Prison - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Since the beginning, society has sought to answer the question- what should be done with those who break the law? In the 1790s, the Quakers of Philadelphia shifted from harsh, public punishments with a new approach to rehabilitate criminals. Offenders were placed into solitary confinement to self-reflect and find penitence, thus coining the term “penitentiary” (Kilgore, 2015). Since then prison systems have evolved into indeterminate sentencing, where time served in a penitentiary depends on an inmate’s behavior. To curb violent behavior within prison walls, prison administrators and officials have begun implementing programs that would give inmates resources and tools to successfully integrate back into society upon release. Programs such as education, drug rehab, and prison animal programs have proven successful in reducing recidivism rates, and programs such as the listed should be used across the country.

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