Maximizing User Rights in Health and Social Care Services Design and Review

1. 1 Explain how current legislation and sector skills standards influence organisational policies and practices for promoting and maximising the rights of users of health and social care services All health providers have the responsibility to work within a legal framework, this means that health care providers have the obligation to respect service users rights and treating them equally. The law relating to equality includes, Human Rights Act 1998, Race Relations Act 1976 and 2000, Sex discrimination Act 1975 and 1986, Disability discrimination Act 1995.

The Equality Act is a legislation that is in place to ensure that people are given equal rights and opportunities regardless of their age, gender, disability, race ,religion or belief and sexual orientation.

This legislation promotes diversity , equality and inclusion by making it a requirement that they are not commonly practiced and incorporated into the health and social care setting, making it illegal to discriminate against a person or persons for any reason. Stefro, 2012) There are also National standards and guidelines, which health care providers be expected to practice.

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These standards are set by regulatory bodies General social care council (GSCC), Health commission (HC) and the care sector skills councils. They are responsible in monitoring if the system of an organisation like nursing home, are implementing an appropriate standards and if policies and practices are achieved and maintained. Like for example in nursing home where i work, there is a procedure about “Making Preparations to support individuals to eat and drink”.

This procedure promotes the rights of individual to have support utensils for them to be used and at the same time it promotes service user’s independence in eating and drinking.

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Since I am working in Dementia Unit, we have what we call “Adapted equipment and feeding aids” that the service users used, for them to maximise their independence in eating and drinking. Some of them have special equipments for a range of reasons related to their health conditions.

These equipments enable the individuals to eat without extra help. Examples ; Plate Guards, Large handled utensils and two handled mug; Plate Guards these raise the edge of the plate to help the individual to scoop their food onto utensils; Large handled utensils, if an individual has lost power in their hands, it is difficult for them to grip the handle of a traditional knife or fork. Some utensils have a rubber strap to secure them to the users hand and stop them from dropping on the floor.

These utensils are not only promoting their independence in eating but at the same time helped individual feels comfortable at the dining table, and when eating with other people their place setting are the same, to avoid thinking of discrimination. 1. 2 Analyse factors that may affect the achievement of promoting and maximising the rights of users of health and social care services Service users or people who need care feel vulnerable and powerless. Experiencing of significant illness or impairment and mental health problem are the factors that can be disabling for anyone.

However, regardless of their health condition that the service users have, health providers should always bear in mind that, service users have rights to make their own choices. They are also protected by the legal rights like, Data Protection Act 1998, Care Standards Act 2000/ Codes of Practice and Protection of Vulnerable Adults 2004 {POVA 2004} Health care providers play in supporting service users to get access and to get involve in recreational activities. Recreation is any type of activity that is refreshing and relaxing which person wants to participate because it gives them pleasure.

Everybody needs recreational activity whether a person is experiencing health problems. People who are living in nursing home or hospital deserves to have a recreational activities simply because they have health or social care needs. Health care providers who wish to provide holistic care must identify first the preferences of the service users. Their physical , emotional ,and social skills and abilities must be assessed. Making general assumptions is called stereotyping. It’s not beneficial and even discriminatory.

For example, it is unlawful to assume that the person would be interested in ballroom dancing or going on trips simply because they are retired over 65 years of age. It is vital to treat each service user as an individual and find out their social interest before planning any activity program for them. However, there are many activities that can be adapted to make them accessible to the people who have lost some skills who required support to participate as long as the activities are appropriate to the service user’s needs so they have realistic chance to participate.

In the care home where i work, upon admitting the service users we have to discussed and assessed their care needs and activities of living. We considered ways of supporting service users to identify their recreational activities and preferences. We have what we call indirect approach wherein we are asking the families or friends about service user’s preferences. Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998 states that “Everyone has the right to respect for his private life , his home and his correspondence” This does not change once someone enters a care setting.

You have to be aware of the legal responsibility to respect an individual’s privacy when gathering and using personal information. ( Mark Walsh et al. 2005 p. 29) 1. 3 Analyse how communication between care workers and individuals contribute to promoting and maximising the rights of users of health and social care services Communication is vital in health and social care setting because it helps build relationship between an individuals and care workers.

There are four different types of communication wherein when people communicate with each other they send, receive and respond to each other’s messages. Those ways are verbal, written, electronic way and specialized. In care setting it is extremely impossible to do without communication and must be done effectively to ensure that the individuals understand what the health care workers are saying. Competence of each care worker in communication is required to be able to give and obtain information and to be able to exchange ideas with each other.

Verbal communication is one of the communication types wherein, will be affected the way how a person speaks as much as by what you say. For example, it is not good idea to shout or talk loudly as a listener think that you are shouting. This is unprofessional and might distract the attention of the listener from what being said. Speaking too quickly, failing to complete the sentences will also reduce the effectiveness of what you say.

As stated by Healthy People 2010, “For individuals, effective health communication can help raise awareness of health risks and solutions provide the motivation and skills needed to reduce these risks, help them find support from other individuals in similar situations, and affect or reinforce attitudes” If care workers speech is clear, relaxed, encouraging, friendly tone and reasonably paced these will help the listener to hear, understand and participate well in any activities given. The inspiring idea ccurs so the individual thinks of something they want to do what information passed, with a bit of assistance only. If there is a lack of effective communication then it will be hard for people to listen or to get information they need. It is also important to respect individual’s wishes and preferences and be able to know their communication skills and strength as there be many positive features that help the communication process and these could help them to maximise their potential in doing certain activities to meet their needs.

Cognitive Behavioural Theory which believes that, the way certain situations or events are interpreted by people plays a major part in their actions and the way they feel, (Alyson Borg, March 2012) Feelings will subsequently affect communication with others which could cause her to become agitated stress.

Updated: May 03, 2023
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Maximizing User Rights in Health and Social Care Services Design and Review essay
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