My Aspirations Of Becoming a Doctor

Having a major operation was one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of my life. However, all the doctors and staff I was surrounded with had a great attitude to their demanding work. I have previously wanted to be a doctor for a long time as I grew up with a medical parent. However, only when I was a patient I was truly able to appreciate the significance that the doctors had on their community. This experience confirmed my aspirations of becoming a doctor.

After my recovery, I started volunteering at my local care home by playing scrabble and chatting with the residents. This experience has highlighted my qualities of being patient and friendly as one of the residents was initially hesitant to play but I was able take the initiative and adapt the game so she felt more at ease playing it. Furthermore, I volunteer at my school library a few lunch times a week to scan books. This has given me the opportunity to interact with a range of different pupils.

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In addition, I volunteer to tutor a Year 9 student in science and study skills. By doing this I have shown that I can go over concepts in a helpful way.

When undertaking work experience at a GP surgery I learnt the importance of confidentiality and documentation by being given tasks to organize some documents. I also sat in with the clinical nurse or doctor and helped type information onto the system before every vaccination. Here it was brought to light how important it is to explain procedures clearly to the patient so they are more at ease during the procedure.

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Having also acquired work experience at an Accident and Emergency department, I was able to acknowledge the challenging aspects of being a doctor such as having was a very demanding patient or the pressure to help their patients quickly and efficiently. However, seeing the difficulties of this career did not put me off, as I was also able to recognize the good sides of this job in the way the doctors worked well as a team with each other and other staff to help the patients. During this experience, I was able to enhance my own communication skills as I helped an agitated patient calm down so the doctor was able to put on a cast.

Reading the book ‘This is going to hurt’ by Adam Kay gave an insight to the challenging life as a doctor on a day to day basis. This book has taught me that the lows of doing this job are that people will not be grateful or cooperative, things will go wrong, but you need to be responsible for your actions good or bad. Despite all this, there is nothing better than knowing that you have made a huge difference in someone's life and have played a role in them leading a longer or less uncomfortable life.

Outside of school life I enjoy playing the piano and have achieved Grade 7 in it, done LAMDA and have accomplished Grade 8 in ‘Reading for Performance’ with distinction, done a life guarding course and have diploma in Bharathanatiyam dance and have performed for many charity events. I also took part in PHAB club at St Helens school where I had to work in a team to organize and take part in activities to entertain disabled teenagers and have attended medical society at Dr. Challoner's High where I heard talks from doctors of different specialties. Commitment to these extracurricular activities have given me the opportunity to relax and improve my time management, teamwork as well as my personal interests.

In addition, I won a prize for achievement and excellent commitment to studies in chemistry in my school's celebration of achievement assembly. This has shown that I am hard working and will continue to strive to do my best.

All my experiences have strengthened my decision to study medicine. A course where I can put my skills of being empathetic, determined and adaptable into practice excites me. I would love to have a career where I am working in order to make a difference in the community like the doctors who have made a difference in my life.

Works cited

  1. Kay, A. (2018). This is going to hurt: Secret diaries of a junior doctor. Picador.
  2. BMA (British Medical Association). (2020). Confidentiality and patients' medical records.
  3. NHS. (2019). Work experience in the NHS.
  4. British Red Cross. (2021). First aid courses.
  5. The Royal Society of Chemistry. (2021). Chemistry resources for schools and colleges.
  6. LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art). (2021). LAMDA examinations.
  7. (2021). Bharathanatiyam dance.
  8. St Helens school. (2021). PHAB club.
  9. Dr. Challoner’s High School. (2021). Medical society.
  10. British Medical Journal. (2021). How to become a doctor.
Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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