My Post-Graduate Education

I was taken to a large hydropower project by my father at the age of 14, which was located nearby my house. The experience was wonderful , At the same time i met with engineers there who were virtuoso in that field, I saw them in white safety hat and high vision with drawings in their hand which makes me feel zeal in that field . Since that time, I have always held a strong yearning for becoming an engineer. When i was kid, I was rather playful, who would run in the field with numbers of friends than spend time in reading or doing homework.

Even when playing, I used to build a 'Tunnel' in amongst the bushes so that we could play hide and seek game, or build house using bamboo, mud and cardboards. Later on, I wonder how love of building things came so naturally accustom to me. I was confined to a predetermined fate to be a Civil Engineer I believe.

In a much demanding and competitive entrance exam of Purbanchal University, I scored good marks and got an opportunity to study in Acme Engineering College in 'Civil Engineering' as a major.

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During my undergraduate education, I recall getting into intense conversation with my teachers and colleagues about a plethora of ideas and techniques each day. I loved how our lecturer ER. Rajesh Pradhan delivered his lecture on Hydropower Subject and how our soil mechanics and foundation lecturer explained the interaction of structure with surrounding earth. Those lectures used to evoke an intense interest on me.

During the third year of bachelor, I, together with four of my colleagues, participated in an Exhibition that was held in our college premises.

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We made a model of hydropower to demonstrate how electricity is generated from river by 'Head and Discharges' ultimately rotating the 'Turbine' and how it connected to the National grid. We had to get out of our comfort zone to make an innovation model of hydropower which made us think out of box and work flat out, as we spent several days and nights reading journals, making models preparing presentations and many more. One point which is absolutely pivotal is the fact that we learned a lot from that exhibition. I had absolutely no doubt, for the first time in my life, that I had found what I would love doing rest of my life. It made me realize, in true sense, that I made a right decision by choosing Civil Engineering.

At the final semester of my undergraduate, my teacher suggested me to get field experience before enrolling in postgraduate study. After my final year project, titled "Hydropower project" I became clearer that I should work to relate my theoretical knowledge with its practical usage. Meanwhile, after my graduation I got a chance to work in a water supply project named "Melamchi Water supply project", the project of national pride of Nepal. Also, it includes the construction of longest ever tunnel in Nepal till date, around of 27 Kilometers, of which I have been a part. Later, I had this wonderful opportunity of working in Hydropower project in secluded areas of our country. I got engaged in construction of various structures like weirs, undersluice, spillways, desander, surge tank, tunnel and powerhouse. It is during this period, I have known the importance of Civil Engineering. My experiences leads to realize me how important it is to recognize and understand geo hazard, and to have solid learnings of good fundamentals to formulate solutions of the issues that arise during the construction of such structures; and most of the time it needs a prompt decisions. To acquire such skills, higher knowledge is needed, which I think is only possible through post-graduation on Civil Engineering.

Initially, choosing an appropriate country and a university for my post-graduate study was a bit difficult to me; however, when I read about Edith Cowan University, it was quite easier to make decisions. I am fascinated about the location, courses it provides, huge resources for study and experiments like labs and libraries, which has made the University truly desirable for all students. I believe, from this university I will reap benefits from its vast resources and materials it provided. I have read some abstracts of the book of Professor 'Sanjay Kumar Shukla' named " Core principles of Soil Mechanics" and I find it very interesting, he is currently teaching two subjects in Civil Engineering(Soil mechanics and Foundation Engineering and Engineering geology and rock mechanics). It would be truly great experience to learn from such intellectual people. Further and even more importantly, though, Edith Cowan University avail the courses of my interest: Structural analysis, fluid mechanics, concrete design, construction technology and many more. Thus, Masters of Engineering science (Civil) has become my choice. Besides that there are number of research projects from which we can choose, and I believe that it will enable me to take leading roles in planning, evaluating, constructing, designing and managing any Civil Engineering Project. Also noteworthy is the fact that it will help me to enhance my knowledge to advance level, and to develop an advanced technical foundation as well as to acquire an industrial perspective in a specialized area.

Nepal is a developing country and it is on path of building huge structures, barrage, irrigation projects, roads, railway, tunneling project and hydropowers; it is going to require a huge number of Civil Engineers. I believe with the Master's degree in Civil Engineering, I can make valuable contributions to my society, as well as guide younger minds to take command of our development works in our hands. I am always keen and motivated to serve my country which needs capable human resources. Due to limited knowledge over here in Nepal, still most of the systems and managerial part are not updated into the recent systems and technologies in Engineering sector. Thus, I would like to implement more effective working condition after I acquire Master's degree in Civil Engineering from highly recognized Edith Cowan University. Furthermore, my parents are the source of inspiration in my life that helped to develop myself and achieve this qualification, They have given me so much love, care and supports. I am the only son of my parents, they are growing older day by day and I know my responsibilities towards them. Therefore, I have to return back to my home country after completion my study.

Finally, Edith Cowan University is teeming with dynamic ideas of it's student that includes international community and I believe this is the place to learn not only engineering but the culture as a whole. Given the proud history of more than 100 years, this organization, Edith Cowan University, undoubtedly, will enable me to make most out of myself as professional as well as human being. Surrounding and being in an environment that stimulates profoundly intelligence and innovation, will make significant difference in my personal development and I am sure that it will enhance my career as well as my society if I acquire my post-graduate education from this reputed university.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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