Filipino Mode of Thinking

We, Filipinos, are considered hospitable and merry. It has been an attitude the majority enriches or embraces. For instance, looking into our hospitality, when a guest is present in our home, a treatment of respect and comfort will be provided for the person as if the guest is a member of the family. Whereas for being merry, when a problem emerges, a joke or two about the problem will be the response to make the atmosphere be calmer. All these qualities root from are “communal relationships”.

Again we are known from these qualities. All of which are embedded in our culture that originated since pre-colonial times that we still carry today. A lot of things can still be considered to show our identity and uniqueness. It could either be present only in some areas or in the general public but all of these points to our Filipino mode of thinking.

Our Filipino mode of thinking is considered as “oriental, non-dualistic, holistic and has unity between the subject and the object”.

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It is true on so many ways. Just observing the way our people act and build their houses are fitting cases. A Filipino identity is present even if one goes abroad; a habit that every Filipino will carry whenever he goes – the Filipino mode of thinking. A mode of thinking is a desirable element to have a rich culture and country; every country might as well have it but differs in their own notions or form. It may not apply to everyone due to the globalization, but a hint or two would still pass if there are people with that mode of thinking around that person.

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To give out examples of this Filipino mode of thinking, a lot can be stated. Two eminent cases are the tattooing art in the country and our “kamay-kamayan” eating or the buddlefeast. PhilippineTattoo

Philippine tattooing has been an art since pre-colonial times which spreads to the three main islands of the country. The word “Pintados” (Painted Ones) was even dubbed for the Bisayans by the Spaniards. Tattooing is a phenomenon in the whole world nowadays that evolves since the early times. The so-called Pintados of the island of Visayas, Manobo of Mindanao and Kalinga of Luzon are the front runners of tattoo tradition and culture in the country. However, this tradition and art in the country has been partially diminishing in some of the tribes or areas. The few organizations and institutions are at times the only hope in trying to save this continuing crisis.

PHILTAG, Mark of Four Waves Tribe and many others are the organizations that are reviving the tribal designs of our traditional tattooing tribes. These people advocate the start of a new revolution in Philippine Tattooing. It has been doing greatly for the past few years. At present, a lot of Filipinos here and abroad, and even those who are not Filipino, are having our tribal designs tattooed on them. Diversities and similarities are present for each country in terms of tattooing but it could still be identified through the processes or the designs themselves. Designs that depicts animals and nature which is one with the people that shows our mode of thinking is non-dualistic. Kamay-kamayan

Filipinos are really fond in eating; it is seen in our fiestas, birthdays, wedding or just any party on that matter. These practices can also be the way one could show it hospitality and cheerfulness; for there are times when hosts give out carry-outs or take-outs for the guests or cases when even people the host does not know are invited or welcome. Eating has been essential to show one that he/she is high cultured using proper etiquette like the use of table knives, spoons and forks in different manners or activities.

However, some Filipinos don’t practice such customs from time to time for they use their own hands to eat. It may look unhygienic or improper to others but it has been a practice that has been ongoing since before in our history; “Kamay-kamayan” or “kamayan” as they called it. I myself tried such a practice and discovered it is quite gratifying; and fitting for eating certain foods. It might as well be our bond to our ancestors which did not have those spoons and forks. It is still abundant in the country even in the urban areas.

There are even restaurants that suggest people to eat with their bare hands. Also, “buddle feasts” are being a trend nowadays. It’s all about eating together, with a small or big number of people, having all the food on a same long tables sharing all these to everyone; another special thing about it is eating with your hands as well. This just shows that we live as a community and shows unity like that of the buddle feasts happening in the Philippine Military Academy and the annual event in Taguig that promotes unity and bonding. The sakop mentality and holistic concept also comes into play in this kind of practices. Eating with your hands may have its pros and cons but a culture correctly done will always be right and rich. Conclusion

The Filipino mode of thinking is “oriental, non-dualistic, holistic and has unity between the subject and the object” as stated in first paragraph. The examples given show all these qualities. The Filipinos should also preserve and enrich these practices for the sake of the country’s culture. The country since before the coming of the Spaniards has a culture to be proud of. It is unique and shows the Filipino in its own way for “without culture, and the relative freedom it implies, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. This is why any authentic creation is a gift to the future.”

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Filipino Mode of Thinking. (2016, May 05). Retrieved from

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