Motivation: The key to success

Motivation is the desire to do something and achieve the many goals in life, no matter how many obstacles you have to go through. To many people, it is the essential element that pushes them towards what they want to be. From setting goals, to working hard to achieve them, and finally accomplishing them. There is several motivation theories like: Incentive theory of motivation, which suggests that people are motivated to do things because of external rewards. For example, people go to work everyday for the reassurance that they will get paid at the end of the month.

Another type of theory is the Drive theory. It is when people are motivated to take actions to reduce the tension that is produced from unimportant needs. Thirst, hunger and warmth are some examples of drives. Arousal theory is yet another theory. It when you take actions that control your level of arousal. When your arousal level gets high you might want to relax by meditating or reading a book.

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And when your arousal level gets low, you’d want to go for a jog or watch an exciting movie. Last but not least, the Humanistic theory is commonly a motivation behavior in which all businessmen have. It is the strong reasons that lead people to perform various actions like creating a business.

It is famously showed by Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which presents different motivations at different levels. And it is the desire to fulfill one’s individual potential. These are the different psychological behaviors people act on when they are motivated.

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But is motivation important in everybody’s life? Yes it is. Mostly businesses. Motivation is the main factor to which why businesses around the world are successful. No man started a business without getting motivated to take action and achieve his goal of starting a successful business. It keeps you moving towards your goals. Motivation in a business insures that the employees work hard and it improves their level of efficiency. It leads to productivity and stability of work force. The benefits of having a well motivated indicates lower staff turnover, lower absenteeism, higher productions, pleasant working atmosphere, more co-operation and happiness in the working environment leads to innovation. If you lot interest in your business, you loose your motivation and that can immensely affect your business negatively.

Motivation is the main reason to success Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is one of the most famous theories of motivation. Abraham Maslow believed that the reason people go to work changes. So he created a hierarchy of needs, which he thinks people will go to work for. At the bottom of the hierarchy he put the essentials in one’s life, physiological needs such as air, food, shelter and clothing. Safety and security come on top of the basic needs. Every employee should be provided with protection from any danger in his or her working environment. Social needs are in the middle of the hierarchy. Trust and care are to be present in one’s working environment to increase productivity in the business and ensure employees are happy. Employees also need esteems needs, they need to be recognized and respected for the work they have done and praised for their achievements. Finally, at the top of the hierarchy is self-actualization means that people need to feel some fulfillment in what they do. Many businesses follow this theory and are well motivated and are one of the most successful businesses.

Let’s take Kelloggs for example. They provide their staff with every need in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and that is why their staff is well motivated and they have less absenteeism. In the other hand, Herzberg’s two-factor theory helps gives employees job satisfaction like achieving aims, chance of promotion, responsibility, interesting work, recognition and personal development. He called that factor motivators. But it doesn’t mean that motivators satisfies all the workers needs. He called the other factor hygiene factors that satisfies all a worker’s other needs like pay, working conditions, job security, quality of supervision, staff relationships and company policy. This theory tells us that dividing all an employee’s needs in 2 different factors that cannot work alone only together is the most effective way of making a business successful and well motivated. For example, the business would make the work interesting so the employees would feel well motivated.

But, employees would also loose their motivation if hygiene factors such as pay and job security weren’t offered in a business which would result in failure in the business. These 2 theories that I have mentioned are different, but very similar in some ways. One thing they do have in common is that they are the factors to a well motivated and successful businesses. They both relate on the argument that “we behave as we do because we attempting to fulfill a certain needs”. They both specify the subject as to what motivates people. However, it all depends on your values and norms. For example, the Japanese say that safety and physiological needs are most important to them while employees in Norway say that social needs are the most important to them in their working environment.

Herzberg’s hygiene factor relates to Maslow’s basic needs, safety and social needs. Also, Herzberg’s motivators idea corresponds with Maslow’s esteem and self-actualization. These theories are the most useful theories in making a business successful. Kellogg’s a very famous business that has well-motivated staff. For example, they offer competitive salaries. It gives people the means to acquire the basic needs for living. Kellogg’s also offers flexible benefits program that allows employees to choose benefits that suit them. The staff has a sense of belonging in their working environment. Another well-known business is data connection. Employees say that the managers care about them as individuals. they feel a sense of belonging. The business also provided free healthcare for employees and provides a pay that satisfies their safety and security. These are some of the successful businesses. Motivations are truly the key to success.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Motivation: The key to success essay
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