Essays on Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Original title Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Author Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Genre Novel , Satire , Tragedy , Bildungsroman
Language Spanish
Characters Santiago Nasar, Angela Vicario, Bayardo San Roman, Pedro and Pablo Vicario, Placida Linero, Maria Alejandrina Cervantes, Divina Flor, Colonel Aponte, Father Amador, Clothilde Armenta ...
Published 1981
ISBN 0-679-72450-8
Book Summary
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Table of Contents

Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez that tells the story of the murder of Santiago Nasar by the Vicario brothers. The novel is set in the town of Sucre, Colombia, and is based on a true story. The Vicario brothers, Pablo and Pedro, are convinced by their mother to kill Santiago Nasar because she believes he has dishonored their sister, Angela Vicario. The brothers stab Santiago to death in the street, and the novel follows the events leading up to and after the murder.Many of the townspeople knew that the brothers were going to kill Santiago, but no one did anything to stop them. Santiago’s death is seen as a tragedy by most, but there are some who believe that he deserved to die. Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a story about justice, morality, and the power of gossip.

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