Labor Agreement - Employment

Categories: Employment

Employment is very important to both educated and skilled persons. It is a source of living to all. Many persons yearn to be employed by organizations or by governments. When one is employed, they yearn for a promotion. Promotions in different companies and organizations are administered differently. However, labor agreement has different methods that agencies are meant to use while offering promotions to employees. There are different methods of promotion according to seniority and merit.

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Promotion in most cases may involve examination while others may be done without promotion examination.

Regular employees and probation officers are the best promotion candidates in most organization.

Promotion Methods on seniority considerations are varied. First, promotion may be done on competitive promotion devoid of promotion examination. In this method, the recruiting authority is bestowed with power to make the necessary appointment to the vacant post. The appointing authority may deem it necessary to fill a vacant post in an agency. The authority then posts a vacancy to inform all interested applicants.

Applications are reviewed by the appointing authority to select the most suitable candidate for promotion according to seniority and merit. Seniority is determined by the number of continuous service offered by regular employees for the lower post they had served. It is the role of the recruiting authority and the director to identify the correct qualifications, logistics, skill and functional operations as well as experience required serving in the vacancy. Second promotion method is noncompetitive promotion devoid of promotion examination.

This is a seniority promotion method that an agency head is entitled to a close scrutiny of employee’s particulars such as experience and training requirement for the particular post.

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If the employee is qualified for the post, they are promoted to a higher post. Considerations for promotion are based on seniority and merit in the past served post. More over, promotion of an incumbent to a higher post is possible through an approval of vacancy in a classified level just above unclassified positions. The unclassified incumbent may be promoted by the appointing authority as long as the incumbent is qualified.

This kind of promotion is achieved in absence of promotional examination. It is important to note that labor agreement covers laws that govern promotion on classified and unclassified levels of employment. This ensures that only qualified and competent candidates are appointed. If one is promoted from unclassified level, they should undergo a minimum of six months probationary training through which they satisfactorily adjust to the classified job category. In addition, promotion could be offered to probationary officer and trainees may successfully complete their probation or training up on which they should be promoted to the next level.

In this case they are promoted without a promotion examination. When a trainee is promoted after successful completion of probation or training period they are promoted on merit and seniority. It is worth noting that any form of promotion that does not entail promotion examination must be carefully done to avoid promotion of unqualified personnel. Additionally, if promotion is done in consideration to promotional examination, the examination must be standardized. The appointing authority determines whether the examination would be taken on intradepartmental conditions or interdepartmentally.

In conclusion, promotion on seniority and merit depends on terms and conditions within which one has served a firm in the subsequent lower posts. The appointing authority scrutinizes eligibility of employees to be promoted. Generally, transparency in job promotion is ensured to safeguard integrity of service and trust in the agency. References Steifeld J. R. (1991). The invention of Free Labor: Employment relation in English and American Law and Culture, 1350-1870. America: University of North Carolina Press.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024

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