Comparing Theseus and Achilles in Greek Mythology

Categories: Achilles

Greek mythology is replete with tales of heroic figures who played pivotal roles in shaping the ancient world. Among these heroes, Theseus and Achilles stand out for their remarkable deeds and contributions. While both figures faced daunting challenges and emerged as celebrated heroes, a closer examination reveals distinct differences in their characters, motivations, and the impact of their actions on the people around them.

1. Selflessness and Compassion

One striking difference between Theseus and Achilles lies in their attitudes towards others, particularly those in need.

Theseus, known for his benevolence, demonstrated an unparalleled act of compassion when he extended a helping hand to the disgraced Oedipus. Oedipus, expelled from his city and burdened by a tragic destiny foretold by Apollo's Oracle of Delphi, found refuge in the benevolent heart of Theseus. Despite the scorn of society, Theseus embraced Oedipus, embodying the essence of selflessness and empathy.

In stark contrast, Achilles displayed a more self-centered disposition. When summoned to fight for the Greeks in the Trojan War, Achilles exhibited a reluctance driven by personal concerns.

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This is evident in his refusal to engage in battle, choosing instead to remain in his tent. The consequences of his inaction were dire, as a fierce battle ensued among the Greeks, with Apollo's wrath descending upon them. Unlike Theseus, Achilles prioritized his own interests over the well-being of his compatriots.

2. Courage in the Face of Adversity

The divergent approaches of Theseus and Achilles towards courage further distinguish their heroic qualities. Theseus's valor is exemplified by his voluntary entry into the perilous labyrinth, a challenge that had claimed the lives of many before him.

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"At one, Theseus came forward to be one of the victims" (Hamilton 212). This bold decision showcased Theseus's unwavering commitment to protecting his people, as he confronted the Minotaur and successfully navigated the labyrinth, a feat never before achieved.

Achilles, on the other hand, demonstrated a lack of courage by attempting to evade his duty in the Trojan War. Fearing the prophecy that foretold his demise in battle, Achilles disguised himself as a woman to avoid military service. This act of cowardice not only undermined the unity of the Greek forces but also questioned the depth of Achilles's commitment to the greater good. Unlike Theseus, who willingly faced mortal danger for the benefit of his people, Achilles prioritized his own safety over the collective welfare.

3. Respect for Others

The contrasting attitudes of Theseus and Achilles towards respect further illuminate the distinctions between their characters. Theseus, when confronted with a request from the Thebans to bury their loved ones, exhibited a sense of democracy and respect for the collective will. "If the citizens consent, then I will go to Thebes" (Hamilton 390). This decision-making process underscored Theseus's commitment to fairness and acknowledgment of the voices of the people.

Achilles, in contrast, displayed a shocking lack of respect in the aftermath of Hector's death. Tying Hector's lifeless body to the back of his chariot and dragging it through the dust, Achilles not only defied the principles of decency but also invoked the ire of the gods. This disrespectful act not only dishonored the fallen Trojan hero but also showcased Achilles's disregard for the cultural norms and divine order. Such behavior stands in stark contrast to the respectful and democratic approach adopted by Theseus.


In conclusion, the comparative analysis of Theseus and Achilles in Greek mythology reveals profound differences in their characters, actions, and impact on the world around them. While both are celebrated as great heroes, Theseus emerges as the superior figure, embodying qualities of selflessness, courage, and respect for others. Theseus's willingness to face danger for the greater good, his compassion towards the unfortunate, and his democratic approach to decision-making distinguish him as a hero who transcends the limitations of individualism.

On the other hand, Achilles, though a formidable warrior, is marred by selfishness, cowardice, and disrespect. His actions during the Trojan War and treatment of Hector's body reflect a lack of commitment to the collective welfare and a disregard for the values upheld by Greek society. In the grand tapestry of Greek mythology, Theseus stands out as the epitome of a true hero, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of ancient storytelling.

Updated: Jan 10, 2024
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Comparing Theseus and Achilles in Greek Mythology essay
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