Importance of Higher Education in the United States

Categories: College

Since the enactment of the first GI Bill post-World War II, the proliferation of universities has been notable. Presently, the United States boasts over 4000 college-like institutions. Public policies, such as federal student loan programs, have aimed to democratize higher education, making it accessible to a broader demographic. However, in recent times, the cost of pursuing a four-year degree has surged significantly, largely due to the perception of college as an obligatory pathway. Robert T. Perry, in his essay "On 'Real Education,'" contends the necessity of a higher number of university and community college graduates.

Conversely, in "Is College for Everyone?" Pharinet posits that not all individuals are suited for college, challenging the prevailing notion. Amidst this debate, Robert's argument appears more compelling, grounded in credible sources and supported by statistical evidence.

Increasing Demand for College Graduates

The US Department of Labor emphasizes the growing demand for college graduates to maintain global economic competitiveness. Robert underscores this urgency by highlighting projections of 3 million jobs requiring bachelor's degrees during the presidential term.

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The shortage of qualified individuals to fill these roles underscores the necessity of higher education. Professions in healthcare, education, software engineering, and manufacturing now predominantly necessitate a college education. The divergence from college often restricts employment prospects, leaving fewer options for those opting out of higher education.

Moreover, Robert accentuates the evolving landscape of corporate competitiveness, suggesting that individuals lacking a postsecondary degree encounter perpetual financial struggles. Through emotive appeal, Robert emphasizes the numerous advantages associated with postsecondary education, including improved health, community engagement, reduced crime involvement, heightened productivity in the workplace, and a propensity for philanthropic endeavors.

Challenges and Misfits in College

On the contrary, Pharinet underscores prevalent challenges within the education system, particularly the academic and financial unpreparedness of students.

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The pressure to juggle full-time work and studies often leads to students relinquishing full-time student status. Pharinet's emotional appeal questions the rationale behind standardized testing and the absence of universal admissions policies, hinting at the ill-fit of college for everyone.

Pharinet posits that a significant portion of college attendees lack genuine enthusiasm for learning. Many pursue higher education solely to secure a job with satisfactory remuneration, potentially leading to a lack of motivation in their careers. This perspective challenges the conventional belief that college is suitable for all, presenting a viewpoint starkly different from Robert's assertion.

Analyzing Persuasive Elements

Robert's argumentation shines through due to its establishment of ethos, substantiated by factual evidence and expert opinions. He employs logical reasoning and statistical support, strengthening his claims, while Pharinet relies more on personal opinions and emotive appeals in his blog-like approach. While both lack direct personal experiences with higher education, their arguments exhibit efficacy through organization and evidence presentation.

In conclusion, the debate on the universality of college education remains polarized between Robert's assertion that college is for everyone and Pharinet's contention that it is not. However, Robert's evidence-based approach, grounded in statistics and credible sources, makes his argument more compelling. The pressing need for a higher number of college graduates to meet evolving job requirements and economic demands underscores the indispensable role of higher education in the United States.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Importance of Higher Education in the United States. (2016, Sep 29). Retrieved from

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