Experience in Applying Management Principles in the Real World

From the days of Frederick W. Taylor who laid the foundation for Management to date, poor management has continued to cause devastating results. My country, Nigeria, has suffered enormously from distressing levels of mismanagement which has led to high unemployment and poverty. A career in the research and teaching of Management will, therefore, increase my understanding of how human and material resources should be managed to ensure the competitive performance of enterprises and the attainment of goals. The choice to study at the University of Salford comes easily as the University is prominently featured among the top schools in the world and rated an impressive 4.

3 out of 5 stars by students for the availability of specialist academics in varied disciplines and the supportive research environment it offers. A degree from the University will increase my career prospects, hone my capabilities, broaden my perspective, develop my research skills, and help me analyze and offer solutions to the problems that plague Nigerian businesses while also gaining first-hand knowledge of the British way of life and its business ethos.

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Growing up, french culture and literature inspired me to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages and Translation Studies and after a year of training abroad, I learned how to conduct research of international standards. Craving more knowledge, I switched to Social Sciences and attained a Graduate Diploma in Public Administration. I passed the Management proficiency examination set by the Nigerian Institute of Management and earned the Chartered Manager Status. In 2010, I joined the Akwa Ibom State Government of Nigeria as an Administrative Officer where I oversee various functions for the government such as personnel supervision and administrative operations related to planning, budgeting, and litigations.

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A Master’s degree in Human Resource Management equipped me with the expertise to apply the principles of management in the real world and developed my interest in management research. My thesis, on “Human Resource Development Strategies and Goals Attainment in Public Commercialized Corporations in Akwa Ibom State” was rated highly by External Examiners and used as a reference by colleagues at work.

This made research fascinating and prepared me for the challenges a Ph.D. would pose. Certainly, my academic experiences will be of immense advantage as I can confidently contribute to the research community of the University. I am positive that this course will train me further in research, enhance my understanding of management, and how it should relate with business entities to yield the best outcomes. The University of Salford's Ph.D. program in Business, Management, and Law comes highly recommended by my business school professors and I appreciate its emphasis on cutting-edge applied research methodology. Summarily and personal to me, earning a Ph.D. in Management would qualify me to apply for a faculty position at a reputable University with the opportunity to impart knowledge and gain more insight into the dynamics of management and how it affects business strategies, structures, and goal attainment.

Updated: Feb 21, 2023
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Experience in Applying Management Principles in the Real World. (2023, Feb 21). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/experience-in-applying-management-principles-in-the-real-world-essay

Experience in Applying Management Principles in the Real World essay
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