Mosquito Coil Made From Lanzones

Categories: English Language

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Biological Science

Erick Racho - Grade 8 Diocese of Kalookan
Erros Galope - Grade 7 Diocese of Butuan

The Problem and Its Setting
This is the first chapter in an investigatory project. It shows the background of the study, its objectives and the  statement of the problem. In short this chapter gives us the starting of this problem or experiment.

Background of the Study

In this time of the year, more and more mosquitoes are swarming in our surroundings, and now some mosquitoes have a virus called dengue that can also kill a person if not treated.

There are already many things we can use to avoid being bitten by this insects and one of those are mosquito repellants. One kind of a mosquito repellant is a katol or coil in English. This is a candle like object that secretes smoke that can kill mosquitoes.

Many scientists are now testing if there are alternative materials that can be used in making coils.

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Some have discovered that other plants are also available materials in making mosquito repellants. There are also other uses of plants than just food, shelter and nutrition but also a protection against harmful insects.

Rationale of the Study

The use of some plants as medical uses is a fact that it is possible to make a mosquito repellant with a skin of a lanzones fruit. Dengue is a very painful virus if not treated immediately. Only from mosquitoes can we get this virus and it is very risky if bitten by one with it.

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These coils might be one of the things we use but it is made of chemicals so it cannot be safe from everyone especially the smoke it secretes. Using plants or fruits as alternative materials instead of chemicals can change or destroy those symptoms and could lessen the changes.

Objective of the study

A mosquito coil made up from natural mosquito repelling plants will remove the health problems caused by commercial mosquito repellents. If this project succeeds, this can be  profitable for business and can encourage others to look for other uses of our country's natural resources. Having an  alternative solution to prevent the different kind of diseases that mosquitoes bring especially dengue fever and not cause another problem. Making use of the natural resources of our country to solve common problems caused by mosquitoes, especially dengue. Our country being a tropical country can benefit if this experiment succeeds.

Statement of the Problem
This study tries to find out the effectivity of Lanzones peelings as a mosquito killer. Specifically,it wil answer the following questions: there a different number of kills on the Lanzones mosquito killer and the commercial mosquito killer. it more applicable to use than the commercial one.
Recent studies showed that the smoke generated from burning mosquito coil is of certain health concerns a person being exposed to the smoke coming from the coil may suffer severe illness and headaches that harms people especially asthmatic people.
3.Is it possible to make a mosquito coil made from lanzones
4.Would the lanzones mosquito coil be better than  commercial coil people use today?

5.Will there be harmful side effects if we use the mosquito coil made from lanzones peelings?


Some plants are now being studied have other potentials than just medicine or nutrition. Lanzones peelings/skin has other uses than just being thrown. The skin, of the langsat variety, can be dried and burned as incense. This skin of the lanzones that can also be dried and burned as incense can be a proof that this can be an alternative material for a mosquito repellant. One example is an oregano, it is said that it contains antioxidants, anti-microbial and anti-parasitic compounds.

Significance of the Study

Our country, the Philippines, is a tropical country and now that pollution is now destroying the natural climate we have, scorching heat and heavy rainfalls are what we now experience. These are also the cause that the dengue virus is made. Now that more and more mosquitoes are now having these virus, we have to use mosquito repellants to lessen the chance of having it. The result/s of this study can be a help in the making of new mosquito repellant but made from lanzones and other alternative material that can be said safer to the community and to those asthmatic. This can also help others discover that lanzones also has a potential in being used as a mosquito repellant.

This can also be a guide in making a mosquito repellant that people can make in their homes. This can be a new discovery for our community and this can be developed from further studies from the Bureau of Plant Industry. As we all know we don’t really use the peelings/skins of plants and we just throw them away, with this project we can lessen the wasting and throwing of these peelings/skins of fruits and these can lessen the pollution in our community.

Scope and Delimitation

This project tackles on making a mosquito coil that is made up of natural ingredients that is not harmful to human health. Our project also tackles the protection of human beings against mosquito bites that cause diseases. This project also focuses on the  uses of lanzones instead of being a fruit that we eat but instead a new alternative material on an object that can help our community.

Definition of Terms

The following are the important terms that were considered in the research: Incense. A material used to produce a fragrant odor when burned Alternative. Something that can be chosen instead of something else. Asthmatic. People who have a condition that makes it difficult for them to breathe.


Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Mosquito Coil Made From Lanzones. (2016, Jun 01). Retrieved from

Mosquito Coil Made From Lanzones essay
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