Importance of the English Language in Present Day World

Language is the source of communication. Its the way through which we share our ideas and thoughts with others. There are uncountable languages in this world. Because every country has their own national language, then they have different local languages spoken and understood by their people in different regions. Let's talk about English. It is the language of England and has International Standard. Many people think English as American Language but it is not true.

In fact, when Columbus discovered America, he saw the country in the Stone Age with high illiteracy rate.

Those were the European and English people who brought education and knowledge even technology towards America. There are several factors that make us to learn English Language to go through in the current time. First of all, as I already mention, it has International Standard, that’s why everyone needs to learn English in order to get in touch on International Level.

If we see Educational field, we will find much of the syllabus is written in English.

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Children are taught and encouraged to learn English on starting levels. And accordingly, as they promote to the next levels they study almost all the subjects in English. We see the Internet and find more than 90% of websites written and created in English. And even when you see some sites in other languages, they also give you the option to translate in English. All the research and studies you find will be written and typed in English.

All the information regarding each and everything contains English Language.

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There is another factor that make English very important in this world is it is the easiest language of the world to learn. Many people think that it is very difficult and confusing. But I suggest them to start and learn only for a week and they will feel easy with English. With good understanding and communication in English, we can travel around the globe. We get assistance and help in English in every part of world. You can test it by on line travel.

Better you visit some offices, companies, governmental organizations, and other departments, and you will see the importance of English as they hire the professional staff after getting know that whether the people they are hiring are good at English or not. This is the company's will that their staff is not even well educated but also good English speaker, writer and Reader. Those who are still unaware about the importance of English. They should start learning English as a time will come when everything would be understood, spoken and written in English. Better watch some media and get the scope of English.

Why English Is an Important Languege?

English is an important language because in today’s global world, the importance of English cannot be denied or ignored since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. Solomon Island is a developing country and everyone has to learn English because today everything seems to be English. Language plays an important role in human life. Out of all the languages in the world, English is considered as the international language.

There are some reasons why English is so important and many people attempt to learn it. When we consider about education in Solomon Island, children are being teached to learn English starting at preschool in order to make their English better. Imagine if people didn't study English, how would people be speaking and learning today. In order to sound educated and literate people need to thoroughly study English. An additional reason for studying English is for communication. How do we communicate with other people in foreign countries who do not speak our mother tongue?

The answer is using English because everyone knows at least a little English. English helps to rise up tourism because it’s easy to communicate with the foreigners. Just think about how hard it would be to keep tourism in a country like Solomon Island if tourist guides didn’t know at least a little English. English is a very important language for the Solomon islanders to learn, especially for students at high school and student studying at universities.

For instance, all of the students have to do some projects or homework’s which are related with their field during the high school and university education. In this projects or home works, they have to find some information which is connected with their subjects. All the information or sources which they find will be written in English weather they find in the internet or books. During this process, if they know English, they will not come across with any difficulty, but if they don’t know, even they may not use these data. As a result, the student who knows English will be more successful at his/her project.

In conclusion, I must tell you this, if you want to go ahead in your life and in your stream, you should learn English so that it would be easier to reach your achievements. That is how English plays a major role in our life.

Updated: Jun 14, 2022
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Importance of the English Language in Present Day World essay
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