Colonialism affected Kenya

Categories: KenyaTabula Rasa


For almost 400 years the countries of Europe controlled as much of the earth as they could. By 1914 they controlled 85% of the earth surface. At the Berlin conference the Europeans drew up the map of African without giving any Africans a voice.

Stating the question with key terms defined:

Colonialism occurs when one country controls another country. How did Colonialism affect Kenya?

Thesis and roadmap:

Colonialism had a negative/positive (you must choose one or the other) affect on Kenya in colonial government, religion, education, and economics.

Paragraph # 2

Baby Thesis for bucket one:

Colonialism had a negative/positive (you must choose one or the other) affect on Kenya in colonial government.

Evidence: supporting details from documents with document citation (Doc 3.), (Doc 4), (Doc 5), or background essay

Before the British took over, the Kikuyu people elected councils which in turn made the laws for the people.

The Kikuyu had a representative democracy before the English gave them a colonial monarch. (Doc 3)

(Use at least 8 documents in their correct paragraph, cite example (Doc. 5)

Argument: connecting evidence to the thesis.

The British brought a colonial monarch government to Kenya which gave no representation to the Africans and little freedoms.

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The Africans were second class citizens in their own homeland.

The paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 are the same as 2. The 6th paragraph, the conclusion is a restatement of the introduction. Example of the Introduction and 2nd paragraph put together:

Colonialism affected Kenya

Europe saw the continent of Africa as “Tabula Rasa,” a blank slate with land for the taking.

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(Doc 1) For almost 400 years the countries of Europe were in competition to control the earth. By 1914 they controlled 85% of the earth surface. At the Berlin conference the European leaders drew up their own map of Africa without a single African present. The European map of Africa did not take into consideration any of the ethnic groups or established territories. (Doc 2) Colonialism occurs when one country controls another country. Europe took control of Africa and the English took control of Kenya. How did Colonialism affect Kenya? Colonialism had a negative affect on Kenya in colonial government, religion, education, and economics.

First, colonialism had a negative affect on Kenya in colonial government. Before the British took over, the Kikuyu people elected councils which in turn made the laws for the people. The Kikuyu had a representative democracy before the English arrived. (Doc 3) The British brought a colonial monarch government to Kenya which gave no representation to the Africans and little freedoms. The Africans became second class citizens in their own homeland.

Essay, How Colonialism affected Kenya? Due on Friday, February 12, 2010, 100 points

You must cite the documents, Example (Doc. 1). The bucket activity, thesis statement – road map and outline, will serve as a rubric (set of instructions which the essay will be graded by)

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Colonialism affected Kenya essay
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