Morality - Macbeth

Categories: Moral

Morality is the reference to codes of conduct that are brought forward by a society. It is evident in the play Macbeth that making moral decisions is superior to making immoral choices.

In the end of the play the result of the characters moral and immoral choices all comes to fruition. Consequently the actions of those who acted morally dealt with their situation much better than those who did not. Morality is the reference to codes of conduct that are brought forward by a society.

It is evident in the play Macbeth that making moral decisions is superior to making immoral choices. In the end of the play the result of the characters moral and immoral choices all comes to fruition. Consequently the actions of those who acted morally dealt with their situation much better than those who did not. There were some characters in the play that knew exactly what was right and wrong, but still chose to ignore their integrity.

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Lady Macbeth demonstrates immoral behavior throughout the whole play which results in a tragic conclusion for everyone.

For instance, she devised the plan to kill the king knowing very well that it was wrong to do so. In addition, she was tempted by the opportunity for power and convinced Macbeth to go along with the plan even though he was thinking about not doing it. “What beast was’t, then, /That made you break this enterprise to me? / When you durst do it, then you were a man;” (Shakespeare. 1. 7. 48-50).

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Macbeth was mainly depicted in the play to be immoral however he did seem to have some good morals in the beginning.

He was perceived as a great warrior and was thought so highly of that Duncan granted him the title of Thane of Cawdor. Throughout the rest of the play there is a decline in Macbeth’s character after he immorally killed the King for no good reason other than power. “I am settled, and bend up/ Each corporal agent to this terrible feat. ” (Shakespeare 1. 7. 80). This decision sparked a whole bunch of murders which resulted in a catastrophic ending for both Macbeth and his wife.

There is some evidence in the play that would suggest that acting immorally will bring you good results. For instance, Macbeth knew that he would not become king since Duncan already revealed that his son Malcolm would be the imminent king. In order to fulfill the ambition that he was feeling he knew he had to act immorally. This turned out to be a great decision because Macbeth ended up with what he wanted which was to become the king. “Thou has it now: king, Cawdor, Glamis, all. ” (Shakespeare. 3. 1. 1).

Although Macbeth did get what the witches prophesied, the immoral behavior had its consequences. For example, towards the end of the play everything had turned against him including his own people and his wife committed suicide. “The Queen, my lord, is dead. ” (Shakespeare 5. 5. 17). In Macbeth it is very blatantly depicted that choosing to indulge in immoral behavior will result in negative consequences. It is apparent at the end of the play that all of the immoral actions that took place resulted in a very disastrous ending.

Updated: Nov 21, 2022
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