A Roller Coaster Journey to Pakistan

Categories: Pakistan

It was an unpleasant rainy day in the middle of the summertime and I was excited. I was going to Pakistan with my family. Everyone was preparing yourself to go to the airport. Clothing flying out of luggage. Everybody kept running into each other again, once again and once again. The taxi was taking ages to come and I thought we will never get here there on time however eventually it came. We put whatever in the cab and I inspected one last time to see if I have whatever.

We reached the airport with not a minute to spare.

We went to the counter and signed in. As we were boarding the plane we got the flight information. On the plane it seemed like months and months but it just took us 8 hours to show up there. All my household and cousins were waiting there patiently for us to come out. After coming of the plain all are baggage got missed out on positioned so we needed to search for it but finally the travel luggage was found and returned to us.

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It starting as a great day but slowly it was worsening and worse. As we good out the airport in Pakistan it was a hot sizzling day.

I was so excited to see my cousins. I haven't seen them in 2-3 years. They were all taller than me so I felt really short like an ant. Finally we got home I was too tired to talk so I fell asleep.

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The next morning I woke up and we went to the theme park and then we went to the mosque. We went to the mountains were my dad grew up. After staying there for 4 weeks I was sad and didn't feel like coming to back to London. As we got to the airport I forgot to bring my passport so we had to go back and get it.

I only had half an hour to get it. The good thing was I only lived 10 minutes away but if there was traffic I wouldn't make it so me and my cousin ran to the car and went luckily there was no traffic so we made it on time and I was so relieved that I made it. We got back to London all miserable and sad. After a couple of days I started to get over the fact we are not in Pakistan and next day I had to go back to school which cheered me up because I haven't seen my friends for ages.

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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A Roller Coaster Journey to Pakistan. (2017, Oct 23). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/my-trip-to-pakistan-essay

A Roller Coaster Journey to Pakistan essay
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