Main thrends in phonemic theory

Approaches of Phonological Analysis.

The Main Trends in the Phoneme Theory It is normally acknowledged that the phoneme is one of the standard language systems. However, it is described by different scholars and representatives of various linguistic schools in various methods. Before we look at the most considerable theories, lets state a quick word on the history of phonological research studies and discuss the names of outstanding scholars who added to the understanding of this complex language phenomenon. In the 1960s there appeared the so-called new phonology which was aimed at discussing how speech is in fact produced and comprehended by the human beings.

Generative phonology represented by a widely known American linguist N.Chomsky saw phonology in close connection with syntax and semantics. The ideas of generative phonology were represented in the book by Chomsky and M.Halle The Sound Pattern of English. Classical static phonological designs were aimed at creating classifications of the sound system of a specific language.

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Dynamic designs were targeted at establishing the sound pattern of an utterance on the basis of its semantic and grammar qualities.

Now lets shot to group these schools into bigger categories and see what is the primary requirement in the technique of linguists to the phoneme. In reality, the primary requirement is three aspects of the phoneme. Some linguists exaggerate the abstract element of the phoneme and neglect the material element. Others, on the contrary, pay more attention to the material aspect and ignore the abstract one. We must confess that no theories neglect the practical element.

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I. Conceptions that pay unique attention to the abstract element. According to mentalistic and mental view, the phoneme is a perfect psychological image, it does not exist objectively, it exists only in the mind of the speaker. Real speech noises are imperfect awareness of it. These perfects were expressed by Baudauin de Courtenay and by Sommerfelt. II. Conception that can be called functional due to the fact that unique focus is provided to the capability of the phoneme to separate the meaning. III. The group interested in the material aspect.

The physical view represented by Daniel Jones and B.Bloch regards the phoneme as the family of related sounds. In other words the phoneme is a mechanical sum of its allophones. So, similarity between sounds is considered to be the main criterion for attributing them to a particular phoneme. We see that the representatives of this approach ignore the abstract and functional aspect of the phoneme. 1) to establish distinctive difference between sounds, that is to establish relevant features 2) to create the inventory of the phonemes and establish the phonemic system of a language.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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