not, allowing students to pose questions, respond to posts, and contribute their perspectives on various topics through discussion boards.

The positive impact of the online study mode on student interactions was contingent upon the quality of the infrastructure supporting virtual learning. A survey of 432 American college students revealed that over 50% reported a lack of interactions in online educational platforms, while an additional 12% cited issues with slow internet in their homes (Brown para. 5). These findings underscore the influence of the infrastructure's quality on how students perceived the system's ability to support their interactions with peers and instructors. Virtual education, however, demonstrated a negative impact on practical learning, particularly for courses requiring practicum experiences that may not be effectively offered online due to the current limitations of technology (Brown para. 8).

The impact of the coronavirus on college students with disabilities (SLWDs) was markedly disproportionate, with this vulnerable population encountering significant barriers affecting their access to essential learning resources and basic provisions. Constituting approximately 19% of the undergraduate student population, SLWDs faced considerable challenges in adapting to the pandemic-related restrictions that disrupted life on campus (Department of Education). The persistent barriers and existing disparities in academic outcomes for SLWDs were further exacerbated by the pandemic, magnifying pre-existing issues such as inadequate accommodation, unresponsive classroom and instructional resources, and the absence of supportive on-campus programs (Sintema 9). Moreover, they grappled with prejudice and negative interactions with other students, both in academic and extracurricular settings.

The transition to online study posed even greater challenges for SLWDs compared to their non-disabled peers (Department of Education). Reporting the nature of their disabilities to receive special support became an additional hurdle. The vulnerability of SLWDs made them disproportionately affected by the financial impact of the pandemic, requiring more resources and support for remote learning than non-disabled students.

Social isolation, a pervasive issue among SLWDs, was further exacerbated by the pandemic. Feelings of belongingness to the campus community declined, and concerns about the lack of necessary support were raised (Department of Education). SLWDs also faced heightened food insecurity, a result of significant financial hardships. Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder struggled to stay focused and complete assigned projects within their home environment, while students with depressive syndromes experienced increased solitude during the pandemic (Sintema 7). Anxiety disorders were also prevalent among SLWDs due to the uncertainties surrounding the transition to online study.

Economically and socially vulnerable, SLWDs were more likely to be laid off during the pandemic (47%) compared to their non-disabled counterparts (26%) (Department of Education 50). This stark trend underscored the severe financial impact of the pandemic on SLWDs, further exacerbated by the exponential growth in their expenditure on technology, as the learning aids and supports available on campus were lacking at home. The rapid closures of colleges forced SLWDs into less secure living spaces within their communities, exposing them to heightened risks of physical or emotional abuse during the pandemic. This underscores the urgent need for targeted support and resources to address the unique challenges faced by SLWDs in times of crisis.

Amid the tumultuous landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic, the educational disparities facing minority students have deepened, casting a stark light on the intersection of racial and socioeconomic inequalities. The pre-existing gaps in access to higher education have widened, with the pandemic serving as a harsh magnifying glass on these systemic issues.

The toll on minority communities is palpable, as evidenced by the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on families. Shockingly, by January 2021, over 37,300 children had lost parents to the virus, with a staggering 20% of these being African Americans (Department of Education 11). This grim reality has thrust minority students into a realm of grief and depression, potentially impeding their ability to engage effectively in the learning process.

Compounding the challenges, small businesses, often the lifeblood of minority communities, were the first casualties of the pandemic. The closure of these enterprises, predominantly staffed by minority workers, triggered a domino effect of lost incomes. Black and Latinx households bore the brunt, facing heightened food insecurity and the looming specter of homelessness (Department of Education 28). Consequently, minority students found themselves navigating the educational landscape with a heavier burden than their white peers, grappling with the harsh socioeconomic impacts of the pandemic.

The shift to online learning during the pandemic further underscored existing disparities. Financial constraints stemming from the virus impeded the ability of minority students to invest in the technology required for effective participation in remote education (Department of Education). The resulting technological gap, coupled with limited access to reliable internet, hindered enrollment and academic progress. Recognizing this, federal funding was increased to schools and colleges in an attempt to bridge this educational chasm.

In the realm of mental health, minority students, who heavily depend on campus resources for psychological and counseling services, faced a stark reality with the closure of colleges. The absence of these crucial services left students of color grappling with poor psychosocial outcomes, amplifying existing disparities when compared to their white counterparts who could access such support within their communities (Brown para. 7).

The pandemic's impact extends beyond the academic realm to the unique challenges faced by sexual minority students. Campus closures disrupted the vital support systems that colleges provide for LGBTQ students. These students, in the early stages of sexual identity formation, confronted heightened challenges, including the fear of rejection upon returning home.

The fallout from reduced access to psychological services was stark, with one-third of LGBTQ students reporting deteriorating social relationships during the pandemic (Department of Education). Persistent depressive symptoms further compounded their struggles, leading to isolation and loneliness. Stay-at-home orders exacerbated the mental health burden, as the absence of supportive networks left sexual minority students grappling with feelings of seclusion (Brown para. 6).

Hostility from family members, combined with unsupportive home environments, painted a distressing picture for LGBTQ youth during the pandemic. The lack of inclusive counseling and support services in online learning platforms further compounded their challenges, resulting in adverse outcomes for this vulnerable demographic.

The reduced sense of security in the community added another layer of concern. Threats of harassment and violence against LGBTQ youth, even before the pandemic, were exacerbated by the closure of colleges. The potential hostility and aggression from conservative community members, coupled with the specter of homelessness as a refuge from victimization, further intensified the challenges faced by sexual minority students.

In essence, the pandemic has not only exposed but deepened the fault lines of inequality for both racial and sexual minority students, underscoring the pressing need for comprehensive and targeted interventions to address these disparities.

In the course of this investigation, an in-depth analysis of the multifaceted repercussions of the coronavirus on college students has been conducted. This cohort, inherently susceptible, bore the brunt of the pandemic both through direct exposure and the ramifications of interventions implemented to mitigate the spread. The pivotal transition to virtual learning and the subsequent closure of physical campuses significantly reverberated across the academic, social, and economic spheres of students' lives. Unprecedented challenges emerged, manifesting in adverse mental health outcomes, heightened anxiety, and increased rates of depression when juxtaposed with the pre-pandemic era. Strikingly, these repercussions were accentuated among minority communities, both in terms of race and sexual orientation, as well as among those with specific learning and physical disabilities. The nuanced impact on these diverse groups underscores the need for targeted support and intervention strategies to address the varied challenges faced by college students during these unprecedented times.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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How Coronavirus Affected College Students. (2024, Feb 13). Retrieved from

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