Unveiling Injustices: From Home to Society

Categories: JusticeParagraph

A paper which shows just and unjust aspects of society.

Justice Justice is something everyone deserves, but it isn't always what they get. Justice can be unfair at home, school, and even in the workplace. Siblings always seem to complain about chores. This family member may get too many, while another doesn't get enough. Chores are an argument because they aren't exactly done willingly. Privileges are another reason to fight. If one brother gets to go out until 12 o'clock, the other should have the same curfew.

That's not always the case. An excuse such as he's older, or he has plans. If they are the same age, or close to it, the curfew should be the same. (This is true unless it's a punishment.) Another example of this would be when one sister uses the car all week, while her brother has to ride his bike. No one deserves the car more, so there should be equal amounts of use. Another place where injustices occur is at school.

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Budging in the lunch-line, pop quizzes, homework, detentions, and cheating are just a few of the complaints that occur at school. Budging, whether in the lunch-line or the bathroom line, is completely unfair. (Unless, of course, you're the person budging.) A line is formed as a way to make everyone wait the same. The whole system is ruined if someone budges. Budging is rarely caught, but when it is, the punishment is severe. The person who budged usually has to go to the end of the line.

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The only problem with this is that people aren't caught often enough. Cheating is yet another of the unfair practices that go on in school. This kind of deceit is a no-win situation. The assignment was given for a reason, and it defeats the purpose if someone cheats to get it done. The student will not learn the lesson, so when it is time to take the test, they'll most likely flunk. There is no excuse for cheating. The teacher was probably available for help if they were struggling, and if they didn't have time, that's not an excuse. This is also something that isn't caught enough. If it was, there wouldn't be this problem. Probably the place where the most injustices occur is the workplace. People will eventually need jobs, and usually they spend most of their time at their jobs. Employers, employees, and even customers experience these unfair acts, but they also initiate some. When a potential employee is applying for a job, it is illegal for the employer to judge someone on their age, sex, religion, race, creed, handi-caps, or status. This is not always the case. Employers can base their judgments on morals or even prejudices. This is unfair because the employer doesn't even get to know the applicant. As soon as the employer sees the person, their mind is made up as to if they will hire the applicant or not. The employers will continue to do this because there really isn't a way to prove this. Promotions never seem to be fair because the person who complains is usually jealous. Thoughts of why didn't I or what did he do fill their head. To make it seem like they're not jealous, they get upset over promotions. Promotions usually entail more money, a new office, or even a company car. At home, school, or even the workplace, things aren't always fair. In the American society, these injustices are considered every day life. Things need to change, but a tree can't grow overnight. To change practices like these, it takes time.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Unveiling Injustices: From Home to Society. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/justice-new-essay

Unveiling Injustices: From Home to Society essay
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