Increased Focus on Environmental Conservation by Businesses and Organizations

With the recent discussion about pollution and environmental conservation, several businesses and organizations are beginning to pay more attention on how they can conserve their environment. Recently, laws have been made that heap heavy penalty on companies and organizations that do not protect their environment. In order to avoid this, several companies and establishments have sought out ways of maintaining environmental safety conserve the environmental resources. Green Hotels is such an initiative that aims at promoting environmental conservation while reducing energy consumption and saving more money.

Green Hotels Association is an initiative that aims to bring hotels who are concerned about how to conserve the environment together.

As an association, the Green Hotels Association organize programs for Hotel Managers who are willing to cooperate with the association in order to ensure a cleaner and better environment for workers and customers alike. The program teaches these managers practical ideas on how to make their environments cleaner, conserve energy so that the bills incurred would be less and at the same time help in making the society cleaner.

The program also incorporates lectures on how to manage solid waste disposal so that it would not be harmful to the environment.

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As an ecological association, Green Hotels encourage member hotels to have such policies as serving drinking water only when the customer asks for it, installation of new HVAC systems and they help these hotels in “greening” their environment. As an organization, Green Hotels provides members with guidelines on how they can transform their hotels into a totally “green” environment.

In this book, there are ideas that provide these hotel managers and their engineer insight into what they can do to conserve their environment, what equipments to buy that would consume less energy and how they can generally reduce their solid waste.

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With branches all over America, Green Hotels is a solution to the problem of environmental pollution in our industrialized world. Apart from the functions of the Green Hotels Association that are listed above, Green Hotels Association also provide member Hotels with what they call “Green Catalog”.

This is a catalog that contains a wide range of products that are environmentally-friendly and water and energy conserving products that could be used to replace the existing energy consuming equipments that are being used in the hospitality industry. A good thing about these products is that they are as effective as the regular equipments but they save more energy, water and are more environmentally-friendly. They also help in reducing the overall bills that is incurred at the end of the day. An example of such product is the toilet-tank fill diverter which does not affect the flush but saves ?

gallons of water every time that it is being used. It does what the guest wants, saves more water and the juicy part is that it is less that $1. Other products include the guestroom recycler basket and the hair and skin care dispensers which is fashionable and provides the guest with an option. As a form of encouraging managers and CEOs in the hospitality industry to join the program, Green Hotels Association provides advertisement for the member hotels by endorsing them as an environmentally-friendly hotel and this makes them the choice of environmentalist who are looking for a hotel to lodge.

Also, they have a newsletter that they send every two weeks. This newsletter contains new practical ideas and innovations, media publicity and making the public identify these member hotels as a Green hotel. Apart from this, they list their members on the internet and back them up by giving them a public identity by putting a Green pole on the front desk or beside the hotel pole. Furthermore, Green Hotels Association supports recycling of solid waste into other products that are useful.

Instead of wasting money is finding a way of disposing the solid waste that is being generated from the daily usage of products in the hotels, Green Hotels Association provides an alternative of recycling these solid wastes. This has two implications which is reducing the cost of waste disposal and at the same time making money through the finished products that are gotten after the solid waste has been recycled. Recycled products that are gotten from this program include recycled pens, napkins and chef aprons, Cloth laundry bags and use of solar energy in tropical areas.

To be a member of Green Hotels Association is easy. It is as little as $100 and it is not restricted to Hotels in America only. The Association has developed a worldwide reputation for encouraging ecological conservation in the hospitality industry. Thus, any member that joins has more to gain and less to lose. This is because the mere idea that the Hotel cares about the environment is something that would get to the heart of any environmentalist and people generally.

Apart from this, these practical ideas are not only easy to do, they are things that would make your customers come again because of the healthy environment that participating in the program provides. This is not to consider the money saved from simple innovative ideas that Green Hotels Association provides its members. In conclusion, Green Hotels Association provides those in the hospitality industry with the opportunity of helping to make the world a healthier place to live in while saving more and getting known for what you are doing.


http://www. greenhotels. com/grnideas. htm. Retrieved on October 28, 2008

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Increased Focus on Environmental Conservation by Businesses and Organizations essay
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