Passionate Biomedical Science Enthusiast Seeking Academic Growth

My passion for science was initially ignited at school during a practical experiment where dissected a pigs heart. I found the structure of the heart and the way it works particularly fascinating and it was , through these experiences, I also developed a small insight into the qualities needed to become a biomedical scientist, for example discipline and patience. Moreover, my involvement and enjoyment in these tasks and the practical aspect throughout my academic life, has increased my interest in science and my desire to study science at a higher level.

I believe that this role will enable me to explore the world of science in much greater depth and widen my understanding of the role of science in the modern world.

Studying A-Level Biology has helped to create and develop my interest in human anatomy and biology such as complex metabolic processes such as respiration.

Sparked my interest in human anatomy and the way cells interact with each other. One example of this is the sheep's heart dissection; not only did it fascinate me but it has helped me develop the key skills such as independence and cooperation in group led practicals.

Volunteering at Leighton Hospital was a memorable experience as I got to help out and make a small difference to the community.

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I volunteered over a period of five months and I did fairly simple activities such as asking patients if they wanted a hot drink and washing up. I believe this interesting exposure to the healthcare sector demonstrated the importance of responsibility, social and time management skills as well as the dedication required for this type of career.

In year 10 I spent a week doing work experience at Radbroke Hall, Barclays Technology Centre, Barclays Bank where I learned innovative technological solutions that protect millions of customers as well as the world in digital banking which we live in.

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This was an eye-opening experience, which not only made me wiser to the technological world but as a result of this experience I realised that IT or banking was not a path I wanted to take.

My ability to also speak fluent Spanish ( being half Spanish myself) has allowed me to cooperatively assist in Spanish lessons at my school, with the ability to help and teach my peers the basics of the language. It has also enabled me to improve my communication and leadership skills.

Outside of the classroom, I am a very active person. I am passionate about sports, and in particular football, all of which I have enjoyed playing at either school or club level. I have been playing for the Holmes Chapel Hurricanes team from 2008 to 2018, I have been able to improve my ability to work well within a team. This, I believe, will be of value during group-based tasks for working within teams of scientists.

I think that I will be a successful graduate at your university as I have demonstrated some of the key skills of a biomedical scientist. For example during my volunteering at Leighton I had

Given my academic knowledge, my skills as well as my enthusiasm and interest of biology, I feel that I have an excellent understanding of science and a solid foundation of knowledge on which to build. I strongly believe this position will offer me the opportunity to further my learning in a more challenging environment and in the process help me to develop and in-depth understanding of biological sciences. I believe I have the determination, attitude and desire to be a successful student at your university.

Thank you for considering my application.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Passionate Biomedical Science Enthusiast Seeking Academic Growth. (2019, Dec 12). Retrieved from

Passionate Biomedical Science Enthusiast Seeking Academic Growth essay
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