How has technology affected your life?

Categories: Change In Life

Technology is an essential need in everybody’s life . Without technology , many things would not be able to materialize . As for me , technology has made my life more enjoyable and easy . What is technology ? Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools , processing actions and extracting of materials . In my life there have many great changes in technology . Many of these changes have affected my life greatly . They have made it both easier and faster to do things . The one piece of technology that has affected my life is the computer and all its programs .

The computer and all its programs have made my life so much easier . Before the computer was invented you either had to write out what you wanted to say or typewrite it on the typewriter . However this was not always easy because if you made a mistake there was no way to fix it but to write it over again or use white out .

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With the computer though , mistakes could be made and fixed before I print it out .

These mistakes could be solved within seconds by doing a spelling and grammar check . Also the computer I can save my work so if something happens to the first copy another copy could easily be made . With the typewriter and plain old writing it if the original copy was damaged you had to write it over again . Another great thing about the computer is that it is fast . If I were to write this essay by hand it would take me about twice the time because I would have to write the letters instead of just pressing buttons to get the letters on the screen .

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Next the computer has many programs on it like all of the Microsoft Office programs so that I could do all of my school work and it sometimes has games on it . One of the useful products of technology would be the television . Usually , my family would sit together in the living room to watch television programmes together after dinner . During this time , we would occasionally talk about the shows that are being broadcasted .

This allows my family to interact with each other more often . In the twenty-first century , one of the most important technologies would be the internet . The internet is a system which allows people to communicate globally . I personally use the internet on a daily basis and find it useful in many ways . Also the computer usually has an internet connection . The internet is the one thing that saves me a boat load of time . On the internet I could research a topic for an essay I am supposed to write for school . This takes the place of going to the library and spending the whole day to find the same information that I could find on the internet in 5 minutes .

With the information from the internet I could copy and paste the important info into a word document and use that information to create my reports , but with books I would have to copy the page that has good information on a copier or copy it by hand . Also I could communicate with people on the internet through email right from home while I am doing my reports . The internet makes me feel like the world is at my finger tips all I need to do is explore . The computer has made my life easier and free to do fun stuff by lessoning the time that is spent doing school work . Online gaming is also another big part of my life when I play games over the internet . I am able to make friends with people from other countries .

Another part of technology in my life would be the mobile technology . In the olden days , people who wanted to communicate with their relatives in far away places would have only two choices . One was to personally take the trouble to travel to their relatives’ place and another would be via sending letters . Both ways needed huge amount of time , with mobile technology , people’s lives are made easier as they can contact each other anywhere and anytime they want to . Ever since I was a child I have been interested in technology . I remember when I got my first phone . This phone did nothing except keep an alarm and call people . At the time it didn’t have a SIM Card or no service so all I could do was pretend to make calls . Of course I was a child at the time the joy of having a device that had the power to connect to people’s conversations wirelessly amazed me . When I received my first phone I started to stay more connected with my friends and occasionally update my schedule each day .

When I entered High School , our coach had a “ thing ” for writing emails . This kept me up to date with our workout schedule . Now I have a habit of preparing for things weeks before I need to to even worry about them . When I started Facebook I started to stay connected with my friends . I was on it almost everyday , however I started to stop using Facebook before my SPM year . Without information technology I don’t think I would be anywhere as organized as I am now . I personally have a mobile phone too and it has become more than a necessity in my life . With all the technology we have nowadays we dont’t need to get out of the house anymore , you can do everything from the comfort of your home .

Almost everything resolves around technology now . What do most people do when they come back from school ? They usually go watch TV , go on the computer or something else like that . People take all of this for granted , what would they do if there was a power cut and they couldn’t watch TV or go on the computer ? Most people would just laze about doing nothing until the power come back on . Not many would pick up a book or do any of the things they would have done when none of these things were round .

As a conclusion , technology changed our life into a simple and easy situation without questions . Technology does a lot to make things in life easier , faster , and more efficient . This is so we can do more things in a shorter amount of time , expending the least amount of physical and mental energy possible . At last , technology has certainly revolutionised communication between people , but not all of the outcomes of this revolution have been positive . Technology has changed my life so much and I love it . The world of technology is always changing and I can’t wait to see what is made next .

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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How has technology affected your life?. (2016, Sep 18). Retrieved from

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