Exploring Organizational Aspects at This 'n' That


An in-depth analysis of an organization provides valuable insights into its functioning and dynamics. This essay delves into the intricate facets of This 'n' That, a discount retail store where I am currently employed. By examining organizational diversity, dress and language norms, and communication flow, we gain a comprehensive understanding of the organization's culture and its impact on both employees and customers.

Organizational Diversity: A Strength in Unity

Organizational diversity is a complex and significant aspect that profoundly influences workplace culture.

At This 'n' That, diversity is embraced as a strength rather than a challenge. The workforce spans ages from 19 to 67, encompassing a broad spectrum of experiences and perspectives. The intergenerational dynamics contribute positively to the organization, fostering constructive criticism and promoting growth. Additionally, diversity is evident in terms of race and religion, fostering a rich tapestry of viewpoints that enhances the overall workplace environment.

The organization recognizes diversity as an opportunity for learning from differences, emphasizing dignity, respect, and the cultivation of settings that encourage the advantage of diverse perspectives (Schmidle, 2009).

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This inclusive approach not only contributes to a harmonious work environment but also positions the organization as one that values and prioritizes the amalgamation of diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Dress and Language: Balancing Professionalism

The perception and professionalism of a workplace are closely tied to dress and language norms. Unfortunately, at This 'n' That, there appears to be a gap between the organization's desired professionalism and the current state of dress and language. The permissive dress code, allowing employees to wear anything they desire, has led to instances of inappropriate attire such as sweatpants and offensive slogans on shirts.

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This laxity in dress standards can potentially create a negative image and discomfort among customers.

Moreover, language plays a crucial role in customer interactions. Instances of offensive language used by staff members, both in customer interactions and internal conversations, pose a risk of customer alienation. The importance of cultivating a workplace culture that values respectful dress and language cannot be overstated, especially in a retail setting where customer satisfaction is paramount.

Communication Flow: Bridging Gaps for Organizational Success

Effective workplace communication is a cornerstone of organizational success. At This 'n' That, communication methods include telephone calls, word of mouth, and a bulletin board for information dissemination. While internal communication has proven efficient, external communication, particularly with customers, shows room for improvement. Managers and employees sometimes exhibit underdeveloped listening skills, leading to unmet customer expectations and complaints.

Complaints from managers about customer behaviors, such as not returning items to their designated places, can contribute to negative attitudes among staff members. Addressing these communication challenges through training and skill development is essential for enhancing workplace relationships and productivity. Improved communication skills will not only strengthen internal coordination but also contribute to positive external perceptions, thereby fostering better customer relations and increased productivity.

Organizational Culture: Shaping the Persona of This 'n' That

Organizational culture serves as the personality of an organization, encompassing assumptions, ethics, norms, and behaviors of its members. At This 'n' That, the organizational culture is evolving, shaped by diversity, communication practices, and dress and language norms. The culture, although currently facing challenges, has the potential for refinement and alignment with the organization's goals.

Understanding and managing organizational culture is crucial for leaders in their pursuit of success. Leaders at This 'n' That must navigate the complexities of organizational culture to enhance employee satisfaction, customer relations, and overall organizational effectiveness. By acknowledging the current state of the organization's culture, leaders can implement strategic interventions that foster a positive and thriving work environment.


This exploration of This 'n' That provides a comprehensive analysis of the organizational dynamics, emphasizing the impact of diversity, dress and language norms, and communication flow on the overall workplace culture. The organization's commitment to diversity, coupled with a focus on refining dress and language standards and improving communication practices, will contribute to the cultivation of a positive and professional organizational culture. By understanding and addressing these facets, This 'n' That can position itself for sustained success and growth.

Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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Exploring Organizational Aspects at This 'n' That. (2016, Jul 31). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/my-personal-workplace-observation-paper-essay

Exploring Organizational Aspects at This 'n' That essay
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