Odysseus' Journey: From Arrogance to Humility

Categories: Hero

In Homer’s Odyssey, the protagonist Odysseus embodies Joseph Campbell’s hero cycle, which illustrates the journey of a hero from arrogance to humility.The hero cycle is a common theme in epics, starting with a departure and leading to an initiation before returning.Odysseus faces tests to overcome his hubris, learning self-control and humbleness to bring about a transformation in his life.

The journey begins with Odysseus reluctantly leaving for Troy at the urging of Menelaus and Agamemnon despite wanting to stay with his son Telemachus.Athena, the goddess of wisdom, aids him on his journey, providing guidance.The hero encounters his first test on the way, setting the stage for his transformative journey.This is the battle between the Greeks and Trojans.

The Trojan War lasted 10 years and finally, it was over. This is only the beginning of Odysseus's journey. The second step of the hero cycle is initiation, where tests and climax happen. Odysseus endures tests with creatures externally and internally.

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Along the way, he gets aided by many supernatural beings without whom he would not survive. After winning the war, Odysseus decides to attack the island of the Cicones, resulting in a loss of men demonstrating hubris. He then goes to the island of the Lotus Eaters where his men don't want to leave, so he ties them down. On the island of the Cyclopes, he blinds Polyphemus and shows hubris by deceiving him with a false name. As he leaves, Odysseus foolishly reveals his true identity to Polyphemus, sparking a curse from Poseidon.After visiting the Cyclopes, Odysseus and his crew landed on Aeolus' island, where the keeper of winds gave him a bag of winds with instructions for its use.

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Despite being warned not to open it, Odysseus' crew did so out of suspicion, leading to their return to the island. They then encountered the Laestrygonians, who destroyed all ships except Odysseus'. Circe's island followed, where his men were turned into animals but later restored with Hermes' help. Odysseus learned from Circe that he must visit Hades, where he gained insights about his past and future. This was a turning point in his life, as he learned to overcome hubris. Passing the sirens and Scylla, losing men in the process, they reached Thrinikia where they were forbidden from eating cattle. Most disobeyed, resulting in the destruction of their ship except Odysseus'. Spending seven years on Ogygia with Calypso provided him with time for reflection and change. The return journey marked Odysseus' implementation of the lessons he had learned.At Ogygia, Calypso receives a visit from Hermes informing her that Odysseus can leave. He travels across the seas to the island of the Phaecians where Nausicaa helps him reach the king for a ship to Ithaca. Athena advises him to disguise himself as a beggar to observe his absence. Upon meeting Telemachus, he withholds his true identity, practicing self-restraint. After revealing himself, he has Telemachus promise not to tell Penelope. He decides against storming back into the castle, fearing conflict. Penelope tests his identity by challenging suitors to string Odysseus’ bow and shoot it through axes. Only Odysseus succeeds, after which he kills the suitors. Penelope tests him again by suggesting moving their olive tree bed, symbolizing their relationship and throne. He stops her, finally convincing her that he is truly Odysseus.In The Odyssey, the book ends with all the suitors' families being fine after going through a settlement. The kingdom is back in order, and Telemachus has finally come of age. Joseph Campbell's cycle highlights a hero's journey from good to bad, which is evident in the story of Odysseus. Initially, Odysseus displays arrogance when dealing with Polyphemus. However, after visiting Hades and receiving guidance on changing his ways, Odysseus faces challenges such as resisting the Sirens' song and not consuming the cattle on Thrinikia. By displaying self-control and humility upon returning to Ithaca, Odysseus shows that he has overcome his hubris.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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Odysseus' Journey: From Arrogance to Humility. (2018, Aug 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/hero-cycle-from-the-odyessy-essay

Odysseus' Journey: From Arrogance to Humility essay
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