Interpirtation of the short story "Lust" by Susan Minot

Categories: Short Story

In Susan Minot's short story, "Lust," the narrative delves into the complex emotions and experiences of a young girl as she navigates her relationships with boys and grapples with her own sense of self-worth. The story opens with the protagonist recounting her first sexual encounter, setting the tone for a series of encounters that shape her perception of herself and her interactions with others. Throughout the story, the girl's focus on boys and her lack of interest in other aspects of her life hint at deeper issues of low self-confidence and self-esteem.

One of the key themes that emerges in the story is the protagonist's struggle to find validation and love through her relationships with boys. She describes feeling inadequate and unworthy unless she is desired by a boy, highlighting a deep-seated need for external approval and affection. This need for validation is further emphasized in her reflections on other girls who she perceives as "clean and perfect" for not engaging in sexual activities, revealing a sense of shame and self-loathing for her own choices.

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As the narrative progresses, the protagonist's behavior becomes increasingly self-destructive, with her engaging in casual sexual encounters in a desperate attempt to fill a void within herself. The emptiness she feels after these encounters reflects a deeper emotional turmoil and a sense of loneliness that she struggles to articulate. Her parents' absence and her isolation in a boarding school compound her feelings of rejection and abandonment, leading her to seek solace in fleeting connections with boys who offer temporary distractions from her inner turmoil.

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Throughout the story, the protagonist's internal conflict is palpable as she grapples with conflicting desires for love, acceptance, and self-fulfillment. Her reliance on external sources of validation ultimately leaves her feeling hollow and disconnected from her own sense of identity. The metaphor of feeling like "a piece of pounded veal" underscores her profound sense of worthlessness and objectification, highlighting the destructive impact of her choices on her self-image.

As the protagonist's relationships with boys become increasingly shallow and devoid of meaning, she finds herself sinking deeper into despair and self-destructive behavior. The cycle of seeking validation through sex only serves to exacerbate her feelings of emptiness and alienation, pushing her further away from any semblance of happiness or fulfillment. The image of her waiting by the window, smoking and feeling worse, encapsulates her sense of hopelessness and longing for something more substantial in her life.

Ultimately, "Lust" paints a poignant portrait of a young girl's search for love and acceptance in all the wrong places, highlighting the destructive consequences of seeking validation through external sources. The protagonist's journey serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of defining one's worth based on the approval of others, urging readers to look inward for true happiness and fulfillment. Through her raw and honest portrayal of the protagonist's struggles, Susan Minot invites readers to reflect on the complexities of self-worth, identity, and the search for genuine connection in a world filled with fleeting distractions and false promises.


Updated: Feb 15, 2024
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Interpirtation of the short story "Lust" by Susan Minot. (2016, Jul 05). Retrieved from

Interpirtation of the short story "Lust" by Susan Minot essay
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