Tiger Woods Revolutionary Self-Identification as Cablinasian in 1997.

Method Back in 1997, famous golf gamer Tiger Woods surprised the world by describing himself as "Cablinasian," representing the totality of his racial background-- a mix of "Caucasian," "Black," "American Indian," and "Asian" heritage (Nagai, 2010, p. 1). The U. S. is the most racially diverse nation on the planet thanks to migration. And since native-born Americans have been more accepting and inviting of interracial relationships, a slope in the portion of intermarriages and multiracial children is foreseeable (Nagai, 2010, p. 4).

All races of individuals thrive here.

Currently, 9% of the school population is reported to be multiracial and the number is expected to increase to 21% by 2050 (Brown, 2009, p. 124). Biracial population, as a branch of multiracial population, refers individuals whose moms and dads are of various single races (Gullickson, & & Early morning, 2011, p. 498). Attention has actually been drawn to multiracial/biracial people recently due to the increasing direct exposures of well-known multiracial/biracial people.

The most obvious example will be Barack Obama, existing President of the Untied States of America, whose father is African and mother is white American (Chang- Ross, 2010, p. 108).

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Besides the fact that multiracial people's quality in numerous domains is acknowledged, another considerable reason for scholars to be interested in racially-mixed individuals is that federal government made a modification in its official classification system just recently and permit people to pick more than one race which apply (Gullickson, & & Morning, 2011, p. 498).

It is amazing that multiracialism brings all races closer; however, it likewise raises issues due to its complexity. Multiracial individuals's looks are generally exotic and tough for people to define their races.

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"What are you?" is probably the most typically odd questions they get when satisfying brand-new people (Chang- Ross, 2010, p. 108). Despite the fact that it is not an enjoyable concern to be asked, it still reveals that people understand the racial totality of a mixed race individual rather than entirely classify s/he in an exclusive race classification.

Tiger Woods’ self-identification as multiracial caused a controversy and challenged the world on its old belief for centuries that racial category is homogenous (Nagai, 2010, p. 1). And due to historical reasons, several conventions are assigned to identify mixed race people. The most well-known one is called “one drop rule”-- if an individual has any known African ancestry, s/he will be categorized as black socially and officially (Gullickson, & Morning, 2011, p. 499). Therefore it is hard for the society to accept the concept of defining a person in more than one race in a short period.

And because of the exclusive race categorization, racially mixed people face a difficult time to be accepted as a totality of all their heritages by other. Tiger Woods expressed that he felt troubled when people only identify him as African American because of his skin color (Hall, 2001, p. 334). Studies show that racially mixed people tend to have higher depression symptoms and lower self-esteem if part of their heritages is not acknowledged by other people (Townsend, Markus, &Bergsieker 2009, p. 193). Since multiracial population refer to a huge number of people, my paper will emphasize on the issues of biracial people.

It is necessary for the society to respect biracial people’s identity choices, therefore people need to understand that family Influences, public impacts and self – realization work together for biracial people to conclude their self-identities and build up their self-respects. It is necessary to be clarified that young children are not cognitive to races, therefore people’s realization of racial distinctions start at early teenage time ((Townsend, Markus, &Bergsieker 2009, p. 193). Ever since then, family, society and selves will each play a dominant role in mixed race people’s identification choices chronically.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Tiger Woods Revolutionary Self-Identification as Cablinasian in 1997.. (2017, Jan 10). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/mixed-race-essay

Tiger Woods Revolutionary Self-Identification as Cablinasian in 1997. essay
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