Galvanostatic PtSn Electrode Prep on Graphite for Electrooxidation Study

Categories: ChemistryMaterials

This article presents the galvanostatic preparation of graphite supported PlatinumTin (PtSn) electrode for electrooxidation study. The electrode was characterized by SEM and

EDX. Investigation of electrooxidation of isopropanol onto Pt-Sn electrode was carried out by

applying cyclicvoltammetry technique at different scan rates. A three electrode setup was used

for this investigation. It is seen from the investigation that anodic peak potentials (1st and 2nd

oxidation peak) as well as the corresponding peak currents changed with scan rate.

Keywords : Isopropanol, elctrooxidation, cyclicvoltammetry.


The kinetics of electrochemical oxidation of small organic molecules is of fundamental importance in

electrocatalysis and is also a vital factor in the application in fuel cells.

Now aliphatic alcohols have been

promoted as promising fuels for direct alcohol fuel cells (DAFCs) in particular ethanol and propanol [1]. This is

due to the better energy efficiency, easy handling during storing and transporting. Also the studies have

concentrated on 2-propanol as an alcohol's fuel because it shows higher performance and a lower overpotential.

Alcohols with more than two carbon atoms have many isomers and special characteristics of non-CO

adsorption. Isopropanol is the smallest secondary alcohol molecule. It is of tremendous importance in

fundamental studies. The mechanism of 2-PrOH electro-oxidation reaction has been investigated by means of

electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques (in situ infrared spectroscopy),as well as online mass

spectroscopy [2-4]. According to these investigations, it is observed that acetone is the main electro-oxidation

product of 2-PrOH. No dissociative adsorption of 2-PrOH was found by in situ infrared spectra. Acetone acts

both the role of product and intermediate, and that the formation of a further oxidized product, CO2, was also

observed. Although the mechanisms and kinetics of 2-propanol oxidation are comparatively well described

using platinum electrodes, but there are very few reports on electrochemical oxidation of 2-PrOH on bimetallic

electrodes. Some of the investigations showed that binary electrodes exhibit better electrocatalytic activity for

isopropanol oxidation [5-7]. Gonza?lez et al. investigated the electro-oxidation of 2-PrOH onto PtSn surface at

low potential. They observed that acetone is inert onto this surface [8]. Therefore, the objective of the present

investigation is to report the results of systematic studies on electro-oxidation of 2-PrOH onto graphite

supported Pt-Sn electrode.


Materials: Sulfuric acid (Merck), H2PtCl6 (Arrora Matthey Limited), SnCl2 (Merck) were used as

supplied. Isopropanol (Merck) was distilled before use. Electrode preparation: Graphite sheet (Alfa-Aesar) was considered as substrate for metals (Pt and Sn)

deposition. Before each deposition, the cleaning of graphite surface was done electrochemically. Depositions

were carried out galvanostatically (PAR VersaStatTMII) with a current density of

for 30 minutes

from a mixed salt solution(Pt and Sn) bath.

Electrode characterization: The surface characterisation of the anode material was investigated with a

SEM ,scanning electron microscope (SEM, Hitachi S-3000N), at an accelerating potential of 20kV. The

elemental compositions of the electro-deposited catalyst was determined by EDX (energy dispersive X-ray)

analysis. The EDX analysis was performed using an EXLII, oxford attached to the microscope.

Electrochemical measurement: The activity of the deposited electrodes towards 2-PrOH oxidation was

studied by cyclic voltammetry technique (PAR VersaStatTMII). For this study, a three electrode setup was

constructed, where carbon supported electrodes (1cm x 1 cm) were the working electrodes, Pt foil (1cm2

) was

the counter electrode, while a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) acted as reference electrode. The electrolytes

were 0.5 M H2SO4 acid solution (blank), and 0.5 M H2SO4 containing 2-PrOH (1.0M) solution. Cyclic

voltammograms of the blank solution and alcohol solutions were recorded between -0.2 to 1.1 V vs. SCE. All

the experiments were carried out at 250C.

Results and Discussion

SEM image of the PtSn electrode surface is presented in figure 1. It is seen that the bimetallic electrode

is covered with a uniform, relatively smooth catalyst layer. Here the SEM images do not give much information

on particle size and its growth kinetics, but a uniform growth of relatively smooth catalyst layer is observed.

The energy dispersion X-ray (EDX) spectrums of the electrode is given in figure 2. It is seen from the

spectrum that peaks at about 1.6, 2.2, 8.3, 9.4, 10, 11 and 13keV with a strong intensity peak at 2.2 keV are

observed for metallic Pt which matches with the literature values. Tin peaks come at about 3.0 and 3.5 keV.

Table 1 shows the bath composition and EDX composition.

The standard reduction potential (SHE) of the species involved in the electro-deposition of Pt, Sn are

as follows;



/ [PtCl4]

2- = 0.68 V,[PtCl4]


/Pt = 0.76 V, Sn2+/Sn = -0.14 V.

From the above potential values, it is seen that in the course of co-deposition, the possibility of

reduction of tin precursors to metallic Sn is lower as compared to that of Pt. EDX results support the above

supposition. Thus based on the composition obtained from EDX analysis of the electrode, the electrode may be

designated as Pt86Sn14.

Cyclic voltammogram(CV) of the blank solution presented in figure 3. This CV does not exhibit any

typical hydrogen desorption/ adsorption peaks. The current slowly increases from 0.280 V and a peak appears at

about 0.51 V. This may be due to tin oxide formation.The figure 4 illustrates the cyclic voltammogram profiles of isopropanol electrooxidation onto

Pt86Sn14working electrode at different scan rates within the potential limit -0.2 to 1.1V vs. SCE. Two anodic

oxidation peaks are observed during the potential sweep towards higher potential and one oxidation peak

appears during reverse scan. In case of, Pt86Sn14 current increases from 0.12 V and the first peak appears at 0.3V

followed by a 2nd peak appears at about 0.7 V.The appearance of two oxidation peaks on the forward scan can

be described to the oxidation of the fuel by two kinds of chemisorbed oxygen species. It is also observed that

anodic peak potential as well as the corresponding anodic peak currents has been changed with scan rate. An

increase in scan rate increases the peak current and shifts the peak potential in the positive direction.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Galvanostatic PtSn Electrode Prep on Graphite for Electrooxidation Study. (2019, Nov 30). Retrieved from

Galvanostatic PtSn Electrode Prep on Graphite for Electrooxidation Study essay
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