Evolving Heroes: From Ancient Traits to Modern Complexities

Heroes are prevalent in everyone’s life. Whether someone’s hero is a living person or a fabled character from a movie, everybody has come into contact with some sort of hero. The concept of heroes has existed for hundreds of years, dating back to Ancient Greece. However, heroes have not always been people who dress up in costumes and fight crime, as our current society would lead us to believe. No, heroes started differently and have evolved throughout the centuries.

Heroes generally reflect the ideals of their society, and while they are not perfect, they demonstrate the qualities and traits valued by their society.

Heroes have always possessed distinguishing qualities, but these traits and qualities have changed drastically over time. The Greek definition of a hero is far removed from the Romantic and modern definitions of heroes. Early heroes were characterized by extraordinary physical ability and incredible battle skills, whereas contemporary heroes rely on intellectual ability and their rebellious nature.

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Breaking Bad is widely considered one of the best TV shows of all time and for a good reason. The show consisted of five seasons, originally aired from 2008 to 2013 on the network AMC and was created and produced by Vince Gilligan.

It is widely regarded as one of the best TV shows of all time and has won many awards, most notably 10 Primetime Emmys. It has one particular plot that resonates with Hamlet, tragedy. The hook of this TV show is its brilliant deviation from a basic storyline and hero to one where it makes the viewer make judgment calls.

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Walter White is debated heavily as being either a hero, an anti-hero, or just a faulty hero. To set the scene, Walter White, a middle-aged high school chemistry teacher who is struggling to make ends meet to provide for his pregnant wife and teenage son with cerebral palsy.

In the very first episode, he is diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer and is only given a short amount of time left to live. Hearing about the grandiose amounts of money one can make in the methamphetamine business from his DEA agent brother-in-law Hank and already being a chemistry genius, Walt decides to start manufacturing his own meth to secure his family’s financial future. He teams up with a former student and drug dealer, Jesse Pinkman, and together, they make and sell the purest meth in New Mexico. Like most of the stories in literature, he is faced with trials that will ultimately develop his character into Heisenberg, both literally and morally. In tough situations he will have to make decisions to save himself and his family, and there might not be a best outcome no matter what. As an audience, we feel for Walter White and are left with a hard decision.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Evolving Heroes: From Ancient Traits to Modern Complexities. (2022, Nov 07). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/modern-day-tragic-hero-essay

Evolving Heroes: From Ancient Traits to Modern Complexities essay
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