Juvenile Justice Essay Examples

Juvenile Justice - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Juveniles should not be tried and held to the same standards as adults and according to the documentary, “Prison Kids Juvenile Justice in America”, the United States locks up more young kids than any other country. People need to look into these juvenile living situations like how they were raised, the environment in which they were raised, and also whether the parents were present in their lives. Furthermore, society overlooks scientific research on the teenage brain that is useful because it gives a better understanding for why juveniles may behave a certain way and why their actions are sometimes unexplainable. In the article, “Starling Finds on Teenage Brains” by Paul Thompson, he discovers that a massive loss of brain tissue occurs in the teenage brain which is associated with area that control impulses, risk-taking, and rash actions. Thompson states that teens need all the help they can get to guide them onto the right path and that the legal system should not treat them as adults because of their underdeveloped brains.

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