Homogeneous Groupings in Education Situation

Homogeneous groupings in educational situation refer to group of students according to their academic ability. This is also known as ability grouping where students place together in respect to their achievements or similar instructional level (Slavin, 1990). It is the educational practice of placing students in classes based on their academic capability (Marzano et al., 2008; McCarter, 2014). In some educational settings, students were placed into classrooms that were not grouped homogeneously, and educators gave group instruction in respect to the specific individual need of students.

In some instructional settings, students were placed into homogeneously-grouped classes based on academic ability or academic achievement (Emery, 2007). On the other hand Reuman(1989) define that homogeneous grouping makes a difference to the academic development of the students. It is an effective way of strategic grouping applied to students. In agreement with (Hornyby, Witte & Mitchell, 2011) it benefits students to be advance and forth academic gains. In addition, RBITT (2002) recognize that when students were placed in a ability grouping class, they consistently produces larger gain than the mixed ability group or heterogeneous groupings and that the positive effects are slightly greater for low achievers than the average or above average achievers.
Homogeneous grouping proposes the medium ability groups to learn at high levels (Ben Johnson, 2014).

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Some teachers applied homogeneous grouping as a way to meet the academic needs and increase academic capabilities of students. The latest study of Adodo and Agbayewa (2011) investigated that teacher can provide more repetitive and supportt to the low-achievers and the advanced or enhanced level of instruction to the high achievers.

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Low achieving students feel more comfortable and participate more when they are grouped with peers of similar or same ability. The high achievers have their interest and incentive maintained in a homogeneous group conversely when in heterogeneous grouping the high achievers might languish or waste their time when grouped with the low ability learners as from the aforementioned responses, the students seem to value their comfort and ability to participate in the group work in the level they belong. Also the outcome of their study shows that homogenous ability grouping is superior for promoting student achievement in their different ability level.
Homogeneous ability level grouping class helps the teacher to adjust materials and method of instruction to suit the need and level of the students. The luxury of time, space, materials and indulgence of the persons involved in individualized instruction is reduced through homogeneous ability level grouping class. Students can work at a faster or slower pace without being discouraged within the group of same ability level they belong. According to study of Emily et al.(2003) when the students are group homogeneously , there is a possibility that low ability students may be unmotivated to learn because of the influence of other students, the surroundings, and the teachers expectation of poor performance. On the other hand, Lou et al (1996) stated that when a high ability student is combined with low ability students, they need to consider the academic needs of other students and divide their time instructing other group members rather than learning what regard to their academic achievement level. If a group of students were put in a situation having different academic abilities, there is a possibility that the attention of the teacher might centered only on students who can easily catch up with the lessons without knowing the students that are struggling were left behind. (Ireson & Hallam, 2001) Students have their own potential and capabilities that needs appropriate assessment.
A contrasting opinion Fram et al. (2007) distinguish that homogeneous grouping has been the common practice of groupings, researchers have denoted that homogeneous grouping lowers the students' academic achievements as well as their self-efficacy and self-esteem.

Updated: May 19, 2021

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