Liking Isn’t Helping: Ad Campaign Analysis

Categories: FacebookSocial Media

Liking Isn’t Helping is an ad campaign made by Publicist Singapore, which is supposed to be for Crisis Relief Singapore. The pictures shown images of people in earthquakes, diseases, and floods with people giving a thumbs up, representing the Facebook’s “Like” button. The campaign is made because that people are using virtual things to express that they feel sorry for those people by liking their page, but virtually “liking” does not count in the real world, and will not help those people in crisis.

Basically, Liking won’t help solve poverty, world pollution, and many other problems in our world.

The campaign is asking viewers to do one thing: be a volunteer, and go help those people in need and change their lives.

Ever since the world has been created, there were huge amounts of natural catastrophes happening everywhere in the world. While this is true, this ad is not just talking about people who have suffered earthquakes, but suffered catastrophes like flood and war.

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“Liking isn’t Helping” is an ad that wants people to volunteer to help other people in time of need in crisis. This ad produces ideas of remorse not relieving the suffering of those people in crisis, inspiring people to put down their phones/computers and assist those poor people, and that anything that is virtual does not count for real life.

One of the key aspects of “Liking Isn’t Helping” is that guilt does not relieve suffering of billions of people homeless and suffering.

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People usually go through guilt trips when seeing pictures of poor people, so they would just press the like button on the social media website they are on for the photo and/or share it to their friends, but really culpability doesn’t feed people. What this means is that they don’t think of the situation through enough to think that they should that they should help those people. The pictures used for the ad are from real people who are suffering these natural catastrophes makes people who do not have those situations feel like that poverty is a sin and thinking of what they have is a gift. The picture’s black and white environment gives off an idea of when people see this that they feel regret and sorrow for those people in poorer environments. When people see pictures of people of poverty in harsh situations, people sometimes comment on the picture saying they wish they can help because now they feel guilt for those people but do nothing. People like to give opinions on pictures because they want to express what they want to say about this subject to the outside world, but they do nothing for the outside world like helping those people that could not help themselves. All these points can draw to new points, meaning that if people can help other people in this world, there is nothing that people can’t do together.

Another key aspect of “Liking isn’t helping” is to get people off their couches, put down their electronics, and aid suffering civilians. Technology is being used all over the world, and what people can do with it have endless possibilities of helping the world, but sometimes technology has been used for leisure time or illegal stuff that is happening on the internet. Technology right now has been used like that probably because of people who love to have fun and seek free time and/or play games, when they could’ve use their time to help other people in need. The world relies on the internet now, since there are a vast amount of information that has been provided for easier use and easier accessing. The internet has been used as advantages, but sometimes as a disadvantage because people who do not have the gifts that most people have are suffering, but the all they have been doing is wasting time on doing something else. Phones give off blue light that makes people want to stay up longer and people just are too addicting to their phones. People could’ve just planned an airplane ticket and help to volunteer and feed those poor people and children when they are now spending their time for leisure. Ideas of the internet are endless and need to be put to good use to make a better world so that people can live a better life.

Another aspect about “Liking Isn’t Helping” is that anything that has been done on social networking does not affect the real life. As the message was already stated, the ad had been targeting Facebook viewers and saying that people should volunteer and change a life as a substitute of pressing “like” buttons. People should know that like buttons do not feed a billion survivors who are suffocating from endless destruction of their life. Seeing people like this forces people to take to the internet and start supporting for this campaign of volunteering and community services. This would only work if people could use their time wisely and precisely look through those websites, see what they want to do, and go out even if they’re an unpaid or paid worker/helper. People also use comments as social activity for communication to someone who is not near to their location and what they do is express their ideas on what other people should be doing. If people are doing this, they should know that they could do it to, so they really shouldn’t be complaining how bad those people are and that other people should help, because they just wasted their time commenting when they could be out there and helping. These pieces of information could be spread to inspire what people should do and not waste time on things that they don’t need to do.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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Liking Isn’t Helping: Ad Campaign Analysis. (2024, Feb 10). Retrieved from

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