Essays on Shooting An Elephant

Shooting An Elephant
Original title Shooting An Elephant

George Orwell



Language English
Characters the narrator, the elephant, the crowd, the British officer
Published 1936
ISBN 978-1-59017-190-7
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

George Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant” is an essay first published in 1936 in a literary magazine called New Writing. Orwell, an Englishmen, wrote the essay while he was serving as a police officer in Burma. In the essay, Orwell discusses his personal experiences with shooting an elephant. He describes how, as a young police officer, he was ordered to shoot an elephant that had gone on a rampage and killed a man. Even though Orwell did not want to shoot the elephant, he felt he had to in order to uphold his position as a police officer. The essay is a reflection on the imperialistic and colonialist mentality of the time, as well as a commentary on the human condition.

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