Families Have Rules And Practices

Categories: Rules


Rules and practices are things that should be kept and followed. Without rules, everybody will be stealing things, cheating during exams, and killing people. Therefore, they are important in the family as, without them, family members could just forget to flush the toilet or forget to wash his/her hands. Practices are routines that ensure that things will be in order so as to minimize conflicts, such as to visit grandparents once a week.

Rule/ Practice #1

Washing my feet when I enter the house is one rule my family keeps.

When we enter the house, we have to go to the nearest bathroom to wash our feet. My mother says that we sweat so our legs would be dirty and sticky. Why don't we just use a piece of tissue? This is because tissues are not wet. Washing them will ensure that the floors will remain clean when we move around the house.

This value is important as everybody likes a clean home and a clean home does not come easily if everybody fails to do his or her part.

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A dirty home might attract insects such as cockroaches, which some people are afraid of. We need to be responsible for our actions and behaviors and it can start right from home.

It is also very important because if doctors or teachers are irresponsible, patients would not recover from their sicknesses, students would fail for their exams, and so on.

Rule/ Practice #2

Sleeping before 9.30 p.m. on weekdays is another rule that my family enforces.

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My parents made this rule when I attended the morning sessions because they care for my health and wanted me to have sufficient rest before school starts the next day. Therefore, by 9:25 p.m., I should be brushing my teeth.

This value reinforced is care and concern. This value is important as I usually wake up at 6 a.m. If I sleep late, I would be tired the next day, and would not be able to concentrate. If we do not practice care and concern in a family, sick family members would be ignored and not taken care of.

It is also important in countries. If there are no charity organizations, poor people would not have money and they would starve and eventually die as they could not buy food. People affected by earthquakes and droughts would not have money to buy a new house as theirs toppled down in a natural disaster. Therefore, we have to practice care and concern.

Rule/ Practice #3

The third rule that I would be discussing is that on weekdays, my sister and I have to ask permission from my parents before we use the computer and give a reason. Since young, I had to ask permission from my parents to use the computer. My parents made this rule as they want to monitor what my sister and I do when using the computer. If it is things like playing computer games, they would most likely reject as playing computer games is meaningless. I had never been disobedient and not follow the rule so I do not know what would happen to me if I disobey.

The values reinforced are integrity and responsibility. These are important as asking permission helps my parents monitor me. They would know how long I watch television, play computer games, and other kinds of activities. They could then stop me if I watch too much television for example, as it would hurt my eyesight. We need to show integrity by asking for permission and not using the computers without informing my parents.

If the People's Action Party government, or PAP, does not have integrity, there might not be such things as Lee Kuan Yew made Singapore from a third-world country to a first-world country. Singapore would also not be so successful now.


I think Rule/ Practice #2 (Sleeping before 9:30 p.m.) should be modified. I should instead sleep at 9 p.m., which gives me more sleep than the usual 8 hours and 30 minutes. I actually still feel quite tired when I wake up even when I have more than 8 hours of sleep.

Imagine a place without rules and practices. The whole place would be in a mess. In shopping malls or schools, people would be committing offenses like vandalism and fighting. At home, people would be visiting grandparents or parents once in a blue moon. Children would not be respecting elders and using the computer without permission. Even at the international level, airplanes would just be flying into other countries' colony without permission. These things are horrible. Therefore, we have to have rules and practices. This would make the world a better place to live in.

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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Families Have Rules And Practices. (2019, Nov 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/families-have-rules-and-practices-essay

Families Have Rules And Practices essay
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